FILE participants.csv Contains the list of participants in the simulation id = unique ID of the user p2p_id = unique internal ID of the user (used by the app, can be ignored) sim_id = unique ID of the simulation (all users should have the same value, can be ignored group = group the participant, in case simulation uses groups (can be ignored) random_id = unique 4-digit ID of the user that's shown to the user in the app (can be ignored) score = not used (can be ignored) FILE histories.csv Contains the list of events generated by each participant during the simulation id = unique ID of the event (can be ignored) user_id = uniqe ID of the user generating the event time = timestamp (time value measured in seconds since January 1 1970, UTC) of the event lat = latitude value for the event (not collected, can be ignored) lng = longuitude value for the event (not collected, can be ignored) type = type of the event: contact (a contact between this user and another peer), false positive (user shows symptoms of illness but not caused by the disease), infection (the user got infected as index case or by a peer), join (the user joined the sim), modifier (user started wearking a mask, PPE, or other item that modifies probability of infection, etc.), outcome, quiz (the user responded to a quiz), score (a change in the score of the user) inf = extra information regarding an event event. For infection events, either it was a index case, or infection from a peer. The former is represented by the value "CASE0[0]" and the latter by PEER[peer_id:0] where peer_id is the ID of the infecting peer. For score events, the type of score-changing action (e.g.: initPoints, shopMask, quiz, quarantine, noQuarantine, deceased) falsePostive = whether the false postive events starts (+) or ends (-) out = Value associated to events. In the case of outcome events :dead, recovered, vaccinated, escaped. For score events, the points gained or lost. sim_id = unique ID of the simulation (all events should have the same value, can be ignored) peer_id = ID of the peer in contact evetns contact_length = Duration of the contact (in miliseconds) quiz_id = Unique ID of the quiz the user responded to (only for quiz events) modifier = Type of modifier event (WearingMask, WearingPPE, etc) score = score for quiz events max_strength = maximum strength of contact event (not used currently, can be ignored) FILE infections.csv TBD FILE mutations.csv TBD