Campylaspis poorei sp. nov.

Figure 26

Material examined. Holotype female, NSW, off Nowra, 34°51.90'S, 151°12.60'E, 770 m, crinoid dominated, WHOI epibenthic sled, G.C.B. Poore and C.C. Lu, RV Franklin, 15 Jul 1986 (stn SLOPE 6), NMV J52417.

Diagnosis. Carapace with long, thin narrow sulcus. Antenna 1 long. Maxilliped 2 with 3 short dactylar teeth, median one small. Merus of maxilliped 3 the 2nd longest article, dactylus with microserrate terminal setae. Pereopod 1 with slender and less setulated articles. Dactylus of pereopod 2 without digitiform extremity. Uropod peduncle 1.6 times as long as pleonite 6 and 1.3 times longer than endopod, exopod shorter than endopod, endopod with 4 short microserrate setae on inner margin.

Description. Body with smooth integument. Length: 3.1 mm.

Carapace 0.43 of entire body length, twice as long as high, with long, thin lateral sulcus, big ocular lobe without eyes, antennal notch small, ventral margin smooth.

Antenna 1 long, proximal article of peduncle longest article, distal one longer than median article, main flagellum, 3-articulate, as long as last 2 articles of peduncle, accessory flagellum, minute, uniarticulate.

Maxilliped 2 basis with strong inner plumose seta, small tooth and 2 simple setae on inner margin of carpus, propodus second longest article, with robust seta on outer distal corner, longer than dactylar teeth, dactylus fused with 3 short teeth, median one minute. Maxilliped 3 basis half of appendage, 2 plumose setae on outer and inner distal corner, no outer process, merus second longest article, with serrate inner margin with plumose setae, long plumose seta on distal outer corner, carpus less than half merus, with strong serration and plumose seta on outer margin, propodus 1.5 times longer than carpus, with 2 pappose setae on inner margin, dactylus half of propodus, with microserrate setae longer than article.

Pereopod 1 basis shorter than rest of articles combined, margins smooth, merus 3 times as long as ischium, with simple seta on outer margin, carpus second longest article, with 2 simple curved setae on inner margin, propodus 0.8 of carpus length, with simple setae on inner margin, dactylus 0.7 propodus length, with simple short setae. Pereopod 2 basis shorter than rest of articles combined, simple seta on inner margin of merus, carpus 1.8 times as long as merus, with short stout seta and longer simple one on distal inner corner, dactylus 2.6 times as long as propodus, shorter than carpus, with few simple setae on both margins, subterminal and terminal plumose setae. Pereopods 3–5 with progressively shorter basis and longer carpus (carpus 3 times as long as merus in last pair), carpus with simple stout long seta on outer distal corner, dactylus with long stout terminal seta. Exopods on maxilliped 3 and pereopods 1, 2, with 2nd article long.

Uropod peduncle 1.6 times as long as pleonite 6 and 1.3 times as long as its endopod, with serrated inner margin, exopod 0.8 length of endopod, with long terminal robust seta, endopod with 4 short microserrate setae on inner margin and short microserrate terminal seta.

Etymology. The species is dedicated to Gary Poore, Museum Victoria, Melbourne, Australia, well-known specialist in Peracarida, as a sign of gratitude for offering me the opportunity to study this collection in his laboratory.

Distribution. Off Nowra, NSW; 770 m depth.

Remarks. The new species most resembles C. minor Hale, 1945. It differs in the lateral sulcus not reaching the anterior margin of the carapace, pereopod 1 has slender articles, without plumose setae, there are fewer plumose setae on pereopod 2, and the uropod endopod has three setae on the inner margin instead of two.