The zipped file contains the contents of a volume of the Proceedings of the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program. ### is the expedition number. It is recommended that you first open the ###.PDF file that contains the preliminary pages and table of contents for the volume and, keeping the file open, navigate back to this file as you work through the volume. The numbers preceding the expedition report chapters, data reports, and syntheses correspond to the manuscript numbers and PDF file names in the zipped volume. A typical volume may contain the following: ###.PDF: This file contains the preliminary pages and table of contents for the volume. EXP_REPT: This folder contains the Expedition Reports (ER). - The CHAPTERS folder contains PDF chapters including the Expedition summary, relevant background, methods, and expedition sites. Chapter naming convention: EXP-manuscript#; in general, the Expedition Summary is ###-101, Methods is ###-102, and Site chapters begin with ###-103. - The CORES folder contains PDFs of the visual core descriptions (VCDs) named by site, and core images in an IMAGES folder. The PDFs of the VCDs may also include other data such as smear slide data, thin section data, alteration and vein logs, etc. - The TABLES folder (if present) contains tables organized in folders by chapter (manuscript number). - The OVERSIZE folder (if present) contains PDFs of oversized tables and/or figures organized in folders by chapter (manuscript number). EXP_RES: This folder contains Expedition Research Results (ERR). - The CHAPTERS folder contains PDFs of each expedition research result chapter. Expedition research results may include data reports and/or syntheses. Chapter naming convention: ERR chapter manuscript numbers start with 201 (###-201). - The TABLES folder (if present) contains tables organized in folders by chapter (manuscript number). - The OVERSIZE folder (if present) contains PDFs of oversized tables and/or figures organized in folders by chapter (manuscript number). MAPS: This folder contains a site map showing the drilling locations for the expedition and maps showing the drilling locations of all Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP), Ocean Drilling Program (ODP), and Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) drilling sites in PDF format. Maps are only up to date as of the date of volume publication. SUPP_MAT: This folder contains an array of Supplementary Material folders and files for the Expedition Reports and Expedition Research Results. Supplementary material may be in proprietary data formats and may require specialty applications to open. See the README file in the SUPP_MAT folder for more information. Exp###_bib.ris: This file contains the expedition-related bibliography that contains IODP, journal, book, and conference publications related to the expedition as of the date of volume archival. Once downloaded, this file can be opened in a reference management application, such as EndNote.