[ { "id": "lilyquistExcavationsThebesEarl2020", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "A digital report on the excavations at tomb Carnarvon 62 in Asasif (1911-1916), based on archival materials and a new examination of objects kept in museums.", "genre": "database", "language": "en", "license": "Under copyright", "medium": "Windows and Mac executable (a standalone Filemaker database)", "note": "Alternative URLs: original version, uploaded on November 25, 2019, is no longer available\nFunctionality: desktop application for Windows and Mac OS", "title": "Excavations at Thebes: The Earl of Carnarvon and the Metropolitan Museum of Art at Carnarvon 62 and surrounds", "URL": "https://isac.uchicago.edu/research/individual-scholarship/individual-scholarship-christine-lilyquist", "version": "2 (corrected version, published on January 9, 2020)", "author": [ { "family": "Lilyquist", "given": "Christine" }, { "family": "Ayers", "given": "Natasha" }, { "family": "Marée", "given": "Marcel" }, { "family": "Ben-Tor", "given": "Daphna" }, { "family": "Schorsch", "given": "Deborah" }, { "family": "Hagen", "given": "Fredrik" }, { "family": "Sparks", "given": "Rachael" }, { "family": "Römer", "given": "Malte" }, { "family": "Ikram", "given": "Salima" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 22 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2020" ] ] } }, { "id": "regulskiDatabaseEarlyDynastic2010", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "A database of inscriptions from the time ot the tomb U-j to the reign of Djoser. Includes metadata and bibliographies", "genre": "database", "language": "en", "medium": "web interface", "title": "Database of Early Dynastic inscriptions", "URL": "https://www1.ivv1.uni-muenster.de/litw3/Aegyptologie/index06.htm", "author": [ { "family": "Regulski", "given": "Ilona" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 22 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2010" ] ] } }, { "id": "museoegizioturinTurinPapyrusOnline2020", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "Online database of papyri from the Turin Egyptian Museum accessible upon free registration", "genre": "database", "language": "it; en", "license": "Under copyright", "medium": "web interface", "note": "Access mode: Requires free registration", "title": "Turin papyrus online platform", "title-short": "TPOP", "URL": "https://collezionepapiri.museoegizio.it/", "author": [ { "literal": "Museo Egizio Turin" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 15 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2020", 6, 21 ] ] } }, { "id": "luescherWortdiskussionen2023", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "Index of Egyptian words discussed in periodicals and selected publications", "genre": "text dataset", "language": "de", "license": "Under copyright", "medium": "PDF", "title": "Wortdiskussionen", "URL": "https://daw.philhist.unibas.ch/de/aegyptologie/tools-links/wortdiskussionen/", "author": [ { "family": "Lüscher", "given": "Barbara" } ], "contributor": [ { "family": "Lapp", "given": "Günther" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 5, 15 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2023" ] ] } }, { "id": "korteDemoticPalaeographicalDatabase2020", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "Database of Demotic sign forms based on a corpus of manuscripts", "genre": "database", "language": "de; en", "medium": "web interface", "title": "Demotic palaeographical database project", "title-short": "DPDP", "URL": "http://demotischdemotisch.de", "author": [ { "family": "Korte", "given": "Jannik" }, { "family": "Maderna-Sieben", "given": "Claudia" }, { "family": "Quack", "given": "Joachim Friedrich" }, { "family": "Wespi", "given": "Fabian" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 19 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2020" ] ] } }, { "id": "parkinsonRamesseumPapyri2017", "type": "webpage", "abstract": "A website presenting the Ramesseum papyri at the British Museum", "language": "en", "license": "Under copyright; copyright Trustees of the British Museum", "title": "The Ramesseum papyri", "URL": "https://webarchive.nationalarchives.gov.uk/ukgwa/20120824193655/http://www.britishmuseum.org/research/publications/online_research_catalogues/rp/the_ramesseum_papyri.aspx", "author": [ { "family": "Parkinson", "given": "Richard B." } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 17 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2017" ] ] } }, { "id": "nagaiHieratischePalaographieDB2021", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "Interactive representation of hieratic signs from Möller's palaeography", "genre": "database", "language": "en", "medium": "web interface", "title": "Hieratische Paläographie DB", "URL": "https://moeller.jinsha.tsukuba.ac.jp/", "author": [ { "family": "Nagai", "given": "Masakatsu" }, { "family": "Waki", "given": "Toshihito" }, { "family": "Takahashi", "given": "Yona" }, { "family": "Nakamura", "given": "Satoru" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 17 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2021" ] ] } }, { "id": "klothAgyptologie2020", "type": "webpage", "abstract": "Database and repository for digitized scholarly literature.", "container-title": "Propylaeum. Fachinformationsdienst Altertumswissenschaften", "language": "de; en", "title": "Ägyptologie", "URL": "https://www.propylaeum.de/faecher/aegyptologie/", "author": [ { "family": "Kloth", "given": "Nicole" }, { "family": "Effinger", "given": "Maria" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 17 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2020" ] ] } }, { "id": "institutfuragyptologieundkoptologieuniversitatmunsterAEGYPTIACAAgyptologischeLiteraturdatenbank2024", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "Online bibliographic database covering all aspects of Egyptology", "genre": "database", "language": "de; en", "license": "Under copyright; copyright Institut für Ägyptologie und Koptologie der Universität Münster", "medium": "web interface", "title": "AEGYPTIACA. Ägyptologische Literaturdatenbank", "URL": "https://aegyptiaca.uni-muenster.de", "author": [ { "literal": "Institut für Ägyptologie und Koptologie, Universität Münster" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 17 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024" ] ] } }, { "id": "griffithinstituteOnlineEgyptologicalBibliography2023", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "Online bibliography, incorporating data from Annual Egyptological Bibliography, Beinlich-Seeber's Bibliographie Altägypten 1822-1946, and Aigyptos, as well as constantly updating original entries for recent and past publications.", "genre": "database", "language": "en", "license": "Under copyright", "medium": "web interface; RIS", "note": "Access mode: paid subscription", "title": "Online Egyptological bibliography", "URL": "http://oeb.griffith.ox.ac.uk", "author": [ { "literal": "Griffith Institute" }, { "literal": "Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München" }, { "literal": "International Association of Egyptologists" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 22 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2023" ] ] } }, { "id": "berlin-brandenburgischeakademiederwissenschaftenThotSignList2020", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "An inventory of hieroglyphic signs with functions, usage examples, and bibliographies", "genre": "database", "language": "en", "license": "Under copyright", "medium": "web interface", "note": "Access mode: free registration allows a fuller access to usage examples\nFull credits: https://thotsignlist.org/About\nHow to cite: https://thotsignlist.org/About", "title": "Thot sign list", "URL": "http://thotsignlist.org/", "author": [ { "literal": "Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften" }, { "literal": "Université de Liège" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 17 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2020" ] ] } }, { "id": "walsemMastaBaseResearchTool2008", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "A coherent database of iconographic programmes in Old Kingdom elite tombs from the Memphite area (c. 2600-2150 BCE)", "DOI": "https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6334828", "genre": "database", "language": "en", "license": "Under copyright", "medium": "Windows executable (.EXE)", "note": "Functionality: after mounting the image as a virtual drive, the application runs on Windows 11 without any special settings; the data is accessible as HTML and graphical files, so can be browsed in other operating systems\nmedium: CD-ROM, downloadable CD-ROM image, desktop application for Windows", "publisher": "Zenodo", "title": "MastaBase: a research tool for the study of 'daily life' scenes in Old Kingdom elite tombs", "URL": "https://digitalegyptology.org/mastabase/", "author": [ { "family": "Walsem", "given": "René", "dropping-particle": "van" } ], "contributor": [ { "family": "Vugts", "given": "M. M." }, { "family": "Berg", "given": "Hans", "non-dropping-particle": "van den", "dropping-particle": "van den" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 22 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2008" ] ] } }, { "id": "plasCoffinTextsWord2000", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "A database of words appearing in the Egyptian Coffin Texts (CT). Allows search for single words and combinations of words. Includes a complete scan of de Buck's Coffin Texts.", "genre": "database", "language": "en", "license": "Under copyright; copyright U-CCER Production B.V. at Utrecht University in The Netherlands", "medium": "16-bit Windows executable (.EXE)", "note": "medium: CD-ROM\nFunctionality: Does not start under Windows 11.", "number": "ISBN 9039304696", "title": "Coffin Texts word index", "author": [ { "family": "Plas", "given": "Dirk", "dropping-particle": "van der" }, { "family": "Borghouts", "given": "Joris F." } ], "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2000" ] ] } }, { "id": "wozniakNubianTextilesDatabase2018", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "Online catalogue of Nubian textiles and textile tools (photographs and metadata)", "genre": "database", "language": "en", "license": "Under copyright", "medium": "web interface", "title": "Nubian textiles database", "URL": "http://nubia.iksiopan.pl/en/entry/welcome-to-the-nubian-textile-database-bd468d2c6b80", "author": [ { "family": "Woźniak", "given": "Magdalena" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 17 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2018" ] ] } }, { "id": "zenihiroWorldFuneraryCones2022", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "A database of Egyptian funerary cones, including archival documentation, indexes of specimen in museums worldwide, translations and discussions (also of owners' dossiers).", "genre": "database", "language": "en", "license": "CC-BY-ND", "medium": "web interface; downloadable Google Docs spreadsheet", "title": "The world of funerary cones", "URL": "https://sites.google.com/view/funerarycones/home", "version": "regularly updated", "author": [ { "family": "Zenihiro", "given": "Kento" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 22 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2022" ] ] } }, { "id": "drouxPredynasticOnlineDatabase", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "Website with an online catalogue of ceramic vessels and other types of material culture from the Predynastic period", "genre": "database", "language": "en", "license": "Different licences for different materials", "medium": "web interface", "number": "ISSN 2813-7132", "title": "Predynastic online database", "title-short": "Ponda", "URL": "https://ponda.org/", "author": [ { "family": "Droux", "given": "Xavier" } ], "contributor": [ { "family": "Vanhulle", "given": "Dorian" }, { "family": "Hendrickx", "given": "Stan" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 22 ] ] } }, { "id": "janosiMeketreSceneRepository", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "Catalogue of decorated tombs and tomb scenes from the Middle Kingdom. Also designated as MEKETREpository. Includes a thesaurus of tomb scenes", "genre": "database", "language": "en", "license": "CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0 (except copyrighted images)", "medium": "web interface", "note": "Full credits: https://meketre.org/contact", "title": "Meketre scene repository: the online repository for Middle Kingdom scenes", "title-short": "Meketre; MEKETREpository", "URL": "https://meketre.org/", "author": [ { "family": "Jánosi", "given": "Peter" }, { "family": "Hudáková", "given": "Lubica" }, { "family": "Siffert", "given": "Uta" }, { "family": "Fuchs", "given": "Benedikt" }, { "family": "Jurman", "given": "Claus" }, { "family": "Kahlbacher", "given": "Andrea" } ], "contributor": [ { "family": "Stytsenko", "given": "Kirill" }, { "family": "Mader", "given": "Christian" }, { "family": "Kalchgruber", "given": "Peter" }, { "family": "Haslhofer", "given": "Bernhard" }, { "family": "Popitsch", "given": "Niko" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 22 ] ] } }, { "id": "harpurOxfordExpeditionEgypt2007", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "A database of scene types and scene details in Old Kingdom tombs", "DOI": "10.5284/1000009", "genre": "database", "language": "en", "license": "Under copyright; copyright Linacre College, Oxford", "medium": "web interface; CSV", "note": "Full credits: https://archaeologydataservice.ac.uk/archives/view/oee_ahrc_2006/ov_Staff.cfm?CFID=418c46ec-a63f-4587-ad5d-ab0f83affcab&CFTOKEN=0", "publisher": "Archaeology Data Service", "title": "Oxford expedition to Egypt: scene-details database", "URL": "http://archaeologydataservice.ac.uk/archives/view/oee_ahrc_2006/", "author": [ { "family": "Harpur", "given": "Yvonne" }, { "family": "Scremin", "given": "Paolo" }, { "family": "Daoud", "given": "Khaled Abdallah" } ], "contributor": [ { "family": "Leighton-Sims", "given": "Andrew" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 18 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2007" ] ] } }, { "id": "gourdonAnthroponymesGenealogiesEgypte2022", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "Database of persons and names from the Old Kingdom", "genre": "database", "language": "fr", "medium": "web interface", "title": "Anthroponymes et généalogies de l’Égypte ancienne", "title-short": "AGÉA", "URL": "https://www.ifao.egnet.net/bases/agea/noms/", "version": "database: 1 béta; dataset: constantly updated", "author": [ { "family": "Gourdon", "given": "Yannis" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 15 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2022", 6, 11 ] ] } }, { "id": "betbezeOldKingdomPrivate2020", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "A database of private texts from the Old Kingdom, including names, metadata, and bibliographies", "genre": "database", "language": "en", "medium": "web interface", "title": "Old Kingdom private texts database", "URL": "https://flmkr-letr.unige.ch/fmi/webd/OldKingdom", "author": [ { "family": "Betbeze", "given": "Romane" }, { "family": "Vogt", "given": "Katharina" }, { "family": "Stauder", "given": "Julie" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 17 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2020" ] ] } }, { "id": "borghoutsDeirElMedinaDatabase2018", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "A catalogue of non-literary texts from Deir el-Medina, searchable by names, titles, dates, texts contents and metadata", "genre": "database", "language": "en", "license": "Under copyright", "medium": "web interface", "title": "The Deir el-Medina database", "URL": "https://dmd.wepwawet.nl/", "author": [ { "family": "Borghouts", "given": "Joris F." } ], "contributor": [ { "family": "Donker van Heel", "given": "Koenraad" }, { "family": "Haring", "given": "Ben J. J." }, { "family": "Demarée", "given": "Robert J." }, { "family": "Toivari-Viitala", "given": "Jaana" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 22 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2018", 6 ] ] } }, { "id": "ilin-tomichPersonsNamesMiddle2023", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "Database of persons, names and inscribed objects with personal names from the Middle Kingdom, and the Second Intermediate Period", "DOI": "10.5281/zenodo.1411391", "genre": "database", "language": "en", "license": "CC-BY", "medium": "web interface; MySQL database dump; RDF database dump", "note": "Alternative URLs: SPARQL endpoint https://pnm.uni-mainz.de/sparql\nOntology https://pnm.uni-mainz.de/ontology/\nSource code https://github.com/ailintom/persons-names-MK\nHow to cite: https://pnm.uni-mainz.de/info/Database+versions+and+citing+rules\nFull credits: https://pnm.uni-mainz.de/info/The+project+and+its+participants", "title": "Persons and names of the Middle Kingdom", "title-short": "PNM", "URL": "https://pnm.uni-mainz.de/info", "version": "4", "author": [ { "family": "Ilin-Tomich", "given": "Alexander" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 15 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2023", 8, 1 ] ] } }, { "id": "biston-moulinSystemeIndexationTextes2020", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "Index of inscriptions of the Karnak temple", "genre": "database", "language": "fr; en", "license": "Under copyright; copyright Sébastien Biston-Moulin", "medium": "web interface", "title": "Système d’Indexation des Textes Hiéroglyphiques: projet Karnak", "title-short": "SITH", "URL": "http://sith.huma-num.fr/", "author": [ { "family": "Biston-Moulin", "given": "Sébastien" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 17 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2020" ] ] } }, { "id": "razanajaoTHOTThesauriOntology2018", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "Multilingual controlled vocabularies for dates, languages, scripts, inscription techniques. materials, collections, and text contents, relevant for Egyptological databases", "genre": "controlled vocabulary", "language": "en; ar; fr; de", "license": "GNU-LGPL", "medium": "XML RDF; JSON", "note": "Alternative URLs: API https://thot.philo.ulg.ac.be/api/index.html\nFull credits: https://thot.philo.ulg.ac.be/project.html#partners", "title": "THOT - thesauri and ontology for documenting ancient Egyptian resources", "title-short": "THOT", "URL": "https://thot.philo.ulg.ac.be/", "author": [ { "family": "Razanajao", "given": "Vincent" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 22 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2018" ] ] } }, { "id": "roessler-koehlerAltaegyptischeTotenbuchDigitales", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "Database of Book of the Dead spells, vignettes, copies, and owners", "genre": "database", "language": "de", "license": "Under copyright; copyright Totenbuch-Projekt", "medium": "web interface", "note": "Access mode: photographs available upon free registration\nFull credits: https://totenbuch.awk.nrw.de/projekt/mitarbeiter", "title": "Das altägyptische Totenbuch. Ein digitales Textzeugenarchiv", "title-short": "Totenbucharchiv", "URL": "https://totenbuch.awk.nrw.de/", "author": [ { "family": "Rößler-Köhler", "given": "Ursula" }, { "family": "Thissen", "given": "Heinz-Josef" }, { "family": "Müller", "given": "Marcus" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 22 ] ] } }, { "id": "plasGlobalEgyptianMuseum2006", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "A database of 14975 ancient Egyptian artefacts from 16 museums, originally intended to become a universal platform for the presentation of Egyptian collections. Data on several museum collections were separately issued by CCER as CD-ROM's in the series Egyptian treasures in Europe, which are not entered in this bibliography, being superseded by the GEM website", "genre": "database", "language": "en", "license": "Under copyright; copyright Center for Documentation of Cultural and Natural Heritage and respective museums", "medium": "web interface", "note": "Full credits: https://www.globalegyptianmuseum.org/information.aspx?part=credits", "title": "Global Egyptian museum", "URL": "http://www.globalegyptianmuseum.org/", "author": [ { "family": "Plas", "given": "Dirk", "dropping-particle": "van der" }, { "family": "Saleh", "given": "Mohammed" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 18 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2006" ] ] } }, { "id": "DeirMedineOnline2009", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "A searchable corpus of transcribed non-literary ostraca from Deir el-Medina", "genre": "database", "language": "de; en", "license": "Under copyright", "medium": "web interface", "note": "How to cite: https://dem-online.gwi.uni-muenchen.de/einfuehrung.php#Zitierweise", "title": "Deir el Medine online", "URL": "https://dem-online.gwi.uni-muenchen.de/index.php", "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 22 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2009" ] ] } }, { "id": "verhoevenAKUPalaographieHieratischen2023", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "Database of Egyptian hieratic graphemes with forms attested in manuscripts of different ages", "genre": "database", "language": "de; en", "medium": "web interface", "title": "AKU - Paläographie des Hieratischen und der Kursivschriften", "title-short": "AKU-PAL", "URL": "https://aku-pal.uni-mainz.de/", "version": "1.3", "author": [ { "family": "Verhoeven", "given": "Ursula" } ], "contributor": [ { "family": "Gülden", "given": "Svenja A." }, { "family": "Konrad", "given": "Tobias" }, { "family": "Moezel", "given": "Kyra", "dropping-particle": "van der" }, { "family": "Leuk", "given": "Michael" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 19 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2023", 11, 28 ] ] } }, { "id": "graefeProsopographiaAegypti2023", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "A growing database of attestations of Egyptian personal names, building upon Hallof's Prosopographia Aegypti, which is in turn based on the slip index of the Berlin Wörterbuch project.\nBesides, the website provides interactive search for names in the Demotisches Namenbuch.", "genre": "database", "language": "de", "medium": "web interface", "title": "Prosopographia Aegypti", "URL": "https://www1.ivv1.uni-muenster.de/prosoaeg/index0pg.htm", "author": [ { "family": "Graefe", "given": "Erhart" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 22 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2023" ] ] } }, { "id": "hallofProsopographiaAegyptiOnline", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "Database of 58.000 Ancient Egyptian private names, based on the archives of the Wörterbuch der Ägyptische Sprache", "genre": "database", "language": "en", "medium": "web interface", "note": "Alternative URLs: Original URL no longer accessible; original website http://www.ccer.nl/ no longer accessible", "title": "Prosopographia Aegypti (online)", "URL": "https://web.archive.org/web/20030419202135/", "author": [ { "family": "Hallof", "given": "Jochen" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 19 ] ] } }, { "id": "plasMultilingualEgyptologicalThesaurus1996", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "Multilingual controlled vocabularies for databases of Egyptian objects and texts (modern collections, object types, Egyptian sites, periods, materials, techniques, states of preservation, motifs of Egyptian sculptural and flat images, languages, scripts, texts contents, divine and royal names, acquisition circumstances)", "genre": "controlled vocabulary", "language": "en; nl; de; fr; it; es; pt", "license": "Under copyright; copyright CCER", "medium": "HTML; Dbase III (DBF)", "note": "Alternative URLs: Original URLs http://www.ccer.ggl.ruu.nl/thes/pirei11.html and no longer accessible; original website http://www.ccer.nl/ no longer accessible\nSaved copy of the first version (English-French-German) available under https://web.archive.org/web/19980712104010/http://www.ccer.ggl.ruu.nl/thes/pirei11.htm\nA good useable copy of the MET is available under http://www.sesch-projekt.de/webseite/160_met.php (accessed on 05/07/2023)\nmedium: also published in book form (ISBN 90-393-1185-4) and distributed on a floppy disk", "title": "Multilingual Egyptological thesaurus", "title-short": "MET", "URL": "https://web.archive.org/web/20030423180332/", "author": [ { "family": "Plas", "given": "Dirk", "dropping-particle": "van der" } ], "contributor": [ { "family": "Chappaz", "given": "Jean-Luc" }, { "family": "Feucht", "given": "Erika" }, { "family": "Guichard", "given": "Sylvie" }, { "family": "Gundlach", "given": "Rolf" }, { "family": "Malek", "given": "Jaromir" }, { "family": "Abdel-Aziz", "given": "Sadek" }, { "family": "Satzinger", "given": "Helmut" }, { "family": "Strudwick", "given": "Nigel" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 22 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "1996" ] ] } }, { "id": "holzhaeuerDatenbankAltaegyptischerSaerge2009", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "Catalogue of coffins from the Old Kingdom and the First Intermediate Period, as well as selected coffins from later periods", "genre": "database", "language": "de", "license": "Under copyright; copyright AḤA", "medium": "web interface", "note": "Access mode: requires registration", "title": "Datenbank altägyptischer Särge und Sarkophage", "title-short": "DASS", "URL": "http://www.sesch-projekt.de/webseite/700_sbt/700_sbt_uebersicht.php", "author": [ { "family": "Holzhäuer", "given": "Eberhard" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 17 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2009" ] ] } }, { "id": "seidlmayerAncientEgyptianArchitecture2022", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "vetted and standardized architectural drawings of a selection of ancient Egyptian buildings", "genre": "image dataset", "language": "en", "license": "CC BY-NC-SA 3.0", "medium": "PDF", "publisher": "UCLA Dataverse", "title": "Ancient Egyptian architecture online", "title-short": "AEGARON", "URL": "https://dataverse.ucla.edu/dataverse/aegaron/", "contributor": [ { "family": "Seidlmayer", "given": "Stephan J." }, { "family": "Fauerbach", "given": "Ulrike" }, { "family": "Sählhof", "given": "Martin" }, { "family": "Khamis", "given": "Salma" }, { "family": "Shokry", "given": "Eman" }, { "family": "Bahrawy", "given": "Abla", "non-dropping-particle": "el-" }, { "family": "Walter", "given": "Paul-Friedrich" }, { "family": "Schwabe", "given": "Jonny" }, { "family": "Wendrich", "given": "Willeke" }, { "family": "Davison", "given": "Stephen" }, { "family": "Horning", "given": "Claudia" }, { "family": "Chiong", "given": "Henry" }, { "family": "Kawano", "given": "Yoh" }, { "family": "Chen", "given": "Ryan" }, { "family": "Patterson", "given": "Christina" }, { "family": "Santa Ana", "given": "Sal" }, { "family": "Masur", "given": "Frank" }, { "family": "Dillon", "given": "Jennifer" }, { "literal": "Susak-Pitzer" }, { "family": "Simpson", "given": "Bethany" }, { "family": "Lucas", "given": "Brendan" }, { "family": "Patterson", "given": "Julie Ann" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 17 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2022" ] ] } }, { "id": "herzberg-beiersdorfProsopographiaMemphitica2020", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "Prosopography of New Kingdom Memphis, partly based on a slip index catalogue by Dietrich Raue", "genre": "database", "language": "en", "license": "Under copyright", "medium": "web interface; PostgreSQL dump", "note": "Alternative URLs: database dump https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3856410", "title": "Prosopographia Memphitica", "URL": "https://prosopographia-memphitica.com/", "version": "2", "author": [ { "family": "Herzberg-Beiersdorf", "given": "Anne" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 18 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2020" ] ] } }, { "id": "nunnPolychromeHieroglyphResearch", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "A database of polychrome hieroglyphs aiming to enable research into the meaning of colour in hieroglyphic inscriptions", "genre": "database", "language": "en", "license": "Under copyright; copyright David Nunn", "medium": "web interface", "title": "The polychrome hieroglyph research project", "URL": "https://www.phrp.be/", "author": [ { "family": "Nunn", "given": "David" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 24 ] ] } }, { "id": "TrismegistosPlaces2024", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "Catalogue of archaeological sites in Egypt and beyond", "genre": "controlled vocabulary", "language": "en", "license": "CC-BY-SA", "note": "How to cite: https://www.trismegistos.org/about_how_to_cite.php\nAccess mode: full access requires paid subscription", "title": "Trismegistos Places", "URL": "https://www.trismegistos.org/geo/", "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 21 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024" ] ] } }, { "id": "griffithinstituteDigitalTopographicalBibliography2014", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "catalogue of archaeological sites in Egypt and beyond, based on the Topographical Bibliography", "genre": "database", "language": "en", "medium": "web interface", "title": "The digital Topographical bibliography", "title-short": "The Digital TopBib", "URL": "http://topbib.griffith.ox.ac.uk//dtb.html?topbib=intro", "version": "beta", "author": [ { "literal": "Griffith Institute" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 22 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2014" ] ] } }, { "id": "TrismegistosTexts2024", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "Database of texts from Egypt and beyond. Beside the core corpus of texts from the Late, Greco-Roman and early Byzantine period, the database also includes other groups of texts, such as British Museum papyri, copies of the Book of the Dead, and Egyptian hieratic texts.", "genre": "database", "language": "en", "medium": "web interface", "note": "How to cite: https://www.trismegistos.org/about_how_to_cite.php\nAccess mode: full access requires paid subscription", "title": "Trismegistos Texts", "URL": "https://www.trismegistos.org/tm/", "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 21 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024" ] ] } }, { "id": "TrismegistosPeople2024", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "A database of name attestations and persons from Egypt and beyond. Beside the core corpus with a focus on the Late Period, Greco-Roman and early Byzantine period.", "genre": "database", "language": "en", "medium": "web interface", "note": "How to cite: https://www.trismegistos.org/about_how_to_cite.php\nAccess mode: full access requires paid subscription", "title": "Trismegistos People", "URL": "https://www.trismegistos.org/ref/", "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 21 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024" ] ] } }, { "id": "DigitalEPIGRAPHY3DModel", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "Collection of 3D models of Egyptian architecture and objects", "genre": "3D dataset", "language": "en", "license": "Under copyright; copyright digitalEPIGRAPHY & The Epigraphic Survey", "title": "digitalEPIGRAPHY 3D model collection", "URL": "https://www.digital-epigraphy.com/3d-modell-collection", "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 15 ] ] } }, { "id": "DigitalEPIGRAPHYPaintedHieroglyphs", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "A collection of painted hieroglyphs, mostly from New Kingdom tombs", "genre": "image dataset", "language": "en", "license": "Under copyright", "title": "digitalEPIGRAPHY painted hieroglyphs gallery", "URL": "https://www.digital-epigraphy.com/painted-hieroglyph", "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 15 ] ] } }, { "id": "vleemingDigitaleSchottArchiv2010", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "Includes almost 8000 black and white photographs of Egyptian monuments and archaeological sites (including numerous photographs of scenes in Theban tombs)", "genre": "digitized archival materials", "language": "de", "note": "Access mode: high resolution images available by request", "title": "Das Digitale Schott-Archiv", "URL": "https://www.schott.uni-trier.de/", "author": [ { "family": "Vleeming", "given": "Sven" }, { "family": "Kockelmann", "given": "Holger" }, { "family": "Paul", "given": "Angelika" }, { "family": "Eberhard", "given": "Raimar" }, { "family": "Schutz", "given": "Manon" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 22 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2010" ] ] } }, { "id": "szpakowskaDemonBaseAncientEgyptian2016", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "A sample of a database of supernatural creatures", "genre": "database", "language": "en", "license": "CC-BY-SA", "medium": "web interface", "note": "Alternative URLs: original URL no longer available http://www.demonthings.com/demonbase/", "title": "DemonBase: ancient Egyptian demonology project", "URL": "https://web.archive.org/web/20200131235226/https://www.demonthings.com/demonbase/", "author": [ { "family": "Szpakowska", "given": "Kasia" } ], "contributor": [ { "family": "Bennett", "given": "Zuzanna" }, { "family": "Weber", "given": "Felicitas" }, { "family": "Furmage", "given": "Amber" }, { "family": "Roberts", "given": "Alexander" }, { "family": "Grua", "given": "Eoin" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 18 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2016" ] ] } }, { "id": "woodsBeniHassanVisual2018", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "A database of scenes from Beni Hassan tombs", "genre": "image dataset", "language": "en", "license": "Under copyright", "note": "Alternative URLs: original URL no longer available https://benihassan.com/\nFunctionality: no longer functional", "title": "Beni Hassan visual dictionary", "title-short": "Beni Hassan @ Macquarie Project", "URL": "https://web.archive.org/web/20221103162816/https://benihassan.com/", "author": [ { "family": "Woods", "given": "Alexandra" }, { "family": "Ballsun-Stanton", "given": "Brian" }, { "family": "Leary", "given": "Nicolle" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 22 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2018" ] ] } }, { "id": "elsabbahyThebanMappingProject2020", "type": "webpage", "abstract": "A collection of maps, plans and sections relating to the Theban Necropolis (Kings Valley, Queens Valley and Western Wadis)", "language": "en", "license": "Under copyright; copyright The American Research Center in Egypt", "note": "Full credits: https://thebanmappingproject.com/about/acknowledgments", "title": "The Theban mapping project", "title-short": "TMP", "URL": "https://thebanmappingproject.com/", "author": [ { "family": "El Sabbahy", "given": "Sally" }, { "family": "Sittert", "given": "Bianca", "non-dropping-particle": "van" }, { "family": "Wright", "given": "Clara" }, { "family": "Wright", "given": "Ella" }, { "family": "Ali", "given": "Magdy" }, { "family": "Chan", "given": "Walton" }, { "family": "Fletcher-Jones", "given": "Lucy" }, { "family": "Hassan", "given": "Ali Ibraham" }, { "family": "Hassan", "given": "Ahmed Mahmoud" }, { "family": "Lawson", "given": "Lori" }, { "family": "Weeks", "given": "Kent" }, { "family": "Ikram", "given": "Salima" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 22 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2020" ] ] } }, { "id": "dermanuelianDigitalGizaGiza2023", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "Online excavation database relating to Reisner excataions of the Giza Necropolis", "genre": "database", "language": "en", "license": "Under copyright", "medium": "web interface", "note": "Full credits: http://giza.fas.harvard.edu/about/#staff", "title": "Digital Giza: the Giza project at Harvard University", "URL": "http://giza.fas.harvard.edu/", "author": [ { "family": "Der Manuelian", "given": "Peter" }, { "family": "Picardo", "given": "Nicholas" } ], "contributor": [ { "family": "Hollis", "given": "Luke" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 18 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2023" ] ] } }, { "id": "heagyNarmerCatalog2022", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "database of objects with inscriptions related to Narmer and Dynasty 0 kings", "genre": "database", "language": "en", "medium": "web interface", "title": "The Narmer catalog", "URL": "https://www.narmer.org/", "author": [ { "family": "Heagy", "given": "Thomas C." } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 22 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2022" ] ] } }, { "id": "wolfeEgyptianMummiesNorth2018", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "A database of mummified remains in North American collections", "genre": "database", "language": "en", "license": "Under copyright", "medium": "web interface", "note": "Functionality: The database is not functional as of 05/07/2023", "title": "Egyptian mummies in North America", "title-short": "EMINA", "URL": "https://www.egyptologyforum.org/EMINA/", "author": [ { "family": "Wolfe", "given": "SJ" }, { "family": "Stoffel", "given": "John" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 22 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2018" ] ] } }, { "id": "piquetteEarlyEgyptianInscribed", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "A database of inscribed labels from the late Predynastic and Early Dynastic Period", "DOI": "10.18716/map/egyptlabels", "genre": "database", "language": "en", "license": "CC-BY", "medium": "web interface", "note": "Functionality: not functional as of 15.02.2024", "title": "Early Egyptian inscribed labels", "URL": "https://www.ub.uni-koeln.de/cdm/landingpage/collection/egyptlabels/Database", "author": [ { "family": "Piquette", "given": "Kathryn E." } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 15 ] ] } }, { "id": "hafemannThesaurusLinguaeAegyptiae2014", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "A digital corpus of lemmatized Egyptian texts and lemma lists, building upon the Wörterbuch der aegyptischen Sprache", "genre": "database", "language": "de; en", "license": "Under copyright; copyright BBAW - Altägyptisches Wörterbuch", "medium": "web interface", "title": "Thesaurus Linguae Aegyptiae", "title-short": "TLA", "URL": "http://aaew2.bbaw.de/tla/servlet/TlaLogin", "version": "Korpus-Ausgabe 15, Web-App-Version 1", "author": [ { "family": "Hafemann", "given": "Ingelore" }, { "family": "Seidlmayer", "given": "Stephan" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 21 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2014", 10, 31 ] ] } }, { "id": "ilin-tomichCardIndexEgyptian2013", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "Scanned slip index of personal names from the Middle Kingdom, from the personal archive of Oleg Berlev", "genre": "digitized archival materials", "language": "ru; en", "license": "Under copyright; copyright The Institute of Oriental Manuscript of the Russian Academy of Sciences", "medium": "PDF", "title": "The card index of Egyptian personal names of the Middle Kingdom by Dr O. Berlev", "URL": "http://www.orientalstudies.ru/eng/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=2882&Itemid=138", "author": [ { "family": "Ilin-Tomich", "given": "Alexander" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 22 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2013" ] ] } }, { "id": "berlin-brandenburgischeakademiederwissenschaftenDigitalisierteZettelarchiv1999", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "Scanned slip index of the Wörterbuch der aegyptischen Sprache, also including attestations of personal names, royal names, geographical names, divine names as well as the co-called Mappenexemplar", "genre": "digitized archival materials", "language": "de", "license": "Under copyright; copyright Berlin-Brandenburgischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Akademienvorhaben Altägyptisches Wörterbuch", "medium": "GIF", "note": "Alternative URLs: detailed description https://aaew.bbaw.de/digitalisiertes-zettelarchiv\n index to the Mappenexemplar https://aaew.bbaw.de/digitalisiertes-mappenexemplar", "title": "Das Digitalisierte Zettelarchiv", "title-short": "DZA", "URL": "http://aaew.bbaw.de/tla/servlet/DzaBrowser?newpid%3DDZA%2B40.000.000%26show%3Danzeigen!%26dispscale%3D100%26wn%3D0%26wid%3D0", "author": [ { "literal": "Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 20 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "1999" ] ] } }, { "id": "richterThesaurusLinguaeAegyptiae2023", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "A digital corpus of annotated and lemmatized Egyptian texts and lemma lists, building upon the Wörterbuch der aegyptischen Sprache", "genre": "database", "language": "de; en", "license": "CC BY-SA 4.0", "medium": "web interface; JSON", "note": "Full credits: https://thesaurus-linguae-aegyptiae.de/info/authors\nAlternative URLs: Source code: https://github.com/thesaurus-linguae-aegyptiae \nRaw data: https://aaew.bbaw.de/daten-veroeffentlichungen", "title": "Thesaurus Linguae Aegyptiae", "title-short": "TLA", "URL": "https://thesaurus-linguae-aegyptiae.de/", "version": "Korpus-Ausgabe 17, Web-App-Version 2.01", "author": [ { "family": "Richter", "given": "Tonio Sebastian" }, { "family": "Werning", "given": "Daniel A." } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 22 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2023" ] ] } }, { "id": "fischer-elfertScienceAncientEgypt2024", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "A corpus of translated knowledge texts from ancient Egypt with metadata and bibliographies", "genre": "database", "language": "de; en", "license": "CC-BY-SA", "medium": "web interface", "title": "Science in ancient Egypt", "URL": "https://sae.saw-leipzig.de/de", "author": [ { "family": "Fischer-Elfert", "given": "Hans-Werner" }, { "family": "Dils", "given": "Peter" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 21 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024" ] ] } }, { "id": "RamsesOnlineAnnotated2015", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "A digital corpus of annotated and lemmatized Egyptian texts in late Egyptian", "genre": "database", "language": "fr", "medium": "web interface", "note": "Access mode: Registration required for full access\nFull credits: http://ramses.ulg.ac.be/site/collaborators", "title": "Ramses online: an annotated corpus of Late Egyptian", "URL": "http://ramses.ulg.ac.be/", "version": "Beta version", "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 18 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2015" ] ] } }, { "id": "schweitzerAncientEgyptianDictionary2020", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "An online dictionary of Egyptian based on an 2018 excerpt from the database of the project \"Strukturen und Transformationen des Wortschatzes der ägyptischen Sprache\"", "DOI": "10.5281/zenodo.3581069", "genre": "database", "language": "en; de", "license": "CC-BY-SA", "medium": "web interface", "note": "Alternative URLs: Database snapshot of project \"Strukturen und Transformationen des Wortschatzes der ägyptischen Sprache\" (excerpt from January 2018), on which the online dictionary is based https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:kobv:b4-opus4-29190\nSmartphone app version of this dictionary https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.aed_ancientegyptiandictionary&pcampaignid=web_share", "title": "Ancient Egyptian dictionary", "title-short": "AED", "URL": "https://simondschweitzer.github.io/aed/", "version": "1", "author": [ { "family": "Schweitzer", "given": "Simon" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 22 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2020" ] ] } }, { "id": "AmaraWestResearchSpace2021", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "Excavation database relating to British Museume excavations in Amara West", "genre": "database", "language": "en", "license": "Under copyright; copyright Trustees of the British Museum", "medium": "web interface; results of SPARQL queries as CSV and JSON", "note": "Alternative URLs: SPARQL endpoint: https://amara-west.researchspace.org/sparql\nFull credits: https://amara-west.researchspace.org/resource/rsp:DocumentationAmaraWestAcknowledgements", "title": "Amara West ResearchSpace", "URL": "https://amara-west.researchspace.org/resource/rsp:Start", "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 22 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2021" ] ] } }, { "id": "coulonCachetteKarnak2017", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "An illustrated database of objects from the cachette of Karnak", "genre": "database", "language": "fr", "medium": "web interface", "note": "Full credits: https://www.ifao.egnet.net/bases/cachette/about#remerciements", "title": "Cachette de Karnak", "URL": "https://www.ifao.egnet.net/bases/cachette/", "version": "2", "author": [ { "family": "Coulon", "given": "Laurent" }, { "family": "Jambon", "given": "Emmanuel" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 22 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2017", 8, 28 ] ] } }, { "id": "jambonTempeltexte2015", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "A searchable database of metadata on texts from Greco-Roman temples, including their locations in the temple, corresponding scenes and bibliographies", "genre": "database", "language": "de; en; fr", "license": "Under copyright; copyright Projekt \"Der Tempel als Kanon der religiösen Literatur Ägyptens\", HAW/IANES Tübingen", "medium": "web interface", "note": "Full credits: http://www.tempeltexte.uni-tuebingen.de/index.php?option=com_content&view=category&id=7&Itemid=5", "title": "Tempeltexte", "URL": "http://www.tempeltexte.uni-tuebingen.de/index.php", "version": "2.0", "author": [ { "family": "Jambon", "given": "Emmanuel" }, { "family": "Leitz", "given": "Christian" }, { "family": "Kühnemund", "given": "Marcel" }, { "family": "Löffler", "given": "Florian Alexander" }, { "family": "Recklinghausen", "given": "Daniel", "non-dropping-particle": "von" }, { "family": "Tattko", "given": "Jan" }, { "family": "Ventker", "given": "Bettina" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 22 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2015" ] ] } }, { "id": "nolanPotteryMoundSealings2010", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "Catalogue of Old Kingdom sealings from Pottery Mound in Giza", "genre": "database", "language": "en", "license": "Under copyright", "medium": "web interface", "note": "Alternative URLs: further information https://isac.uchicago.edu/research/research-archives-library/dissertations/mud-sealings-and-fourth-dynasty-administration-giza", "title": "Pottery Mound sealings and sealing-related objects", "URL": "http://oi-archive.uchicago.edu/research/is/scholars/nolan/index.html", "author": [ { "family": "Nolan", "given": "John S." } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 22 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2010" ] ] } }, { "id": "theegyptexplorationsocietyLucyGuraArchive2023", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "The EES flickr accout (accessible under \"Browse our collections\") coontains scans of tomb cards and photo archives of the Egypt Exploration Society. The catalogue (available under \"Search our collections\") contains an inventory of archival holdings", "genre": "digitized archival materials", "language": "en", "license": "Under copyright", "title": "Lucy Gura archive", "URL": "https://www.ees.ac.uk/collections/archive.html", "author": [ { "literal": "The Egypt Exploration Society" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 20 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2023" ] ] } }, { "id": "guillonDeirElMedinaThesaurus2018", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "Online database of persons and inscribed objects from Deir el-Medina", "genre": "database", "language": "fr", "medium": "web interface", "note": "Alternative URLs: Original URL no longer available http://deirelmedinathesaurus.com/\nFunctionality: no longer functional", "title": "Deir el-Medina thesaurus", "URL": "https://web.archive.org/web/20220121113359/http://deirelmedinathesaurus.com/", "author": [ { "family": "Guillon", "given": "Jean-Marie" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 22 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2018" ] ] } }, { "id": "jungeGoettingerProsopographischeLexikon2004", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "Catalogue of ca. 4500 non-royal women of the New Kingdom", "genre": "database", "language": "de", "license": "Under copyright; copyright Seminar für Ägyptologie und Koptologie Göttingen", "medium": "web interface", "note": "Alternative URLs: original URL not accessible: http://www.frauendatenbank.de", "title": "Das Göttinger Prosopographische Lexikon: Die Nicht-Königlichen Frauen des Neuen Reiches", "URL": "https://web.archive.org/web/20130610003816/http://www.frauendatenbank.de/", "author": [ { "family": "Junge", "given": "Friedrich" }, { "family": "Sternberg-el Hotabi", "given": "Heike" } ], "contributor": [ { "family": "Böhm", "given": "Barbara" }, { "family": "Berdozzo", "given": "Fabio" }, { "family": "Kraus", "given": "Jürgen" }, { "family": "Liedtke", "given": "Clemens" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 19 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2004" ] ] } }, { "id": "beinlichSystemZurErfassung2009", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "Database of scenes in temples of the Greco-Roman period. Allows searching by iconographical elements, scene titles, architectural parts, persons, epithets, and temples and dates.", "genre": "database", "language": "de; en; fr", "license": "Under copyright", "medium": "web interface; Windows application", "note": "medium: DVD (Röll Verlag)\nFull credits: http://szenario.nava.de/cgi-bin/serat?ok=neuheiten", "title": "System zur Erfassung von Ritualszenen in altägyptischen Tempeln. Datenbank der Ritualszenen in ägyptischen Tempeln der griechisch-römischen Zeit", "title-short": "SERaT", "URL": "http://szenario.nava.de/cgi-bin/serat/", "version": "2009", "author": [ { "family": "Beinlich", "given": "Horst" } ], "contributor": [ { "family": "Hallof", "given": "Jochen" }, { "family": "Hussy", "given": "Holger" }, { "family": "Pfeil", "given": "Christiane", "non-dropping-particle": "von" }, { "family": "Schips", "given": "Stefanie" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 22 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2009" ] ] } }, { "id": "vinsonEgyptianSculptureDigitalization", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "A collection of 3D scans of various Egyptian objects", "genre": "3D dataset", "language": "en", "title": "The Egyptian sculpture digitalization project", "URL": "http://www.digitalsculpture.org/egypt/", "author": [ { "family": "Vinson", "given": "Stephen" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 18 ] ] } }, { "id": "VocabulaireEgyptienAncien", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "Multilingual (French, English, German, Arabic) dictionary of Egyptian language with usage examples from texts and cross-references to other lexicographical reference works.", "genre": "database", "language": "fr; en", "medium": "web interface", "note": "Full credits: https://vega-vocabulaire-egyptien-ancien.fr/en/the-team/", "title": "Vocabulaire de l’égyptien ancien = Vocabulary of ancient Egyptian", "title-short": "VÉgA", "URL": "https://vega-vocabulaire-egyptien-ancien.fr/", "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 22 ] ] } }, { "id": "stevensonArtefactsExcavation2018", "type": "webpage", "abstract": "The website presents results of a project studing archival documentation on British excavations in Egypt and the distributions of archaeological artefacts. Site guides summarize information on excavation campaigns and destinations of excavated material from each site. Museum guides summarize the sources of artefacts that entered museum collections due to the division of funds. Numerous archival documents were digitized and made available through the website.", "language": "en", "license": "Under copyright; copyright Griffith Institute", "note": "Full credits: https://egyptartefacts.griffith.ox.ac.uk/project/team", "title": "Artefacts of excavation", "URL": "https://egyptartefacts.griffith.ox.ac.uk/", "author": [ { "family": "Stevenson", "given": "Alice" }, { "family": "Baines", "given": "John" }, { "family": "Libonati", "given": "Emma" }, { "family": "Williams", "given": "Alice" }, { "family": "Pinarello", "given": "Massimiliano" }, { "family": "Abd el Gawad", "given": "Heba" }, { "family": "Glover", "given": "Sarah" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 18 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2018" ] ] } }, { "id": "guldenBibliographyAncientEgyptian2024", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "A Zotero group dataset containing publications on Egyptian cursive scripts (excluding demotic) and cursive documents", "genre": "database", "language": "en", "medium": "web interface, Zotero", "publisher": "Zotero", "title": "Bibliography of ancient Egyptian cursive scripts", "URL": "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2413281/bibliography_of_ancient_egyptian_cursive_scripts/", "author": [ { "family": "Gülden", "given": "Svenja A." }, { "family": "Konrad", "given": "Tobias" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 14 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024" ] ] } }, { "id": "blumenthalBibliographischeDatenbankZur2004", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "3399 bibliographical entries relating to works of Egyptian literature", "genre": "database", "language": "de", "medium": "web interface", "title": "Bibliographische Datenbank zur altägyptischen Literatur", "URL": "http://egypt.saw-leipzig.de/BiblDB.html", "author": [ { "family": "Blumenthal", "given": "Elke" }, { "family": "Neumann", "given": "Ekkehard W." } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 22 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2004" ] ] } }, { "id": "EdfuDatenbank2022", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "A database of texts from the Edfu temple, including photographs and corresponding pages from Chassinat's publication. Parts of the corpus have transcriptions and translations.", "genre": "database", "language": "de", "license": "Under copyright", "medium": "web interface", "note": "Access mode: some of the photographs are not available online; should be requested from the Edfu project", "title": "Edfu Datenbank", "URL": "https://adw-goe.de/forschung/abgeschlossene-forschungsprojekte/akademienprogramm/edfu-projekt/die-datenbanken-des-edfu-projekts/edfu-datenbank/", "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 22 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2022" ] ] } }, { "id": "EdfuExplorerOnline2021", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "Digital edition of texts from Chassinat volumes VII and VIII and corresponding photographs from the Edfu archive.", "genre": "database", "language": "de", "license": "Under copyright", "medium": "web interface", "note": "Functionality: not functional\nmedium: in 2003 Edfu Explorer Light 3.0 was also published on a CD ROM as Windows executable (.EXE)", "title": "Edfu explorer online", "URL": "https://adw-goe.de/eeo/", "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 18 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2021" ] ] } }, { "id": "kondoThebanNecropolisDatabase2000", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "A topographical database of Theban private tombs.\nThe purpose of this database is to introduce all the data available so far concering the details of the private tombs in the Theban Necropolis, such as location, plan, the name and title of the owner, family relationship, wall decoration, funerary cones, etc., and the complete bibliography of the past research, in order to prepare the framework and to enhance the future research of the Theban Necropolis.", "genre": "database", "language": "de", "license": "Under copyright", "medium": "web interface", "note": "Alternative URLs: original URL not accessible http://db2.littera.waseda.ac.jp/egypt/index.html", "title": "The Theban necropolis database", "URL": "https://web.archive.org/web/20150413180519/http://db2.littera.waseda.ac.jp/egypt/index.html", "author": [ { "family": "Kondo", "given": "Jiro" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 22 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2000" ] ] } }, { "id": "graefeCachetteDatenbankInstituts", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "A database of objects and names from TT 320", "genre": "database", "language": "de; ru", "license": "GPL", "medium": "web interface", "title": "Cachette Datenbank des Instituts für Ägyptologie und Koptologie der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität Münster", "URL": "https://www1.ivv1.uni-muenster.de/litw3/Aegyptologie/index04.htm", "author": [ { "family": "Graefe", "given": "Erhart" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 22 ] ] } }, { "id": "fischer-elfertDigitalHeka2009", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "Annotated digital corpus of Egyptian magical spells, including results of quantitative analyses of the texts", "genre": "database", "language": "de", "license": "Under copyright", "medium": "web interface", "note": "Alternative URLs: original URL not accessible: https://research.uni-leipzig.de/digiheka/", "title": "DigitalHeka", "URL": "https://web.archive.org/web/20191118004245/http://research.uni-leipzig.de/digiheka/", "author": [ { "family": "Fischer-Elfert", "given": "Hans-Werner" }, { "family": "Stegbauer", "given": "Katharina" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 19 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2009" ] ] } }, { "id": "theinstituteforthestudyofancientculturestheuniversityofchicagoDigitalArchives", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "Digitized materials from the Institute for the Study of Ancient Cultures archive (former Oriental Institute archive), including the Epigraphic Survey negatives", "genre": "digitized archival materials", "language": "en", "license": "Under copyright", "note": "Access mode: to search archive holdings, choose \"Digital Archives\" in the search form\nAlternative URLs: The 1905-1907 Breasted Expeditions To Egypt and The Sudan https://isac.uchicago.edu/collections/photographic-archives/1905-1907-breasted-expeditions-egypt-and-sudan features low resolution version of photographs, which are otherwise accessible in better resolution through Digital Archives", "title": "Digital archives", "URL": "https://isac-idb.uchicago.edu/", "author": [ { "literal": "The Institute for the Study of Ancient Cultures, The University of Chicago" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 22 ] ] } }, { "id": "piccioneOnlineGeographicalInformation2009", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "A digital map of private tombs in the Theban necropolis", "genre": "GIS dataset", "language": "en", "license": "Under copyright", "note": "Functionality: Replaced with a new version (see separate entry)", "title": "Online geographical information system for the Theban necropolis", "title-short": "OLGIN-TN", "URL": "https://olgis.cofc.edu/", "version": "4/09", "author": [ { "family": "Piccione", "given": "Peter A." }, { "family": "Fronabarger", "given": "A. Kem" }, { "family": "Levine", "given": "Norman S." } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 17 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2009" ] ] } }, { "id": "grimalOrientaliaNuntiiPersonarum", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "Online index to sites mentioned in Compte rendu des fouilles et travaux menés en Égypte", "genre": "digitized print materials", "language": "fr", "title": "Orientalia. Nuntii personarum et rerum", "URL": "http://www.egyptologues.net/orientalia/home", "author": [ { "family": "Grimal", "given": "Nicolas" }, { "family": "Arnaudiès", "given": "Alain" }, { "family": "Cabon", "given": "Olivier" }, { "family": "Sarfis", "given": "Thierry" }, { "family": "Adly", "given": "Emad" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 22 ] ] } }, { "id": "graciazamaconaEarlierAncientEgyptian2022", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "A database of coffin text spells in Middle Kingdom copies based on de Buck's publication and Lesko's Index with positions of each spell on each object, as well as transcriptions and French translations of in each case one copy.", "genre": "database", "language": "es; en; fr", "license": "Under copyright", "medium": "web interface; CSV", "note": "Full credits: https://www.mortexvar.com/database", "number": "ISSN: 2990-2088", "title": "Earlier ancient Egyptian mortuary texts variability", "title-short": "MORTEXVAR", "URL": "https://www.mortexvar.com/database", "author": [ { "family": "Gracia Zamacona", "given": "Carlos" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 22 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2022" ] ] } }, { "id": "baumannEarlyEgyptianTravel", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "Catalogue of travelogues of early travellers to Egypt", "genre": "digitized print materials", "language": "en", "license": "Under copyright", "note": "Full credits: https://eetaproject.uni-trier.de/team/", "title": "Early Egyptian travel accounts from late Antiquity to Napoleon", "URL": "https://eetaproject.uni-trier.de/", "author": [ { "family": "Baumann", "given": "Stefan" }, { "family": "Hoogeweij", "given": "Iris" }, { "family": "Juraschka", "given": "Alexander" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 22 ] ] } }, { "id": "jamenCachetteBabElGasous2023", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "A database of objects and names from the cachette of Bab el-Gasous", "genre": "database", "language": "fr", "medium": "web interface", "note": "Full credits: http://beg.huma-num.fr/guest-credits", "title": "La cachette de Bab el-Gasous", "URL": "http://beg.huma-num.fr/index.htm", "version": "1.0", "author": [ { "family": "Jamen", "given": "France" }, { "family": "Dautant", "given": "Alain" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 22 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2023" ] ] } }, { "id": "pantalacciScellesBalatBalat2022", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "A catalogue of sealings from Balat (ca. 800)", "genre": "database", "language": "fr; en", "license": "Under copyright; copyright IFAO", "medium": "web interface", "title": "Scellés de Balat = Balat sealings", "URL": "https://www.ifao.egnet.net/bases/scbalat/scl/", "version": "1", "author": [ { "family": "Pantalacci", "given": "Laure" } ], "contributor": [ { "family": "Gaubert", "given": "Christian" }, { "family": "Gourdon", "given": "Yannis" }, { "family": "Chollier", "given": "Vincent" }, { "family": "Soukiassian", "given": "Georges" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 22 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2022" ] ] } }, { "id": "ullmannAigyptos", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "Online bibliographic database covering Egyptological publications since 1978", "genre": "database", "language": "de; en", "medium": "web interface", "note": "Functionality: Merged into OEB and no longer accessible", "title": "Aigyptos", "URL": "http://www.aigyptos.uni-muenchen.de", "author": [ { "family": "Ullmann", "given": "Martina" }, { "family": "Hutterer", "given": "Andreas" }, { "family": "Hardekopf", "given": "Stefanie" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 22 ] ] } }, { "id": "juergensCoffinTextsIndexDatenbank2000", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "A database of Coffin Texts spells in Middle Kingdom sources, including sequences of spells on each side of each coffin. Original self-extracting archives can be downloaded from the Internet Archive and unpacked using an archiver such as 7-zip (the self-extracting archives do not self-extract on modern versions of Windows). With some knowledge of VBA and Microsoft Access, the user interface, which is no longer functional in modern versions of Microsoft Access, can be converted to modern standards. It is also possible to convert raw data from tables to other database formats.", "genre": "database", "language": "de", "license": "Die Coffin-Texts-Index-Datenbank ist Freeware und darf zu nicht kommerziellen Zwecken beliebig kopiert und weitergegeben werden, jedoch ausschließlich mit unverändertem Datenbestand und in unveränderter Form. Für die Weitergabe in veränderter Form ist die Zustimmung des Autors einzuholen.", "medium": "Microsoft Access 2000 database (.mdb)", "note": "Alternative URLs: original URL no longer accessible: http://www.aegyptologie.uni-goettingen.de/computer/CTID/info.htm", "title": "Coffin-Texts-Index-Datenbank", "URL": "https://web.archive.org/web/20071212162301/http://www.aegyptologie.uni-goettingen.de/computer/CTID/info.htm", "version": "1.0", "author": [ { "family": "Jürgens", "given": "Peter" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 22 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2000" ] ] } }, { "id": "copticelectroniclanguageandliteratureinternationalalliancekelliaCopticDictionaryOnline", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "A web-representation of the BBAW Lexicon of Coptic Egyptian and the DDGLC Lexicon of Greek Loanwords in Coptic", "genre": "database", "language": "en", "license": "CC-BY-SA", "medium": "web interface", "note": "Alternative URLs: Source code https://github.com/KELLIA/dictionary\nFull credits: https://coptic-dictionary.org/about.cgi", "title": "Coptic dictionary online", "URL": "https://coptic-dictionary.org/", "author": [ { "literal": "Coptic Electronic Language and Literature International Alliance (KELLIA)" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 29 ] ] } }, { "id": "favroDigitalKarnak2008", "type": "webpage", "abstract": "A website on the history of the Karnak temple, including reconstructions of its different construction stages and detailed information on each architectural feature.", "language": "en", "license": "Under copyright; copyright Regents of the University of California", "note": "Full credits: http://wayback.archive-it.org/7877/20160919152324/http://dlib.etc.ucla.edu/projects/Karnak/about", "title": "Digital Karnak", "URL": "http://wayback.archive-it.org/7877/20160919152116/http://dlib.etc.ucla.edu/projects/Karnak//", "author": [ { "family": "Favro", "given": "Diane" }, { "family": "Wendrich", "given": "Willeke" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 17 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2008" ] ] } }, { "id": "stevensAmarnaSmallFinds2005", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "A table with 7621 small finds from Amarna", "genre": "spreadsheet", "language": "en", "medium": "XLS", "title": "Amarna small finds database", "URL": "https://www.amarnaproject.com/pages/recent_projects/material_culture/small_finds/database.shtml", "author": [ { "family": "Stevens", "given": "Anna" }, { "family": "Simpson", "given": "Nuala" }, { "family": "Ruffle", "given": "John" }, { "family": "Moignard", "given": "Elizabeth" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 22 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2005" ] ] } }, { "id": "kempWorkmenVillageTextile2001", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "A catalogue of 4962 textile finds from the Workmen's Village at Tell el-Amarna", "genre": "spreadsheet", "language": "en", "medium": "XLS", "title": "The workmen’s village textile database", "URL": "https://www.amarnaproject.com/pages/recent_projects/material_culture/workmans.shtml#5", "author": [ { "family": "Kemp", "given": "Barry" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 22 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2001" ] ] } }, { "id": "archivesscientifiquesdelifaoArchivesBernardBruyere2010", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "Scans of 1052 pages of Bernard Bruyère's records", "genre": "digitized archival materials", "language": "fr", "license": "Under copyright; copyright Bruyère, Ifao", "title": "Archives de Bernard Bruyère (1879-1971)", "URL": "https://www.ifao.egnet.net/bases/archives/bruyere/", "version": "1", "author": [ { "literal": "Archives scientifiques de l'Ifao" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 19 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2010" ] ] } }, { "id": "PetrieMuseumArchives1999", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "Includes (rather low resolution) scans of Petrie's notebooks, tomb cards, distribution lists and manuscripts on Egyptian glazing and glass", "genre": "digitized archival materials", "language": "en", "license": "Under copyright; copyright the Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology, University College London", "medium": "PDF (a pdf-based offline application)", "note": "medium: CD-ROM; previously available on microfiches", "title": "The Petrie Museum archives", "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "1999" ] ] } }, { "id": "archidonaramirezAbnormalHieraticGlobal2023", "type": "webpage", "abstract": "A digital edition of selected abnormal hieratic texts aimed (also) at those learning abnormal hieratic. The website also contains other resources for learning abnirmal hieratic.", "language": "en", "license": "Under copyright", "note": "Full credits: https://lab.library.universiteitleiden.nl/abnormalhieratic/colophon/", "title": "The abnormal hieratic global portal", "URL": "https://lab.library.universiteitleiden.nl/abnormalhieratic/", "author": [ { "family": "Archidona Ramírez", "given": "Juan José" }, { "family": "Companjen", "given": "Ben" }, { "family": "Donker van Heel", "given": "Koenraad" }, { "family": "Harmsen", "given": "Ferdinand" }, { "family": "Hertel", "given": "Elena Luise" }, { "family": "Cozijnsen", "given": "Cheyenne" }, { "family": "Sesink", "given": "Laurents" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 22 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2023" ] ] } }, { "id": "aminDepthMapRosetta2018", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "A 3D-scan of the Rosetta stone", "DOI": "10.17613/t1e2-0w02", "genre": "3D dataset", "language": "en", "license": "CC BY-NC-SA 4.0", "medium": "PDF", "publisher": "Humanities Commons", "title": "Depth map of the Rosetta Stone", "URL": "http://dx.doi.org/10.17613/t1e2-0w02", "author": [ { "family": "Amin", "given": "Miriam" }, { "family": "Barmpoutis", "given": "Angelos" }, { "family": "Berti", "given": "Monica" }, { "family": "Bozia", "given": "Eleni" }, { "family": "Hensel", "given": "Josephine" }, { "family": "Naether", "given": "Franziska" } ], "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2018" ] ] } }, { "id": "bertiDigitalRosettaStone2020", "type": "webpage", "abstract": "A digital edition of the Rosetta stone, aligning the hieroglyphic, Demotic, and Greek versions of the text.", "language": "en", "note": "Full credits: https://rosetta-stone.dh.uni-leipzig.de/rs/team/", "title": "Digital Rosetta stone: visual alignment", "URL": "https://rosetta-stone.dh.uni-leipzig.de/rs/the-digital-rosetta-stone/visual-alignment/", "author": [ { "family": "Berti", "given": "Monica" }, { "family": "Naether", "given": "Franziska" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 18 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2020" ] ] } }, { "id": "ryholtPapyrusCarlsbergCollection", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "An interactive inventory of Carlsberg papyri with annotations and bibliographies", "genre": "text dataset", "language": "en", "title": "The Papyrus Carlsberg collection", "URL": "https://pcarlsberg.ku.dk/", "author": [ { "family": "Ryholt", "given": "Kim" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 22 ] ] } }, { "id": "dosooKyprianosDatabaseAncient2023", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "Database of magical, alchemical, astrological and other ritual and related texts with a focus on magical texts written in Coptic, Greek, and Demotic from Egypt.", "genre": "database", "language": "en", "license": "Open Database License", "medium": "web interface; CSV", "note": "Full credits: https://www.coptic-magic.phil.uni-wuerzburg.de/index.php/the-team/", "title": "Kyprianos database of ancient ritual texts and objects", "URL": "https://www.coptic-magic.phil.uni-wuerzburg.de/index.php/manuscripts-search/", "author": [ { "family": "Dosoo", "given": "Korshi" }, { "family": "Preininger", "given": "Markéta" }, { "family": "Schwarzer", "given": "Julia" }, { "family": "Schuster", "given": "Selina" }, { "family": "Türker", "given": "Stella" }, { "family": "Preininger", "given": "Matouš" }, { "family": "Love", "given": "Edward O. D." } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 17 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2023" ] ] } }, { "id": "hendrickxBibliographieEgypteOrigines2023", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "Bibliography of publications dealing with Egyptian Prehistory and Early Dynastic period", "genre": "database", "language": "fr; en", "medium": "web interface", "publisher": "Institut français d’archéologie orientale", "title": "Bibliographie de l’Égypte des Origines = Early Egypt bibliography", "URL": "https://www.ifao.egnet.net/bases/beo/", "author": [ { "family": "Hendrickx", "given": "Hendrickx" }, { "family": "Claes", "given": "Wouter" }, { "family": "Tristant", "given": "Yann" } ], "contributor": [ { "family": "Gaubert", "given": "Christian" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 22 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2023" ] ] } }, { "id": "ArnoldMeijerArchives", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "A collection of Egyptian objects that appeared on sale from the 1980s to the present day, represented as scans from auction catalogues, categorized according to object types", "genre": "digitized print materials", "language": "en", "title": "The Arnold Meijer archives of Egyptian art", "URL": "https://www.arnoldmeijer.nl/", "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 15 ] ] } }, { "id": "torallastovarMummyLabelDatabase", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "Database of known and published mummy labels in Greek and Demotic", "genre": "database", "language": "en", "medium": "web interface", "note": "Full credits: https://deathonthenile.upf.edu/team/", "title": "Mummy label database", "URL": "https://deathonthenile.upf.edu/", "author": [ { "family": "Torallas Tovar", "given": "Sofía" }, { "family": "Gaudard", "given": "François" }, { "family": "Martín Hernández", "given": "Raquel" }, { "family": "Worp", "given": "Klaas A." }, { "family": "Nodar Domínguez", "given": "Alberto" }, { "family": "Carro Martín", "given": "Sergio" }, { "family": "Escolano Poveda", "given": "Marina" }, { "family": "Zomeño Rodríguez", "given": "Amalia" }, { "family": "Albarrán Martínez", "given": "María Jesús" }, { "family": "Pajón Leyra", "given": "Irene" }, { "family": "Frutos García", "given": "Alba", "non-dropping-particle": "de" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 22 ] ] } }, { "id": "schlueterMUDIRAMunichDigital2022", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "Public image database of the Munich Institute for Egyptology and Coptology", "genre": "image dataset", "language": "de", "title": "MUDIRA - Munich digital research archives", "URL": "https://mudira.gwi.uni-muenchen.de/", "version": "1.25", "author": [ { "family": "Schlüter", "given": "Arnulf" }, { "family": "Ullmann", "given": "Martina" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 22 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2022", 5, 2 ] ] } }, { "id": "el-sayedMinPanos2019", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "An archaeological information system for the ancient Akhmim district", "genre": "database", "language": "en", "note": "Access mode: requires authorisation from the publisher", "title": "Min-Panos", "URL": "http://min-panos.uni-goettingen.de", "author": [ { "family": "El-Sayed", "given": "Rafed" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 22 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2019" ] ] } }, { "id": "griffithinstituteGriffithInstituteArchive", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "Online catalogue of the Griffith Institute archive. Some holdings are digitized, including Petrie's journals and documents pertainig to the tomb of Tutankhamun (Tutankhamun: Anatomy of an Excavation).", "genre": "database", "language": "en", "medium": "web interface", "note": "Alternative URLs: http://www.griffith.ox.ac.uk/archive/onlineresources/index.html", "title": "Griffith Institute archive", "URL": "https://archive.griffith.ox.ac.uk/index.php/", "author": [ { "literal": "Griffith Institute" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 17 ] ] } }, { "id": "museumoffineartsbostonGizaArchives2009", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "A database on the archival materials from Reisner's excavations in Giza", "genre": "database", "language": "en", "license": "Under copyright", "medium": "web interface", "note": "Functionality: This old version is no longer fully functional", "title": "The Giza archives", "URL": "http://www.gizapyramids.org/", "author": [ { "literal": "Museum of Fine Arts, Boston" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 22 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2009" ] ] } }, { "id": "desclauxCoptosObjetsCoptites2020", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "Catalogue of objects from Koptos currently stored outside this archaeological site", "genre": "database", "language": "fr", "license": "Under copyright; copyright HiSoMA Maison de l’Orient et de la Méditerranée", "medium": "web interface", "note": "Full credits: https://coptos.mom.fr/credits", "title": "Coptos. Objets coptites hors de Coptos", "URL": "https://coptos.mom.fr/", "version": "1", "author": [ { "family": "Desclaux", "given": "Vanessa" }, { "family": "Pantalacci", "given": "Laure" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 22 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2020" ] ] } }, { "id": "leitzAthribisVirtuellerRundgang2016", "type": "webpage", "abstract": "A virtual excursion through the site of the temple in Athribis (Middle Egypt)", "language": "de", "title": "Athribis - Ein virtueller Rundgang", "URL": "https://www.athribis.uni-tuebingen.de/", "author": [ { "family": "Leitz", "given": "Christian" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 17 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2016" ] ] } }, { "id": "museoegizioturinArchivioFotografico", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "Digitized photographs from the archive of the Egyptian Museum, Turin. Includes documentation of archaeological operations at Heliopolis. Giza, Ashmunein, Asyut, Hammamiya, Qau el-Kebir, Deir el-Medina, Valley of the Queens, Gebelein, and Qubbet el-Hawa, and visitor's photographs from other sites", "genre": "digitized archival materials", "language": "it; en", "license": "Different licences for different materials (photographs under CC0)", "title": "Archivio fotografico", "URL": "https://archiviofotografico.museoegizio.it/en/", "author": [ { "literal": "Museo Egizio Turin" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 19 ] ] } }, { "id": "kerchoveCorpusEnoncesNoms2015", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "A database of the so-called 'barbarian' names in mainly Greek and Coptic texts from the 6th century BC to the 6th century AD", "genre": "database", "language": "fr", "license": "Under copyright", "medium": "web interface", "note": "Full credits: http://www.cenob.org/Project/Membres", "title": "Corpus des énoncés des noms barbares", "URL": "http://www.cenob.org/", "author": [ { "family": "Kerchove", "given": "Anna", "dropping-particle": "van den" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 15 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2015", 7, 8 ] ] } }, { "id": "cherpionOstraca2015", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "Catalogue of pstraca at the IFAO", "genre": "database", "language": "fr", "medium": "web interface", "title": "Ostraca", "URL": "https://www.ifao.egnet.net/bases/archives/ostraca/", "version": "2", "author": [ { "family": "Cherpion", "given": "Nadine" } ], "contributor": [ { "family": "Gaubert", "given": "Christian" }, { "family": "Albert", "given": "Florence" }, { "family": "Bats", "given": "Adeline" }, { "family": "Ciavatti", "given": "Aurore" }, { "family": "Cressent", "given": "Mélanie" }, { "family": "Fumel", "given": "Jules" }, { "family": "Gonzales", "given": "Jérôme" }, { "family": "Halflants", "given": "Gonzague" }, { "family": "Ishaak", "given": "Racha" }, { "family": "Kamal", "given": "Nevine" }, { "family": "Lefrancs", "given": "Vanina" }, { "family": "Lelong", "given": "Mélanie" }, { "family": "Nabil", "given": "Sara" }, { "family": "Nouseir", "given": "Iman" }, { "family": "Thiebaut", "given": "Orianne" }, { "family": "Vonarb", "given": "Audrey" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 22 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2015", 10, 18 ] ] } }, { "id": "schollOrganaPapyrologia2022", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "A web portal uniting papyrological databases of German and other European collections (which contain among other also Demotic and Coptic texts).", "genre": "database", "language": "de; en; fr", "license": "Under copyright", "medium": "web interface", "title": "Organa Papyrologia", "URL": "https://www.organapapyrologica.net/content/start.xml", "author": [ { "family": "Scholl", "given": "Reinhold" }, { "family": "Kupferschmidt", "given": "Jens" }, { "family": "Gerhardt", "given": "Marius" }, { "family": "Freitag", "given": "Steffen" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 22 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2022" ] ] } }, { "id": "hodakKoptischeOstrakaOnline2014", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "Digital edition of Coptic ostraca from the Deir el-Bachît monastery in Dra Abu el-Naga", "genre": "database", "language": "de", "license": "Under copyright", "medium": "web interface", "title": "Koptische Ostraka Online", "URL": "https://www.koptolys.gwi.uni-muenchen.de/splash.php", "contributor": [ { "family": "Burkard", "given": "Günter" }, { "family": "Riepl", "given": "Christian" } ], "author": [ { "family": "Hodak", "given": "Suzana" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 19 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2014" ] ] } }, { "id": "lepperElephantineLocalizing4000", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "Database of texts from Elephantine, including hieratic, demotic and hieroglyphic texts", "genre": "database", "language": "en", "license": "CC BY-NC-SA", "medium": "web interface; TEI-XML", "note": "Full credits: https://elephantine.smb.museum/project/index.html#Team", "title": "Elephantine. Localizing 4000 Years of cultural history. Texts and scripts from Elephantine island in Egypt", "URL": "https://elephantine.smb.museum/", "author": [ { "family": "Lepper", "given": "Verena M." } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 22 ] ] } }, { "id": "burnsComprehensiveCopticLexicon2020", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "TEI XML compliant \"Comprehensive Coptic Lexicon v1.2\" including both original Egyptian-Coptic lemmata and loanwords from ancient Greek. Joint release of the BBAW Academy research project \"Strukturen und Transformationen des Wortschatzes der ägyptischen Sprache\", Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Berlin and the \"Database and Dictionary of Greek Loanwords in Coptic (DDGLC)\" project, Freie Universität Berlin", "DOI": "10.17169/REFUBIUM-27566", "genre": "database", "language": "de; en", "license": "Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International", "medium": "XML", "publisher": "Freie Universität Berlin", "title": "Comprehensive Coptic lexicon: including loanwords from Ancient Greek", "title-short": "Comprehensive Coptic Lexicon", "URL": "https://refubium.fu-berlin.de/handle/fub188/27813", "version": "1.2", "author": [ { "family": "Burns", "given": "Dylan Michael" }, { "family": "Feder", "given": "Frank" }, { "family": "John", "given": "Katrin" }, { "family": "Kupreyev", "given": "Maxim" } ], "contributor": [ { "literal": "Universitätsbibliothek Der FU Berlin" }, { "literal": "Universitätsbibliothek Der FU Berlin" }, { "family": "Almond", "given": "Mathew" }, { "family": "Brose", "given": "Marc" }, { "family": "Burns", "given": "Dylan Michael" }, { "family": "Dahlgren", "given": "Sonja" }, { "family": "Delhez", "given": "Julien" }, { "family": "Frank", "given": "Feder" }, { "family": "Grons", "given": "Anne" }, { "family": "Hagen", "given": "Joost" }, { "family": "Jung", "given": "Mariana" }, { "family": "Koch", "given": "Elisabeth" }, { "family": "Krastel", "given": "Lena" }, { "family": "Krueger", "given": "Frederic" }, { "family": "Kupreyev", "given": "Maxim" }, { "family": "Moje", "given": "Jan" }, { "family": "Naether", "given": "Franziska" }, { "family": "Sörgel", "given": "Anne" }, { "family": "Speranskaja", "given": "Nina" }, { "family": "Sperveslage", "given": "Gunnar" }, { "family": "Walter", "given": "Vincent" }, { "family": "Winterberg", "given": "Alberto" }, { "family": "Becker", "given": "Sina" }, { "family": "Petersdorff", "given": "Janik" }, { "family": "Scharfenberger", "given": "Philipp" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 22 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2020" ] ] } }, { "id": "beinlichBeinlichWortlistAegyptische2018", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "A list of words from the Wörterbuch der aegyptischen Sprache with German translations and lemma numbers", "genre": "text dataset", "language": "de", "license": "Under copyright", "medium": "txt", "note": "medium: originally released in 1994 on a floppy disk", "title": "The Beinlich Wortlist (Ägyptische Wortliste)", "URL": "http://egyptologyresources.x10host.com/er/beinlich/beinlich.html", "contributor": [ { "family": "Strudwick", "given": "Nigel" } ], "author": [ { "family": "Beinlich", "given": "Horst" }, { "family": "Hoffmann", "given": "Friedhelm" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 22 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2018", 9, 24 ] ] } }, { "id": "sullivanConstructingSacredVisibility2020", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "Interactive website with research texts, 3D models, and topographic plans of Saqqara", "DOI": "10.21627/2020cts", "genre": "3D dataset", "language": "en", "license": "CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0 (3D models and plans)", "number": "ISBN 9781503603332", "publisher": "Stanford Digital Repository", "title": "Constructing the sacred: visibility and ritual landscape at the Egyptian necropolis of Saqqara", "URL": "https://constructingthesacred.org", "author": [ { "family": "Sullivan", "given": "Elaine A." } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 17 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2020" ] ] } }, { "id": "lucarelliBookDead3D", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "3D scans of Egyptian coffins with funerary texts", "genre": "3D dataset", "language": "en; ar", "license": "Under copyright", "medium": "PDF", "note": "Alternative URLs: 3D models https://sketchfab.com/bookofthedead3d\nFull credits: https://3dcoffins.berkeley.edu/content/our-team", "title": "The Book of the Dead in 3D", "URL": "https://3dcoffins.berkeley.edu", "author": [ { "family": "Lucarelli", "given": "Rita" } ], "contributor": [ { "family": "Johnston", "given": "Kea" }, { "family": "Abdelhamed", "given": "Nagwa" }, { "family": "Barnas", "given": "Rachel" }, { "family": "Faveri", "given": "Beatrice", "non-dropping-particle": "de" }, { "family": "Nederhof", "given": "Mark-Jan" }, { "family": "Johnson", "given": "Jessica" }, { "family": "Silvestri", "given": "Jason" }, { "family": "Ezz el-Dean", "given": "Naglaa" }, { "family": "Gaber", "given": "Amr" }, { "family": "Huggins", "given": "Kathleen" }, { "family": "Whealton", "given": "Matthew" }, { "family": "Andrus", "given": "Edlynn" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 22 ] ] } }, { "id": "archivesscientifiquesdelifaoTombesDeirMedina2015", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "Photographs of scenes in the tombs of Deir el-Medina from the IFAO archive", "genre": "image dataset", "language": "fr", "license": "Under copyright", "title": "Tombes de Deir el Medina", "URL": "https://www.ifao.egnet.net/bases/archives/ttdem/", "version": "2", "author": [ { "literal": "Archives scientifiques de l’Ifao" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 18 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2015" ] ] } }, { "id": "hoffmannDemotischeWortlisteVirtuell2023", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "An online vocabulary of Demotic", "genre": "database", "language": "de", "medium": "web interface", "title": "Demotische Wortliste - virtuell erweitert", "title-short": "DWL", "URL": "https://www.dwl.aegyptologie.lmu.de/index.php", "author": [ { "family": "Hoffmann", "given": "Friedhelm" } ], "contributor": [ { "family": "Riepl", "given": "Christian" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 22 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2023" ] ] } }, { "id": "dochertyAmarna3DProject2019", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "3D reconstructions of buildings at Tell el-Amarna", "genre": "3D dataset", "language": "en", "title": "The Amarna: 3D project", "URL": "http://www.amarna3d.com/", "author": [ { "family": "Docherty", "given": "Paul" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 18 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2019" ] ] } }, { "id": "piccioneOnlineGeographicalInformation2019", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "A GIS with coordinates and information private Theban tombs from large parts of the Theban nectopolis (Asasif, Deir el-Bahari, el-Khokha, Qurnah)", "genre": "GIS dataset", "language": "en", "license": "It is permitted to download search results and related maps for printing and digital storage, or for publication in academic studies, as well as to load into spreadsheets and local versions of ArcGIS for purposes related to research, education, site management and historical preservation. However, this material may not be used for any profit-making enterprises or purposes other than those listed here without the written consent of the authors.", "medium": "ArcGIS Online project", "note": "Alternative URLs: direct link to GIS: https://www.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=cff7333a8b61461eb9d438d91c93ff61", "title": "Online geographical information system for the Theban necropolis (ArcGIS)", "title-short": "OLGIS-TN", "URL": "https://gis2.cofc.edu/olgistn/Help_Files/index.html", "version": "1", "author": [ { "family": "Piccione", "given": "Peter A." }, { "family": "Levine", "given": "Norman S." } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 22 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2019" ] ] } }, { "id": "sourouzianCatalogueStatuaireRoyale2019", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "An illustrated catalogue of 19th dynasty royal statuary", "event-place": "Le Caire", "genre": "database", "language": "fr", "license": "Under copyright", "medium": "web interface", "note": "Alternative URLs: An ebook https://www.ifao.egnet.net/publications/catalogue/9782724707571/ supplemented by an online database https://www.ifao.egnet.net/bases/publications/bietud177/", "publisher": "Institut français d'archéologie orientale", "publisher-place": "Le Caire", "title": "Catalogue de la statuaire royale de la XIXe dynastie", "URL": "https://www.ifao.egnet.net/bases/publications/bietud177/", "author": [ { "family": "Sourouzian", "given": "Hourig" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 22 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2019" ] ] } }, { "id": "kelseymuseumofarchaeologyUniversityMichiganKaranis", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "Database of objects from University of Michigan excavations in Karanis 1924-1935", "genre": "database", "language": "en", "medium": "web interface", "title": "University of Michigan Karanis excavation records 1924-1935", "title-short": "Karanis Records", "URL": "https://fms.lsa.umich.edu/fmi/webd/kelsey_excavation_karanis", "author": [ { "literal": "Kelsey Museum of Archaeology" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 15 ] ] } }, { "id": "malekWorkingFilesTopographical2012", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "Parts of the Topographical Bibliography lists in pdf format, covering several museums and private collections as well as number of periodicals", "genre": "text dataset", "language": "en", "medium": "PDF", "title": "Working files of the Topographical Bibliography", "URL": "http://www.griffith.ox.ac.uk/gri/3biblist.html", "author": [ { "family": "Malek", "given": "Jaromir" } ], "contributor": [ { "family": "Magee", "given": "Diana" }, { "family": "Fleming", "given": "Elizabeth" }, { "family": "Hobby", "given": "Alison" }, { "family": "Walker", "given": "Tracy" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 22 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2012" ] ] } }, { "id": "crozier-brelotSIRIUSBanqueDonnees1985", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "A bibliographical database of citations from the Pyramid Texts in scholarly literature", "genre": "database", "language": "fr", "note": "Access mode: subscription based, operating by mail, email, or fax", "title": "SIRIUS: la banque de données des Textes des Pyramides = the Pyramid Texts data bank", "author": [ { "family": "Crozier-Brelot", "given": "Claude" } ], "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "1985" ] ] } }, { "id": "guasch-janeWineScenesScenedetailed", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "A catalogue of scenes of viticulture and winemaking in 92 tombs, ranging from the Old Kingdom to the Greco-Roman period", "genre": "database", "language": "en", "license": "Under copyright", "medium": "web interface", "note": "Access mode: paid subscription", "title": "Wine scenes (scene-detailed) Database", "URL": "https://www.wineofancientegypt.com/databases/scene-detail-database", "author": [ { "family": "Guasch-Jané", "given": "Maria Rosa" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 22 ] ] } }, { "id": "tomoradCroatoAegypticaElectronica2004", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "Database of ancient Egyptian objects in Croatia", "genre": "database", "language": "hr", "license": "Under copyright; copyright Croato-Aegyptica", "medium": "web interface", "note": "Alternative URLs: original URL no longer available https://www.hrstud.unizg.hr/sites/cae/", "title": "Croato-Aegyptica Electronica", "URL": "https://web.archive.org/web/20131015102355/http://www.hrstud.unizg.hr/sites/cae/", "author": [ { "family": "Tomorad", "given": "Mladlen" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 19 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2004" ] ] } }, { "id": "IMPACTRadiologicalMummy2024", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "A database of mummified remains from ancient Egypt, including metadata and radiographic images", "genre": "database", "language": "en", "license": "Under copyright", "medium": "web interface; PDF", "note": "Access mode: Full access to the picture archiving and communication system (PACS) upon request", "title": "IMPACT radiological mummy database", "URL": "https://impactdb.uwo.ca/", "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 22 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024" ] ] } }, { "id": "oxfordradiocarbonacceleratorunitEgyptianRadiocarbonDatabase", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "A database of known radiocarbon dates of objects from ancient Egypt", "genre": "database", "language": "en", "medium": "web interface", "note": "Access mode: Requires free registration at https://c14.arch.ox.ac.uk", "title": "Egyptian radiocarbon database", "URL": "https://c14.arch.ox.ac.uk/egyptdb/db.php", "author": [ { "literal": "Oxford Radiocarbon Accelerator Unit" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 16 ] ] } }, { "id": "leitzProjektAthribis2020", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "Image archive of the Athribis Project, relating to archaeological work in Athribis (Middle Egypt)", "genre": "image dataset", "language": "en", "license": "CC-BY", "publisher": "Forschungsdatenportal, Universität Tübingen", "title": "Projekt Athribis", "URL": "http://hdl.handle.net/10900.1/e5010c41-ed0c-4284-b6cb-602b2d1344b2", "contributor": [ { "family": "Kühnemund", "given": "Marcel" }, { "family": "Mendel-Leitz", "given": "Daniela" }, { "family": "Teotino", "given": "Carolina" }, { "family": "Böttcher", "given": "Susan" }, { "family": "Heindl", "given": "Gillian" }, { "family": "Baumann", "given": "Stefan" }, { "family": "Bauer", "given": "Paula" }, { "family": "Lippert", "given": "Sandra" }, { "family": "Müller", "given": "Marcus" }, { "family": "Abu el-Yazid", "given": "Mohamed" }, { "family": "Abdu", "given": "Said" }, { "family": "Abderrahman", "given": "Said" }, { "family": "Qadi", "given": "Alaa", "non-dropping-particle": "el-" }, { "family": "Brahe", "given": "Henrik" }, { "family": "Eggert", "given": "Tim" }, { "family": "Wolfer-Ahmed", "given": "Verena" }, { "family": "Vanpeene", "given": "Matthieu" } ], "author": [ { "family": "Leitz", "given": "Christian" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 22 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2020" ] ] } }, { "id": "brinkInternationalPotmarkWorkshop", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "Catalogue of potmarks on Predynastic and Early Dynastic vessels", "genre": "database", "language": "en", "medium": "web interface", "note": "Alternative URLs: original URL is modified and infested with advertisements https://www.potmark-egypt.com/", "title": "The international potmark workshop: potmark-Egypt.com", "URL": "https://web.archive.org/web/20110128084241/https://www.potmark-egypt.com/", "author": [ { "family": "Brink", "given": "Edwin C. M.", "dropping-particle": "van den" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 22 ] ] } }, { "id": "frankeDatenbankMuellerArchiv", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "Index of photographs of Egyptian monumens and objects in H. W. Müller's archive in Heidelberg University. Photographs have to be ordered from Heidelberg.", "genre": "database", "language": "de", "medium": "web interface", "note": "Access mode: images are not included in the dataset and should be requested from the Heidelberg University", "title": "Datenbank zum H. W. Müller Archiv", "URL": "https://www.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/cgi-bin/hwm/hwm01.pl", "author": [ { "family": "Franke", "given": "Detlef" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 22 ] ] } }, { "id": "thissenDemotistischeLiteraturuebersicht", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "An online Demotic bibliography largely based on bibliographies published in Enchoria", "genre": "database", "language": "de", "medium": "web interface", "title": "Demotistische Literaturübersicht", "title-short": "DemLü", "URL": "https://www.trismegistos.org/dl/", "author": [ { "family": "Thissen", "given": "Heinz-Josef" }, { "family": "Hoffmann", "given": "Friedhelm" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 22 ] ] } }, { "id": "symonsAncientEgyptianAstronomy2013", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "Database of astronomical documents from ancient Egypt with indexes of astronomical objects and groups", "genre": "database", "language": "en", "medium": "web interface", "note": "How to cite: https://aea.physics.mcmaster.ca/index.php/en/about-this-project\nFull credits: https://aea.physics.mcmaster.ca/index.php/en/about-this-project", "title": "Ancient Egyptian astronomy database", "URL": "https://aea.physics.mcmaster.ca", "author": [ { "family": "Symons", "given": "Sarah" }, { "family": "Cockcroft", "given": "Robert" }, { "family": "Khurana", "given": "Himanshi" }, { "family": "Kirubalingam", "given": "Shahithra" }, { "family": "Bettencourt", "given": "Jesse" }, { "family": "Koykka", "given": "Cody" }, { "family": "Dew", "given": "Brendan" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 22 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2013" ] ] } }, { "id": "lauingerAmarnaLetters2014", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "An online catalogue of the Amarna letters, including metadata, bibliographies, transcriptions, and translations", "genre": "database", "language": "en", "license": "CC-BY-SA", "medium": "web interface", "title": "The Amarna letters", "URL": "http://oracc.museum.upenn.edu/aemw/amarna/", "author": [ { "family": "Lauinger", "given": "Jacob" }, { "family": "Yoder", "given": "Tyler R." } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 22 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2014" ] ] } }, { "id": "buziPAThsTrackingPapyrus2023", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "A database of Coptic manuscripts, their find places, and works contained therein", "genre": "database", "language": "en", "medium": "web interface", "note": "Alternative URLs: Source code of the online database https://zenodo.org/doi/10.5281/zenodo.3357945\nFull credits: http://paths.uniroma1.it/team\nHow to cite: https://atlas.paths-erc.eu/cite", "title": "PAThs - tracking papyrus and parchment paths: an archaeological atlas of Coptic literature. Literary texts in their geographical context: production, copying, usage, dissemination and storage", "title-short": "PAThs", "URL": "http://paths.uniroma1.it/", "version": "2.4.0", "author": [ { "family": "Buzi", "given": "Paola" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 22 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2023" ] ] } }, { "id": "kaperEgyptianMortuaryTexts2022", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "Digitalized photos of Middle Kingdom coffins from de Buck archive", "genre": "digitized archival materials", "language": "en", "license": "Under copyright", "note": "Access mode: requires authorization from database maintainers", "title": "Egyptian mortuary texts. A collection for research & education", "URL": "https://digitalcollections.universiteitleiden.nl/egyptianmortuarytexts", "author": [ { "family": "Kaper", "given": "Olaf E." } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 22 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2022" ] ] } }, { "id": "ragazzoliPapyrusPrisseRecueil2023", "type": "webpage", "abstract": "An edition of the teachings of Ptahhotep and Kagemni from papyrus Prisse, including a hieroglyphic transliteration, transcription, translation (written and read aloud)", "genre": "website", "language": "fr; en", "license": "CC BY-NC-SA", "note": "Alternative URLs: Source code and data: https://gitlab.huma-num.fr/nsouchon/papyrus-prisse", "title": "Le papyrus Prisse - Un recueil de sagesse de l'Égypte ancienne", "URL": "https://prisse.ifao.egnet.net/", "author": [ { "family": "Ragazzoli", "given": "Chloé" } ], "contributor": [ { "family": "Rosmorduc", "given": "Serge" }, { "family": "Souchon", "given": "Nicolas" }, { "family": "Joubert", "given": "Emil" }, { "family": "Gaubert", "given": "Christian" }, { "family": "White", "given": "Penelope" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 18 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2023" ] ] } }, { "id": "centerfordocumentationofculturalandnaturalheritageEgyptianArchaeomap2023", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "The project covers 1180 sites in 27 governorates of modern Egypt. Each archaeological site is provided with a description and bibliography", "genre": "GIS dataset", "language": "en; ar", "license": "Under copyright; copyright CULTNAT", "title": "The Egyptian archaeo-map", "URL": "https://archmap.cultnat.org/", "author": [ { "literal": "Center for Documentation of Cultural and Natural Heritage" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 22 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2023" ] ] } }, { "id": "guerramendezOsirisSpellingSoftware2023", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "A database of the spellings of the name of Osiris in the Coffin Texts", "genre": "database", "language": "en", "license": "CC BY-NC 4.0", "medium": "web interface", "title": "Osiris spelling software", "URL": "https://osirisspellingsoftware.000webhostapp.com/src/index.html", "version": "beta", "author": [ { "family": "Guerra Méndez", "given": "César" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 22 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2023", 8, 4 ] ] } }, { "id": "cabanTombMeru2021", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "A 3D scan of Theban tomb TT 240", "genre": "3D dataset", "language": "en", "title": "Tomb of Meru", "URL": "https://skfb.ly/o6ssE", "author": [ { "family": "Caban", "given": "Mariusz" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 17 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2021" ] ] } }, { "id": "cabanTombKheti2021", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "3D scan of the tomb of Khety in Thebes (TT 311)", "genre": "3D dataset", "language": "en", "title": "Tomb of Kheti", "URL": "https://skfb.ly/onSqx", "author": [ { "family": "Caban", "given": "Mariusz" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 17 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2021" ] ] } }, { "id": "kostopoulosTombMennaTT69", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "A 3D scan of Theban tomb TT 69", "genre": "3D dataset", "language": "en", "note": "Alternative URLs: https://skfb.ly/6RROB", "title": "Tomb of Menna (TT69) in the Theban necropolis", "URL": "https://my.matterport.com/show/?m=vLYoS66CWpk", "author": [ { "family": "Kostopoulos", "given": "Andreas" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 17 ] ] } }, { "id": "andersonThebanTombs1592020", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "3D scans of Theban tombs TT 159 and TT 286 in Dra Abu el-Naga", "genre": "3D dataset", "language": "en", "title": "Theban tombs 159 and 286", "URL": "https://skfb.ly/6UnsD", "author": [ { "family": "Anderson", "given": "David A." } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 17 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2020" ] ] } }, { "id": "institutdegyptologiedestrasbourgAsasifThebanNecropolis2024", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "Photogrammetric 3D scans of architectural features and objects from the excavations by the French Archaeological Mission in Asasif.", "genre": "3D dataset", "language": "en", "note": "Alternative URLs: More detailed documentation on each model, including individual photos, is available in the repository https://nakala.fr", "title": "Asasif in the Theban necropolis", "URL": "https://sketchfab.com/IES/collections/asasif-in-the-theban-necropolis-106efbc77aff4cb386c83654348e94a0", "author": [ { "literal": "Institut d'égyptologie de Strasbourg" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 15 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024" ] ] } }, { "id": "cabanOZPracowniaSketchfab", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "3D scans and reconstructions of archaeological sites and finds, connected to Polish excavations in Egypt, including the 11th Dynasty tombs of Meru and Khety and parts of the Hatshepsut temple in Deir el-Bahri", "genre": "3D dataset", "language": "pl; en", "title": "OZ pracownia (Sketchfab account)", "URL": "https://sketchfab.com/MariuszCaban", "author": [ { "family": "Caban", "given": "Mariusz" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 17 ] ] } }, { "id": "rodriguezlopezSynopticEditionBook2023", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "Hieroglyphic transcriptions of selected Book of the Dead spells in selected copies from the Ramesside period and the 21st Dynasty", "genre": "text dataset", "language": "en", "license": "CC-BY 4.0", "note": "Alternative URLs: https://github.com/STaTbS21D/Book_of_the_Dead_Sources", "publisher": "Github", "title": "Synoptic edition of Book of the Dead spell sources from the 21st Dynasty", "title-short": "STaTbS21D", "URL": "https://statbs21d.github.io/", "author": [ { "family": "Rodríguez López", "given": "Ivan" } ], "contributor": [ { "family": "Ezzeldeen", "given": "Naglaa" }, { "family": "Ribeiro", "given": "Thiago" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 22 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2023" ] ] } }, { "id": "dufaultDatabaseRitualAlchemical2022", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "Includes ritual and alchemical recipes as well as \"fixed ritual\" also known as \"applied texts\" (e.g., amulets) that were written on various supports between 2000 BCE and 1100 CE.\n\nVersion 1 contains 440 ritual and alchemical texts from Egypt dating from the Middle Kingdom to the last years of the Fatimid dynasty.", "DOI": "10.5281/zenodo.5967736", "genre": "spreadsheet", "language": "en", "license": "CC-BY 4.0", "medium": "XLSX", "title": "Database of ritual and alchemical texts", "URL": "https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.5967736", "author": [ { "family": "Dufault", "given": "Olivier" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 22 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2022" ] ] } }, { "id": "dodsonEgyptianCoffinsProvincial2020", "type": "webpage", "abstract": "A survey of coffins in smaller museums in the UK, currently including catalogues of coffins from Bristol, Exeter, Plymouth, and Truro", "language": "en", "license": "Under copyright", "title": "Egyptian coffins in provincial collections of the United Kingdom", "URL": "https://ecpuk.blogs.bristol.ac.uk/", "author": [ { "family": "Dodson", "given": "Aidan" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 22 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2020" ] ] } }, { "id": "coulonArchivesJeanYoyotte2024", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "Scanned notes and photographs from the archive of Jean Yoyotte", "genre": "digitized archival materials", "language": "fr", "license": "Under copyright", "title": "Archives de Jean Yoyotte", "URL": "https://bibnum.explore.psl.eu/s/psl/ark:/18469/3t8db", "author": [ { "family": "Coulon", "given": "Laurent" }, { "family": "Qahéri-Paquette", "given": "Sépideh" } ], "contributor": [ { "family": "Aucher", "given": "Laurent" }, { "family": "Georges", "given": "Margot" }, { "family": "Haroutunian", "given": "Samuel" }, { "family": "Laurent", "given": "Véronique" }, { "family": "Szuster", "given": "Alexis" }, { "family": "Thomas", "given": "Elisa" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 1, 10 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024" ] ] } }, { "id": "harvardmuseumoftheancientneareast3DScans2023", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "3D scans of objects from the Harvard Museum of the Ancient Near East, including Egyptian artefacts", "genre": "3D dataset", "language": "en", "license": "CC BY 1.0", "medium": "GLB", "publisher": "Zenodo", "title": "(3D scans)", "URL": "https://zenodo.org/search?q=metadata.creators.person_or_org.name%3A%22hmane%22&l=list&p=1&s=100&sort=bestmatch", "author": [ { "literal": "Harvard Museum of the Ancient Near East" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 1, 14 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2023" ] ] } }, { "id": "hameeuwMLRDatasetsAncient2023", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "The imaged objects are 11 unfired clay figurines originating from Saqqara, inventoried under accession numbers F 1941/8.2 to F 1941/8.12, and kept at the National Museum of Antiquities (Leiden, The Netherlands). They date to the late Middle Kingdom (c. 1850-1700 BC) and were identified as execration figurines.", "DOI": "10.48804/YYWIJZ", "genre": "3D dataset", "language": "en", "license": "CC-BY 4.0", "publisher": "KU Leuven RDR", "title": "MLR datasets of ancient Egyptian late Middle Kingdom Execration Figurines form the National Museum of Antiquities, Leiden", "URL": "https://doi.org/10.48804/YYWIJZ", "author": [ { "family": "Hameeuw", "given": "Hendrik" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 1, 14 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2023" ] ] } }, { "id": "insightRamesseumThebesEgypt2020", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "Laser 3D scan of the Ramesseum", "DOI": "10.26301/s9by-nv28", "genre": "3D dataset", "language": "en", "license": "CC BY-NC-SA 4.0", "publisher": "Open Heritage 3D", "title": "Ramesseum - Thebes, Egypt", "URL": "https://openheritage3d.org/project.php?id=s9by-nv28", "author": [ { "literal": "INSIGHT" }, { "literal": "Plowman Craven" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 17 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2020" ] ] } }, { "id": "schombergBerlinWaterclockProject2019", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "Online catalogue of Egyptian waterclock", "DOI": "10.17171/2-10", "genre": "database", "language": "en", "license": "Different licences for different materials", "medium": "web interface", "publisher": "Edition Topoi", "title": "Berlin waterclock project", "URL": "http://repository.edition-topoi.org/collection/BWCP", "author": [ { "family": "Schomberg", "given": "Anette" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 1, 14 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2019" ] ] } }, { "id": "rowlandNeolithicNileDelta2017", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "Online database of objects from Merimde Beni Salama, currently stored in various museums", "DOI": "10.17171/1-9", "genre": "database", "language": "en", "license": "CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 DE", "medium": "web interface", "publisher": "Edition Topoi", "title": "The Neolithic in the Nile Delta", "URL": "http://repository.edition-topoi.org/collection/MRMD", "version": "1", "author": [ { "family": "Rowland", "given": "Joanne" }, { "family": "Tassie", "given": "Geoffrey" }, { "family": "Falk", "given": "Sebastian" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 1, 14 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2017" ] ] } }, { "id": "werningBookCavernsTheban2018", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "Computed images (ortho-photos), camera photos, and wall plans of the textual witness of the Egyptian Netherworld Book, \"Book of Caverns\", in the tomb of Petamenophis in the necropolis of Thebes in Egypt (TT 33).", "DOI": "10.17171/2-8", "genre": "image dataset", "language": "en", "license": "CC BY-SA 3.0 DE", "publisher": "Edition Topoi", "title": "The Book of Caverns in Theban Tomb 33: Arbeitsphotos", "title-short": "The Book of Caverns in Theban Tomb 33", "URL": "http://repository.edition-topoi.org/collection/BOCA", "author": [ { "family": "Werning", "given": "Daniel A." } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 1, 14 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2018" ] ] } }, { "id": "ilin-tomichPersonsNamesMiddle2024", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "The first batch of supplementary material for the database contains study photographs of inscriptions in ten 18th Dynasty Theban tombs, taken during a photographic survey conducted by Alexander Ilin-Tomich from 29 November to 4 December 2023. The following tombs were visited: TT 22, 62, 140, 164, 182, 204, 228, 231, 234, 239.", "DOI": "10.17605/OSF.IO/2SBDX", "genre": "image dataset", "language": "en", "license": "CC0", "medium": "TIF", "title": "Persons and names of the Middle Kingdom and early New Kingdom. Supplementary material to the database. Study photographs of inscriptions in Theban Tombs 22, 62, 140, 164, 182, 204, 228, 231, 234, 239", "URL": "https://doi.org/10.17605/OSF.IO/2SBDX", "author": [ { "family": "Ilin-Tomich", "given": "Alexander" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 17 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024" ] ] } }, { "id": "linckeRosettaStoneOnline2019", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "A linguistic analysis, a Digital edition and TEI XML encoding of the trilingual text on the Rosetta Stone. The text is encoded in EpiDoc TEI XML.", "genre": "text dataset", "language": "en", "license": "CC-BY-SA", "note": "Alternative URLs: Dataset also on https://osf.io/9ctsu/", "title": "The Rosetta Stone online", "URL": "http://hdl.handle.net/21.11101/0000-0001-B537-5", "author": [ { "family": "Lincke", "given": "Eliese-Sophia" }, { "family": "Werning", "given": "Daniel A." } ], "contributor": [ { "family": "Georgakopoulos", "given": "Thanasis" }, { "family": "Paul", "given": "Tobias" }, { "family": "Gördes", "given": "Marcel" }, { "family": "Seelau", "given": "Lisa" }, { "family": "Kupreyev", "given": "Maxim" }, { "family": "Weber", "given": "Kerstin" }, { "family": "Kirschner", "given": "Florian" }, { "family": "Burow", "given": "Ilya" }, { "family": "Ehrensperger", "given": "Dora" }, { "family": "Magliocchi", "given": "Andrea" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 17 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2019" ] ] } }, { "id": "austinEgyptianBioarchBibliography2023", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "This bibliography was created by Anne Austin and Rose Campbell, and includes over 2,000 references that address the bioarchaeology of ancient Egypt and Nubia (ranging from 1834-2016). The references included in this bibliography from 2011 and earlier were combined from Rose et al. 1996 and Sabbahy 2012.\nAdditionally, references have been added since 2011 to keep this biblliography up-to-date.", "genre": "database", "language": "en", "license": "Under copyright", "medium": "web interface; Zotero", "title": "Egyptian bioarch bibliography", "URL": "https://www.zotero.org/groups/381795/egyptian_bioarch_bibliography", "author": [ { "family": "Austin", "given": "Anne" }, { "family": "Campbell", "given": "Rose" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 14 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2023" ] ] } }, { "id": "universitaetheidelbergAegyptologieRamessidengraeber", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "Scanned photos of decoration and plans of Theban tombs from the Heidelberger Ramessidenarchiv (also known as Theben-Archiv)", "genre": "digitized archival materials", "language": "de", "license": "Free access - no reuse", "medium": "JPG", "title": "Ägyptologie Ramessidengräber", "URL": "https://heidicon.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/pool/ramessiden", "author": [ { "literal": "Universität Heidelberg" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 17 ] ] } }, { "id": "universitaetheidelbergAegyptologieArchiv", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "Scanned negatives from Heidelberg excavations in Egypt (H. Ranke)", "genre": "digitized archival materials", "language": "de", "license": "Free access - no reuse", "medium": "JPG", "title": "Ägyptologie Archiv", "URL": "https://heidicon.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/pool/aegypt_archiv", "author": [ { "literal": "Universität Heidelberg" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 17 ] ] } }, { "id": "hennenbertNewKingdomHieratic", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "An interactive palaeography of New Kingdom hieratic based mainly on data from AKU-PAL and Stefan Wimmer’s Hieratische Paläographie", "genre": "database", "language": "en", "medium": "web interface", "title": "New Kingdom hieratic paleographies", "title-short": "NKHP", "URL": "", "author": [ { "family": "Hennenbert", "given": "Philippe" }, { "family": "Polis", "given": "Stéphane" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 17 ] ] } }, { "id": "fernandezpichelEgypopcult2024", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "A database of modern movies, series, books, comic books, board and video games with references to ancient Egypt", "genre": "database", "language": "en", "license": "Under copyright", "medium": "web interface", "title": "Egypopcult", "URL": "https://database.egypopcult.com/", "author": [ { "family": "Fernández Pichel", "given": "Abraham I." } ], "contributor": [ { "family": "Sousa", "given": "Rogério" }, { "family": "Dobson", "given": "Eleanor" }, { "family": "Taterka", "given": "Filip" }, { "family": "Juberías Gracia", "given": "Guillermo" }, { "family": "Candeias Sales", "given": "José", "dropping-particle": "das" }, { "family": "Simões Rodrigues", "given": "Nuno" }, { "family": "Fernández-Pichel", "given": "Samuel" }, { "family": "Woodward", "given": "Sara" }, { "family": "Sewell-Lasater", "given": "Tara" }, { "family": "Gamelin", "given": "Thomas" }, { "family": "Olabarría", "given": "Leire" }, { "family": "Álvarez-Ossorio", "given": "Alfonso" }, { "family": "Olette-Pelletier", "given": "Jean-Guillaume" }, { "family": "Orriols-Llonch", "given": "Marc" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 16 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024" ] ] } }, { "id": "benderitterOsirisnet", "type": "webpage", "abstract": "A website with photographs of diverse Egyptian tombs", "language": "fr; en", "note": "Full credits: https://www.osirisnet.net/remerciements.htm", "title": "Osirisnet", "URL": "https://www.osirisnet.net/centrale.htm", "author": [ { "family": "Benderitter", "given": "Thierry" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 16 ] ] } }, { "id": "szafranPredynasticPaletteDatabase", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "A database comprising over 1000 Predynastic palettes", "genre": "database", "language": "en", "medium": "web interface", "note": "Functionality: not functional as of 16.02.2024\nAlternative URLs: https://web.archive.org/web/20220810111652/https://www.archaeoresearch.co.uk/ppdb/", "title": "Predynastic palette database", "URL": "https://www.archaeoresearch.co.uk/ppdb/", "author": [ { "family": "Szafran", "given": "Matt" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 16 ] ] } }, { "id": "hourdinArchivesScientifiquesCFEETK", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "Archival materials relating to the exploration of the Karnak temple.", "genre": "digitized archival materials", "language": "fr", "license": "Under copyright", "note": "Functionality: As of 16.02.2024 some full size photos from archeogrid.fr cannot be loaded", "title": "Archives scientifiques du CFEETK", "URL": "http://www.cfeetk.cnrs.fr/archives/", "version": "0.2", "author": [ { "family": "Hourdin", "given": "Jérémy" }, { "family": "Biston-Moulin", "given": "Sébastien" }, { "literal": "Centre Franco-Égyptien d’Étude des Temples de Karnak" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 16 ] ] } }, { "id": "watsonMiddleKingdomTomb2023", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "An online database of models from Middle Kingdom burials", "genre": "database", "language": "en", "license": "Under copyright", "medium": "web interface; MySQL database dump", "title": "Middle Kingdom tomb models", "URL": "https://mk-tomb-models.net/index.html", "author": [ { "family": "Watson", "given": "Geoffrey" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 16 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2023" ] ] } }, { "id": "vossAegyptologeGeorgSteindorff", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "Scans of over 2500 documents from Georg Steindorff archive", "genre": "digitized archival materials", "language": "de", "license": "CC BY-NC-ND", "title": "Der Ägyptologe Georg Steindorff: Ein Briefnachlass und dessen wissenschaftsgeschichtliche Erforschung", "URL": "https://arachne.dainst.org/project/steindorff", "author": [ { "family": "Voss", "given": "Susanne" }, { "family": "Raue", "given": "Dietrich" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 16 ] ] } }, { "id": "staats-unduniversitaetsbibliothekbremenNachlassAegyptologenAdolf2021", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "Scans of over 5000 documents from the archive of Adolf Erman", "genre": "digitized archival materials", "language": "de", "license": "Under copyright", "title": "Nachlass des Ägyptologen Adolf Erman (1854-1937)", "URL": "https://brema.suub.uni-bremen.de/erman", "author": [ { "literal": "Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Bremen" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 16 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2021" ] ] } }, { "id": "ketchleyNileTravelogues", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "Database of printed accounts of Egypt left by travellers in the late 19th and early 20th century", "genre": "digitized print materials", "language": "en", "license": "CC BY-NC-SA", "title": "Nile travelogues", "URL": "https://travelogues.travelersinegypt.com/", "author": [ { "family": "Ketchley", "given": "Sarah L." } ], "contributor": [ { "family": "Chan", "given": "Frederick" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 16 ] ] } }, { "id": "bibliothequenationaledefrance.departementdesmanuscritsPapiersCorrespondanceMariette", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "Digitized (for the most part) papers from the archive of Auguste Mariette (including the original version of the Inventaire du Musée de Boulaq)", "genre": "digitized archival materials", "language": "fr", "title": "Papiers et correspondance de A.-E. Mariette", "URL": "https://archivesetmanuscrits.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cc65315", "author": [ { "literal": "Bibliothèque nationale de France. Département des Manuscrits" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 16 ] ] } }, { "id": "mallesonGizaBotanicalDatabase2018", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "A database of botanical remains from sediment samples collected in Old Kingdom settlements at Giza", "DOI": "10.6078/M7JH3J99", "genre": "database", "language": "en", "license": "CC BY 4.0", "medium": "web interface; XLSX", "publisher": "Open Context", "title": "Giza Botanical Database: Charred Macrobotanical remains from Ancient Egypt Research Associates (AERA) excavations in Old Kingdom settlements at Giza 1988-2018", "URL": "https://opencontext.org/projects/10aa84ad-c5de-4e79-89ce-d83b75ed72b5", "author": [ { "family": "Malleson", "given": "Claire" }, { "family": "Miracle", "given": "Rebekah" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 17 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2018" ] ] } }, { "id": "bibliothecaalexandrinaSelimHassan2023", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "Digitatized documents from the archive of Selim Hassan", "genre": "digitized archival materials", "language": "en; ar", "license": "Under copyright; copyright Bibliotheca Alexandrina - Center for Documentation of Cultural and Natural Heritage (CultNat)", "title": "Selim Hassan", "URL": "https://selim-hassan.cultnat.org/Default", "author": [ { "literal": "Bibliotheca Alexandrina" }, { "literal": "Center for Documentation of Cultural and Natural Heritage" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 17 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2023" ] ] } }, { "id": "lehnerARCESphinxProject2017", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "Scale drawings and photographs from a project examining the Great Sphinx of Giza in 1979-1983", "DOI": "10.6078/M7CZ356B", "genre": "digitized archival materials", "language": "en", "license": "CC BY 4.0", "medium": "web interface", "publisher": "Open Context", "title": "ARCE Sphinx project 1979-1983 archive", "URL": "https://opencontext.org/projects/141e814a-ba2d-4560-879f-80f1afb019e9", "author": [ { "family": "Lehner", "given": "Mark" }, { "family": "Flowers", "given": "Megan" }, { "family": "Miracle", "given": "Rebekah" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 17 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2017" ] ] } }, { "id": "chappazIndexBibliographiqueFigurines2022", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "Online shabtis bibliography, sorted by names of shabti owners", "genre": "text dataset", "language": "fr", "license": "Under copyright", "medium": "PDF", "title": "Index bibliographique des figurines funéraires", "URL": "https://www.segweb.ch/index-shabtis", "author": [ { "family": "Chappaz", "given": "Jean-Luc" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 18 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2022" ] ] } }, { "id": "riehlArchaeobotanicalDatabaseEastern2015", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "A database of archaeobotanical data, including data from Egyptian sites Hierakonpolis, Kellis, Kom el-Hisn, Kom Rab'ia, Maadi, Naqada, Saqqara, Tell el-Fara'in, Tell el-Iswid, Tell Ibrahim Awad, Umm el-Qaab and tomb KV 62.", "genre": "database", "language": "en", "note": "Access mode: requires free registration", "title": "Archaeobotanical database of Eastern Mediterranean and Near Eastern sites", "title-short": "ADEMNES", "URL": "https://www.ademnes.de/", "author": [ { "family": "Riehl", "given": "Simone" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 18 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2015" ] ] } }, { "id": "deutschesarchaologischesinstitutIDAIObjectsArachne", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "Image dataset of the German Archaeological Institute, including numerous images of Egyptian objects and sites", "genre": "image dataset", "language": "de; en", "license": "BY-NC-ND 3.0", "note": "Access mode: higher resolution images available upon free registration", "title": "iDAI.objects arachne", "title-short": "Arachne", "URL": "https://arachne.dainst.org/", "author": [ { "literal": "Deutsches Archäologisches Institut" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 18 ] ] } }, { "id": "elebautLeuvenOnlineIndex2006", "type": "webpage", "abstract": "Transcriptions and translations of selected temple texts", "language": "fr", "license": "Under copyright", "note": "Alternative URLs: original URL no longer accessible http://www.arts.kuleuven.be/ptt/, project description https://researchportal.unamur.be/en/projects/leuven-online-index-of-ptolemaic-and-roman-hieroglyphic-texts", "title": "Leuven online index of Ptolemaic and Roman hieroglyphic texts: Ptolemaic temple texts (PTT)", "URL": "https://web.archive.org/web/20190430121953/http://mill.arts.kuleuven.be/ptt/intro.htm", "author": [ { "family": "Elebaut", "given": "Marlies" }, { "family": "Paulet", "given": "Aurélie" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 18 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2006" ] ] } }, { "id": "ArielleKozloffBrodkey", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "Colour photographs of Egyptian monuments from the personal photographic archive of Arielle Kozloff Brodkey (with special emphasis on tombs in Thebes and Beni Hasan, photographed in 1977 and 1979)", "genre": "image dataset", "language": "en", "license": "Under copyright", "note": "Access mode: requires paid subscription to JSTOR", "publisher": "Artstor / JSTOR", "title": "Arielle Kozloff Brodkey: Egyptian and other ancient art", "URL": "https://www.jstor.org/site/artstor/ArielleKozloffBrodkeyEgyptianandotherAncientArt-100141747/", "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 18 ] ] } }, { "id": "veldmeijerMunroArchives2020", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "Digitized archive of Peter Munro's excavations in Saqqara", "genre": "digitized archival materials", "language": "en", "note": "Functionality: original URL no longer accessible http://www.munro-archive.org/", "title": "The Munro archives", "URL": "https://web.archive.org/web/20220924065418/http://www.munro-archive.org/", "author": [ { "family": "Veldmeijer", "given": "André J." }, { "family": "Sählhof", "given": "Martin" }, { "family": "Slingenberg", "given": "Maud" }, { "family": "Endenburg", "given": "Erno" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 18 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2020" ] ] } }, { "id": "schentuleitDimeOnlineDatenbank2016", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "Prosopography of people from Soknopaiou Nesos", "genre": "database", "language": "de", "license": "Under copyright", "medium": "web interface", "note": "Functionality: no longer functional\nAlternative URLs: original URL not accessible http://www.dime-online.de/", "title": "Dime online: Datenbank der demotisch und griechisch bezeugten Personen aus Soknopaiu Nesos", "URL": "https://web.archive.org/web/20200618123002/http://www.dime-online.de/", "author": [ { "family": "Schentuleit", "given": "Maren" } ], "contributor": [ { "family": "Theis", "given": "Christoffer" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 18 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2016" ] ] } }, { "id": "chaufrayDimeData2023", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "Digital edition platform for Demotic and Greek accounts from Soknopaiou Nesos", "genre": "database", "language": "fr; de", "license": "Under copyright", "medium": "web interface", "note": "Full credits: https://dimedata.huma-num.fr/team.html?lang=fr", "title": "DimeData", "URL": "https://dimedata.huma-num.fr/", "author": [ { "family": "Chaufray", "given": "Marie-Pierre" }, { "family": "Stadler", "given": "Martin" }, { "family": "Vignot-Kott", "given": "Déborah" }, { "family": "Schentuleit", "given": "Maren" }, { "family": "Prévôt", "given": "Nathalie" }, { "family": "Kade", "given": "Robert" }, { "family": "Lippert", "given": "Sandra" }, { "family": "Moser", "given": "Marcel" }, { "family": "Guibert", "given": "Nolwenn" }, { "family": "Engel", "given": "Thomas" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 18 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2023" ] ] } }, { "id": "theegyptexplorationsocietyDeltaSurvey", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "An inventory of archaeological sites in Lower Egypt, including a KMZ file with coordinates", "genre": "GIS dataset", "language": "en", "license": "Under copyright", "medium": "KMZ", "title": "Delta survey", "URL": "https://www.ees.ac.uk/our-cause/research/delta-survey.html", "author": [ { "literal": "The Egypt Exploration Society" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 18 ] ] } }, { "id": "AnimalMummyDatabase2017", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "Database of mummified animal remains from ancient Egypt", "genre": "database", "language": "en", "license": "Under copyright", "medium": "web interface", "note": "Alternative URLs: original URL not accessible http://animalmummies.net/", "title": "The Animal mummy database", "URL": "https://web.archive.org/web/20170626055420/http://animalmummies.net/", "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 18 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2017" ] ] } }, { "id": "theuniversityofmanchesterAncientEgyptianAnimal", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "Database of mummified animal remains from ancient Egypt from selected collections", "genre": "database", "language": "en", "medium": "web interface", "note": "Alternative URLs: project blog https://ancientegyptbiobank.wordpress.com/", "title": "Ancient Egyptian animal bio bank", "URL": "https://www.mummies.manchester.ac.uk/", "author": [ { "literal": "The University of Manchester" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 18 ] ] } }, { "id": "luescherSinuheBibliographie2005", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "A line-by-line bibliography of Sinuhe", "genre": "text dataset", "language": "de", "license": "Under copyright", "medium": "PDF", "title": "Sinuhe Bibliographie", "URL": "https://daw.philhist.unibas.ch/de/aegyptologie/tools-links/sinuhe-bibliographie/", "author": [ { "family": "Lüscher", "given": "Barbara" } ], "contributor": [ { "family": "Lapp", "given": "Günther" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 18 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2005" ] ] } }, { "id": "graefeInterlinearversionStundenritualsTagesstunden2020", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "A synoptic digital edition of the Ritual of the Hours of the Day", "genre": "text dataset", "language": "de", "license": "Under copyright", "medium": "PDF", "title": "Interlinearversion des Stundenrituals der Tagesstunden", "URL": "https://stundenritual.uni-muenster.de/", "author": [ { "family": "Graefe", "given": "Erhart" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 18 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2020" ] ] } }, { "id": "graefeTT196Grab", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "Photographs of the Theban tomb TT 196 and a 3D reconstruction of the tomb", "genre": "image dataset", "language": "de", "title": "TT 196: Das Grab des Padihorresnet in Fotos", "URL": "https://www1.ivv1.uni-muenster.de/litw3/Aegyptologie/Padihorresnet/index_pad.htm", "author": [ { "family": "Graefe", "given": "Erhart" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 18 ] ] } }, { "id": "spiekermannAnibaGraeberUnd2004", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "Digital publication of documentation on Steindorff's excavations in Aniba, containing scanned photographs and plans as well as a database", "event-place": "Leipzig", "genre": "database", "language": "de", "license": "Under copyright", "medium": "Filemaker 5/6 database (FP5); offline hypertext appliation (HTM); scanned photographs and plans (JPG)", "note": "medium: CD-ROM\nFunctionality: CD-ROM autorun is designed only for Windows, but the hypertext application runs on any computer when opening index.htm in a browser. FP5 file cannot be opened in modern versions of Filemaker.", "number": "ISBN: 3-934178-32-4", "publisher-place": "Leipzig", "title": "Aniba - die Gräber der A- und C-Gruppe: Steindorffs Grabungen im unternubischen Aniba 1912/1914 und 1930/31", "author": [ { "family": "Spiekermann", "given": "Antje" } ], "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2004" ] ] } }, { "id": "hovestreydtEgyptologicalBibliography2001", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "Bibliographical database, including 62000 bibliographical references from the Annual Egyptological Bibliography (1947-1997) and from Bibliographie Altägypten 1822-1946 by Christine Beinlich-Seeber. This database is now part of the Online Egyptological Bibliography", "genre": "database", "language": "en", "license": "Under copyright", "medium": "Windows executable (.EXE)", "note": "medium: CD-ROM", "title": "Egyptological bibliography", "author": [ { "family": "Hovestreydt", "given": "Willem" }, { "family": "Berg", "given": "Hans", "dropping-particle": "van den" } ], "contributor": [ { "family": "Zonhoven", "given": "Louis" }, { "family": "Hallof", "given": "Gabriele" }, { "family": "Kalvelagen", "given": "Renée" }, { "family": "Vugts", "given": "Marije" }, { "family": "Hallof", "given": "Jochen" }, { "family": "Bovot", "given": "Jean-Luc" }, { "family": "Feder", "given": "Silvia Helena" }, { "family": "Greco", "given": "Christian" }, { "family": "Boyadjian", "given": "Ara" }, { "family": "Pols", "given": "Atie" }, { "family": "Vries-Mostert", "given": "Leoti", "dropping-particle": "de" } ], "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2001" ] ] } }, { "id": "erbkamTagebuchMeinerEgyptischen2007", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "Transcribed diary of Georg Gustav Erbkam, who participated in the expedition to Egypt led by Carl Richard Lepsius with an index of persons, names, and terms", "genre": "digitized archival materials", "language": "de", "license": "Under copyright", "title": "Tagebuch meiner egyptischen Reise", "URL": "http://pom.bbaw.de/erbkam/", "author": [ { "family": "Erbkam", "given": "Georg Gustav" } ], "contributor": [ { "family": "Freier", "given": "Elke" }, { "family": "Grunert", "given": "Stefan" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 19 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2007" ] ] } }, { "id": "spiegelBerlinerZeichenliste193239", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "Scan of an unpublished sign list prepared for the Wörterbuch", "genre": "digitized archival materials", "language": "de", "license": "Under copyright", "title": "Berliner Zeichenliste (1932-39) Zeichenliste des Wörterbuches der ägyptischen Sprache", "URL": "https://aaew.bbaw.de/archive/berliner-zeichenliste-1935-39", "author": [ { "family": "Spiegel", "given": "Joachim" }, { "family": "Lüddeckens", "given": "Erich" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 19 ] ] } }, { "id": "malekPortraitsManuscriptImages2012", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "A database of handwriting samples of Egyptologists for identifying handwritten documents in Egyptological archives", "genre": "database", "language": "en", "medium": "web interface", "title": "Portraits and manuscript images of handwriting of Egyptologists", "URL": "http://www.griffith.ox.ac.uk/gri/4porhand.html", "author": [ { "family": "Malek", "given": "Jaromir" }, { "family": "Reid", "given": "Alice" }, { "family": "Love", "given": "Edward" }, { "family": "Olabarria", "given": "Leire" } ], "contributor": [ { "family": "Navratil", "given": "Jenni" }, { "family": "Fleming", "given": "Elizabeth" }, { "family": "Hobby", "given": "Alison" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 19 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2012" ] ] } }, { "id": "deutschesarchaeologischesinstitutDeutschesArchaeologischesInstitut", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "Online catalogue of the German Archaeological Institute archive", "genre": "database", "language": "de", "medium": "web interface", "note": "Access mode: digital copies available on request", "title": "Deutsches Archäologisches Institut, Kairo, Archiv", "URL": "https://archives.dainst.org/index.php/deutsches-archaologisches-institut-kairo-archiv", "author": [ { "literal": "Deutsches Archäologisches Institut" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 20 ] ] } }, { "id": "lebeeCorrespondancesEgyptologiques2023", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "Digital edition of letters from the Auguste Mariette archive", "genre": "text dataset", "language": "fr", "medium": "PDF; XML-TEI", "title": "Correspondances égyptologiques", "URL": "https://thlebee.github.io/CoEg/", "author": [ { "family": "Lebée", "given": "Thomas" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 20 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2023" ] ] } }, { "id": "cherpionRepertoireFondsArchives2015", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "Catalogue of Egyptological archives worldwide", "genre": "database", "language": "fr", "medium": "web interface", "title": "Répertoire des fonds d’archives égyptologiques", "URL": "https://www.ifao.egnet.net/bases/archeg/", "version": "1", "author": [ { "family": "Cherpion", "given": "Nadine" }, { "family": "Cressent", "given": "Cherpion" } ], "contributor": [ { "family": "Gaubert", "given": "Christian" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 20 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2015" ] ] } }, { "id": "malekEgyptianMirageDatabase2007", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "Catalogue of studio photographs of Egypt that can be used for identifying copies of same photographs often found in archives", "genre": "image dataset", "language": "en", "license": "Under copyright; copyright Griffith Institute", "title": "Egyptian mirage: a database of 19th-century \"studio photographs\" of Egypt, mainly in the collection of the Griffith Institute, Oxford", "URL": "http://www.griffith.ox.ac.uk/gri/4mirage.html", "author": [ { "family": "Malek", "given": "Jaromir" }, { "family": "Fleming", "given": "Elizabeth" }, { "family": "Rawlinson", "given": "Kent" } ], "contributor": [ { "family": "Moffett", "given": "Jonathan" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 20 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2007" ] ] } }, { "id": "davidVirtualKahunBringing2004", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "A website and a database of finds from Lahun at the Petrie Museum and Manchester Museum. Alson includes 3D reconstructions of the town", "genre": "database", "language": "en", "medium": "web interface", "note": "Alternative URLs: original URL no longer accessible http://www.kahun.man.ac.uk/\nFunctionality: the database is no loger functional", "title": "Virtual Kahun: \"bringing collections together\"", "URL": "https://web.archive.org/web/20081206041633/http://www.kahun.man.ac.uk/", "author": [ { "family": "David", "given": "Rosalie" }, { "family": "Cooke", "given": "Ashley" }, { "family": "Sutherland", "given": "Ella Louise" }, { "family": "Vowles", "given": "Karen" }, { "family": "Chapman", "given": "Malcolm" }, { "family": "MacDonald", "given": "Sally" }, { "family": "McKeown", "given": "Roy" }, { "family": "Quirke", "given": "Stephen" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 20 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2004" ] ] } }, { "id": "depauwDemoticAbnormalHieratic2006", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "A catalogue of metadata for 13120 texts in demotic or abnormal hieratic script", "genre": "database", "language": "en", "license": "CC-BY-SA", "medium": "web interface", "note": "Functionality: not functional as of 20.02.2024", "title": "Demotic and abnormal hieratic texts: an online database of metadata.", "URL": "https://www.trismegistos.org/daht/", "version": "1", "author": [ { "family": "Depauw", "given": "Mark" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 22 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2006" ] ] } }, { "id": "mullerThesaurusAltagyptischenIkonographie2000", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "A bilingual (German-English) thesaurus of ancient Egyptian iconography", "genre": "controlled vocabulary", "language": "de; en", "license": "Under copyright; copyright Bibliotheca Alexandrina - Center for Documentation of Cultural and Natural Heritage (CultNat)", "medium": "HTML", "note": "Alternative URLs: original URL no longer accessible http://www.gnosarch.ch/thes/icon/index.htm", "title": "Thesaurus der altägyptischen Ikonographie", "URL": "https://web.archive.org/web/20030802044150fw_/http://www.gnosarch.ch/thes/icon/index.htm", "author": [ { "family": "Müller", "given": "Maya" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 20 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2000" ] ] } }, { "id": "gnosarchfoundationDingTypologieThesaurus2000", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "An object type thesaurus for Egyptological museum databases", "genre": "controlled vocabulary", "language": "de; en", "license": "Under copyright", "medium": "HTML", "note": "Alternative URLs: original URL no longer available http://www.gnosarch.ch/thes/ding/ding.htm", "title": "Ding/Typologie: Thesaurus für die Bezeichnung und typologische Klassifizierung von Museumsobjekten", "URL": "https://web.archive.org/web/20030802044055fw_/http://www.gnosarch.ch/thes/ding/ding.htm", "author": [ { "literal": "Gnosarch Foundation" }, { "family": "Müller", "given": "Maya" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 20 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2000" ] ] } }, { "id": "weeksThebanMappingProject2003", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "Interactive atlases of the Valley of the Kings and of the Theban necropolis", "genre": "GIS dataset", "language": "en", "medium": "Macromedia Flash 6", "note": "Functionality: no longer functional, because modern browsers no longer support Macromedia Flash; however, archive.org includes a flash emulator, enabling the work of the Valley of the Kings atlas\nFull credits: https://web.archive.org/web/20051210184310/http://www.thebanmappingproject.com/credits.html", "title": "The Theban mapping project", "URL": "https://web.archive.org/web/20051216125600/http://www.thebanmappingproject.com/", "author": [ { "family": "Weeks", "given": "Kent" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 20 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2003" ] ] } }, { "id": "mallesonRealitiesLifeElephantine2024", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "A database of plant remains from the Elephantine with results of botanical identification and contexts", "DOI": "10.6078/M7445JN1", "genre": "database", "language": "en", "license": "CC BY 4.0", "medium": "web interface", "publisher": "Open Context", "title": "Realities of Life on Elephantine: archaeobotanical database. Charred macro-botanical remains from the German Archaeological Institute (DAI) \"Realities of Life\" project excavations in the northwestern town of Elephantine Island (Egypt), 2013-2018", "URL": "https://opencontext.org/projects/a4802286-7c88-473a-9e11-11f7c698b3ac", "author": [ { "family": "Malleson", "given": "Claire" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 21 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024" ] ] } }, { "id": "ditriaAmuletsKermaCulture2024", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "Catalogue of 1896 amulets of the Kerma culture", "DOI": "10.6078/M74747Z0h", "genre": "database", "language": "en", "license": "CC BY 4.0", "medium": "web interface", "publisher": "Open Context", "title": "The amulets of the Kerma culture: Iconography and manufacture technique of the amulets of the Kerma culture in Nubia, Sudan (2500-1400 BC)", "URL": "ttps://opencontext.org/projects/2c7ff3c8-b299-4138-ab04-f4e17e49ad64", "author": [ { "family": "D’Itria", "given": "Elena" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 21 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024" ] ] } }, { "id": "daviesPhoebeHearstExpedition2020", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "Object and pottery database based on archival documentation of Reisner's excavations at Naga ed-Deir", "DOI": "10.6078/M75D8PZX", "genre": "database", "language": "en", "license": "CC BY 4.0", "medium": "web interface; CSV", "publisher": "Open Context", "title": "The Phoebe A. Hearst expedition to Naga ed-Deir, cemeteries N 2000 and N 2500: artifacts attributed to the cemeteries' excavation under George Reisner and Arthur C. Mace", "URL": "https://opencontext.org/projects/9cc85c77-e2c3-4534-bbe9-3fef64de7bc2", "author": [ { "family": "Davies", "given": "Vanessa" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 21 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2020" ] ] } }, { "id": "adamsImagesDocumentingLooting2017", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "Documentation of 63 structures in the necropolix Abydos uncovered due to looting (with occasional finds)", "genre": "database", "language": "en", "license": "CC BY 4.0", "medium": "web interface", "publisher": "Open Context", "title": "Images documenting looting in the North Cemetery at Abydos, Egypt: a collection of images from the 2013 field season of the Institute of Fine Arts, New York University Abydos Expedition", "URL": "https://opencontext.org/projects/8859aa10-c0c4-42ad-993b-cc9d79800d8e", "author": [ { "family": "Adams", "given": "Matthew Douglas" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 21 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2017" ] ] } }, { "id": "boulangerNeutronActivationAnalysis2011", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "Results of 394 neutron activation analyses of ceramic finds from Egypt, performed between the late 1960s and early 1990s. Also includes photographs of some specimens.", "DOI": "10.6067/XCV84F1S6D", "genre": "spreadsheet", "language": "en", "medium": "XLS; JPG", "note": "Access mode: free registration is required to download the data\nFull credits: https://core.tdar.org/project/372351/neutron-activation-analysis-of-ceramics-from-egypt", "publisher": "tDAR", "title": "Neutron activation analysis of ceramics from Egypt", "URL": "https://core.tdar.org/project/372351/neutron-activation-analysis-of-ceramics-from-egypt", "author": [ { "family": "Boulanger", "given": "Matthew" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 21 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2011" ] ] } }, { "id": "budkaListsPotteryFound2021", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "Metadata on ceramic find excavated by the AcrossBorders project in the New Kingdom town of Sai Island (Sudan) in the sectors SAV1 East and SAV1 West", "DOI": "10.5282/ubm/data.222", "genre": "spreadsheet", "language": "en", "license": "ODC-BY 1.0", "medium": "PDF", "publisher": "Open Data LMU", "title": "Lists of pottery found in the New Kingdom town of Sai Island, sectors SAV1 East and SAV1 West", "URL": "https://doi.org/10.5282/ubm/data.222", "author": [ { "family": "Budka", "given": "Julia" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 21 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2021" ] ] } }, { "id": "dercoleAcrossBordersListSamples2021", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "List of ceramic samples from the Sai Island, examied via instrumental neutron activation analysis (without results of the analyses)", "DOI": "10.5282/ubm/data.260", "genre": "spreadsheet", "language": "en", "license": "ODC-BY 1.0", "medium": "XLSX; CSV", "publisher": "Open Data LMU", "title": "AcrossBorders: list of samples analysed via iNAA including their provenance, period, description and ceramic macroscopic fabrics", "URL": "https://doi.org/10.5282/ubm/data.260", "author": [ { "family": "D’Ercole", "given": "Giulia" }, { "family": "Sterba", "given": "Johannes" }, { "family": "Budka", "given": "Julia" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 21 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2021" ] ] } }, { "id": "goldwasserIClassifierReportsPage", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "Statistics on the use of classifiers with different lemmas in several corpora of Egyptian texts (including \"Classifying the other\" (by Haleli Harel), \"Ramses data in iClassifier\", \"pEbers\", \"Ptahhotep\", \"Neuaegyptische Erzaehlungen\", \"Coffin Texts\", \"SinuheTLACopy\")", "genre": "database", "language": "en", "license": "Under copyright", "medium": "web interface (statistics only, no online access to source data)", "note": "Full credits: https://www.archaeomind.net/team", "title": "iClassifier reports page", "URL": "https://www.iclassifier.pw/reports/", "author": [ { "family": "Goldwasser", "given": "Orly" }, { "family": "Harel", "given": "Haleli" }, { "family": "Nikolaev", "given": "Dmitry" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 21 ] ] } }, { "id": "BibliographiaAegyptiaca", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "Bibliography of publications on the modern reception of ancient Egypt as well as or primary sources.", "genre": "database", "language": "en; de", "medium": "web interface", "title": "Bibliographia Aegyptiaca", "URL": "https://www.propylaeum.de/en/searching/bibliographia-aegyptiaca", "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 21 ] ] } }, { "id": "vitaElAmarnaLettersVorderasiatisches2006", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "Photographs of El-Amarna letters housed at the Vorderasiatisches Museum of Berlin", "genre": "database", "language": "es; de; en", "medium": "web interface", "note": "Functionality: no longer functional\nAlternative URLs: original URL no longer accessible http://amarna.ieiop.csic.es/maineng.html", "title": "The El-Amarna letters at the Vorderasiatisches Museum of Berlin", "URL": "https://web.archive.org/web/20150725041257/http://amarna.ieiop.csic.es/maineng.html", "author": [ { "family": "Vita", "given": "Juan-Pablo" }, { "family": "Marzahn", "given": "Joachim" } ], "contributor": [ { "family": "Siabra", "given": "Joaquín" } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 22 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2006" ] ] } }, { "id": "anderson3DDocumentationArchaeological2024", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "3D scans of Egyptian artifacts and various locations, like tomb and temples", "genre": "3D dataset", "language": "en", "publisher": "Sketchfab", "title": "(3D documentation of archaeological remains)", "URL": "https://sketchfab.com/danderson4", "author": [ { "family": "Anderson", "given": "David A." } ], "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024", 2, 23 ] ] }, "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2024" ] ] } } ]