0. README (files in the directory)                                      # Description of all files archived on Zenodo

+---1. Model Input
|   |   fra-forestCharacteristics.csv                                   # Forest resource assessment dataset
|   |   GADM_Boundaries.csv                                             # GADM countries
|   |   Inputs_LandUse_E_All_Data_(Normalized).csv                      # FAOSTAT Land-use dataset
|   |   Production_Crops_Livestock_E_All_Data_(Normalized).csv          # FAOSTAT Production dataset
|   |   Supplementary_data-DeDuCE v1.xlsx                               # Contains multiple lookup tables used in the DeDuCE model
|   |
|   +---Crop and grass loss
|   |       Conversion factor Li et al 2017.xlsx                        # Conversion factor for land use
|   |       Li_et_al_2017_Gross_cropland_grassland_changes_2001-2020 - gapfilled_2021-2022.xlsx  # Estimates of crop and grass loss
|   |
|   +---GADM
|   |       GADM_dissolved_ADM0.shp                                     # Shapefile for GADM file
|   |       .......
|   |
|   \---IBGE dataset                                                    # Brazil sub-national production datasets
|           tabela1000.csv
|           tabela1001.csv
|           tabela1002.csv
|           tabela5457-2001.2002.2003.csv
|           tabela5457-2004.2005.2006.csv
|           tabela5457-2007.2008.2009.csv
|           tabela5457-2010.2011.2012.csv
|           tabela5457-2013.2014.2015.csv
|           tabela5457-2016.2017.2018.csv
|           tabela5457-2019.2020.2021.csv
|           tabela5457-2022.csv
|           tabela839.csv
+---2. Result (Generated post-spatial deforestation attribution)        # Dataset generated by the DeDuCE model post-spatial deforestation attribution
|   |   Readme.txt
|   \---DeDuCE_dataset_GEE
\---3. Final Attribution Results
    |   DeDuCE_Deforestation_attribution_v1.0.0 (2001-2022).xlsx                                 # National attribution statistics
    |   DeDuCE_National-level_Aggregates_of_Deforestation_attribution_v1.0.0 (2001-2022).xlsx    # Country statistics of DeDuCE model
    |   DeDuCE_Treecover loss_statistics.xlsx							 # Deforestation statistics from total tree cover loss 
    \---Sub-national attribution (Brazil)                                                        # Sub-national attribution statistics for Brazil

4. DeDuCE-Lookup                                                        # Lookup tables used in the DeDuCE model