Campylaspis johnstoni Hale, 1937

Campylaspis johnstoni Hale, 1937: 37–56, fig. 2.

Material examined. 4 females, 2 males (stn SLOPE 1), NMV J52975; 1 female, 1 immature male (stn SLOPE 2), NMV J54127; 1 female (stn SLOPE 2), NMV J52963; 1 male (stn SLOPE 46), NMV J52974.

Distribution. Antarctica, Kerguelen Is., south-western Atlantic (Argentina), 204 m depth (Băcescu, 1992); NSW, Tas., 720 m depth.

Remarks. This is the first record of this widespread species from Australian waters and from such a depth (720 m).