Published February 19, 2024 | Version v2
Report Open

MFMET Deliverable 5 - Guidelines for the measurement of key performance parameters of microfluidic connections including the identification of key properties in an interface

  • 1. IMT Masken und Teilungen AG
  • 2. ROR icon enablingMNT (Germany)
  • 3. ROR icon CEA LETI
  • 4. ROR icon Instituto Português Da Qualidade
  • 5. ROR icon Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores Microsistemas e Nanotecnologias
  • 6. ROR icon University of Glasgow
  • 7. ROR icon Centre Technique des Industries Aérauliques et Thermiques
  • 8. ROR icon Laboratoire National de Métrologie et d'Essais


The objective of this document is to list the guidelines for the measurement of key performance parameters of microfluidic connections; this is based on the list of key properties of microfluidic interfaces. The motivation for this is that making microfluidic connections is often a laborious job and prone to reliability problems. This report is based on input from A3.1.1, A3.1.5, A3.2.1-A3.2.3, A3.2.5-A3.2.8, and available results from A3.2.4.

Activity number: A3.2.9 M20 

Activity description: Using input from A3.1.1, A3.1.5, A3.2.1-A3.2.3, A3.2.5-A3.2.8, and available results from A3.2.4, IMTAG with support from LNE, INESC MN, microfluidic, CEA, IPQ, CETIAT, CMI and UofG will produce guidelines for the measurement of key performance parameters of microfluidic connections including the identification of key properties in an interface. The guidelines will be submitted to the standardisation group such as ISO/TC48/WG3 and WG5, ISO/TC229, CEN/TC332/WG7.
Once agreed by the consortium, the coordinator on behalf of IMTAG, LNE, INESC MN, microfluidic, CEA, IPQ, CETIAT, CMI and UofG will submit the guidelines to EURAMET as D5: ‘Guidelines for the measurement of key performance parameters of microfluidic connections including the identification of key properties in an interface’.

Partners (lead in bold) : IMTAG, LNE, INESC MN, UofG, microfluidic, CEA, IPQ, CETIAT, CMI


D5_20NRM02 MFMET_Guidelines_v2_accepted.pdf

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