{ "name": "bionomia-attributions", "id": "639c016d-ad77-4910-bbbd-a416d061a691", "licenses": [ { "name": "cc-by-4.0", "path": "http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/legalcode" } ], "profile": "tabular-data-package", "title": "ATTRIBUTIONS MADE FOR: Colección de Microorganismos asociados al cacao de Casaluker S.A.", "description": "

La colección de microorganismos asociados al cacao de CasaLuker S.A. es el repositorio de información acerca de la biodiversidad asociada a la cadena de valor del cacao. Su objetivo es identificar, catalogar y divulgar información taxonómica y ecológica de microorganismos que puedan mejorar el cultivo y procesamiento de cacao, además de promover la conservación ex situ de los mismos. Esta colección facilitará el desarrollo de proyectos de investigación científica en conjunto con otras instituciones, generando conocimiento que permita obtener mejores productos derivados del cacao y, a la vez, apoyar estrategias de conservación de la biodiversidad y gestión de servicios ecosistémicos en este sector productivo.


Actualmente, esta colección está conformada por hongos (22 hongos filamentosos y 10 levaduras) y bacterias (191) aisladas de procesos de postcosecha de cacao (fermentación), así como de frutos de cacao, en la finca GranjaLuker, en el municipio de Palestina, Caldas, Colombia.

", "datasetKey": "639c016d-ad77-4910-bbbd-a416d061a691", "homepage": "https://bionomia.net/dataset/639c016d-ad77-4910-bbbd-a416d061a691", "created": "2024-02-26T04:28:41+00:00", "sources": [ { "title": "Colección de Microorganismos asociados al cacao de Casaluker S.A.", "path": "https://doi.org/10.15472/729vjx" } ], "keywords": [ "specimen", "museum", "collection", "credit", "attribution", "bionomia" ], "image": "https://bionomia.net/images/logo.png", "resources": [ { "name": "users", "description": "List of unique people that have either claimed or been attributed occurrence records through examination of either dwc:recordedBy or dwc:identifiedBy. Wikidata-based people contain some demographic information.", "format": "csv", "mediatype": "text/csv", "encoding": "utf-8", "profile": "tabular-data-resource", "schema": { "fields": [ { "name": "id", "type": "integer" }, { "name": "name", "type": "string", "skos:exactMatch": "http://schema.org/name" }, { "name": "familyName", "type": "string", "skos:exactMatch": "http://schema.org/familyName" }, { "name": "particle", "type": "string" }, { "name": "givenName", "type": "string", "skos:exactMatch": "http://schema.org/givenName" }, { "name": "alternateName", "type": "array", "skos:exactMatch": "http://schema.org/alternateName" }, { "name": "sameAs", "type": "string", "format": "uri", "skos:exactMatch": "http://schema.org/sameAs" }, { "name": "orcid", "type": "string" }, { "name": "wikidata", "type": "string" }, { "name": "birthDate", "type": "date", "skos:exactMatch": "https://schema.org/birthDate" }, { "name": "birthDatePrecision", "type": "string", "description": "Values are year, month, or day and indicate the precision of birthDate; portions of birthDate should be ignored below that of the birthDatePrecision." }, { "name": "deathDate", "type": "date", "skos:exactMatch": "https://schema.org/deathDate" }, { "name": "deathDatePrecision", "type": "string", "description": "Values are year, month, or day and indicate the precision of deathDate; portions of deathDate should be ignored below that of the deathDatePrecision." } ] }, "primaryKey": "id", "path": "https://bionomia.net/dataset/639c016d-ad77-4910-bbbd-a416d061a691/users.csv.zip", "compression": "zip", "bytes": 205 }, { "name": "users_unresolved", "description": "Content in dwc:recordedByID that do not have a linked users, indicating that the identifier here could not be resolved against either wikidata or ORCID services.", "format": "csv", "mediatype": "text/csv", "encoding": "utf-8", "profile": "tabular-data-resource", "schema": { "fields": [ { "name": "occurrence_id", "type": "integer" }, { "name": 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