Campylaspis angelae sp. nov.

Figures 3, 4

Material examined. Holotype female, NSW, off Nowra, 34°59.52'S, 151°05.94'E, 204m, coarse shell, WHOI epibenthic sled, G.C.B. Poore et al., RV Franklin, 14 Jul 1986 (stn SLOPE 1), NMV J52960.

Paratype: 1 female, dissected, type locality, NMV J52961.

Diagnosis. Carapace with a lateral sulcus, 2 dorsal parallel rows of tubercles on carapace, without eyes. Lateral keel on pleonites 1–5 and 2 parallel dorsal keels on pereonite 5 and pleonites 1–4, unique on last 2 pleonites. Antenna 1 short, robust. Maxilliped 3 with enlarged merus to propodus. Pereopod 1 with long ischium. Dactylus of pereopod 2 with finger-like tip. Serrated uropod with a median keel on peduncle.

Description. Body with smooth, highly calcified integument. Length: 2.55 mm.

Carapace almost half of body length, 1.8 times as long as high, with a large lateral sulcus delimited by a transverse crest on anterior part, meeting ventral undulated crest that unites anteroventral corner and oblique posterior crest on each side of carapace; 2 dorsal parallel rows of small tubercles, 1 tubercle on top of ocular lobe, another on pseudorostrum; antennal notch marked, anteroventral corner serrated, ventral margin smooth; prominent ocular lobe without eyes. Parallel dorsal crests on pereonite 6, pleonite 1–4, and single dorsal serrated crest on pleonites 5–6. Pleonites 1–4 produced laterally, pleonite 5 weakly produced laterally.

Antenna 1 short, robust, articles of peduncle decreasing in length distally, main flagellum 3-articulate ending with short aesthetascs; accessory flagellum tiny, uniarticulate.

Maxilliped 2 basis fused with ischium, with stout inner plumose seta, similar seta on merus, carpus with tooth and 2 simple setae on inner margin, propodus with strong robust seta on outer distal corner near articulation with short 3-toothed dactylus. Maxilliped 3 basis less than half as long as appendage, without outer process, with 2 long plumose setae on outer distal corner, ischium to propodus with serrated inner margins, merus second longest article, with 3 teeth and plumose seta on outer margin, carpus 0.66 merus length, with 3 long teeth and long plumose seta on outer margin, propodus as long as carpus, dactylus less than half as long as propodus, with terminal setae longer than dactylus.

Pereopod 1 basis longer than rest of articles combined, basis to propodus with serrated margins, short ischium with inner plumose seta, merus, carpus and propodus enlarged, merus second largest article, longer than carpus and propodus combined, dactylus and propodus subequal. Margins of merus-propodus serrated on both margins. Pereopod 2 basis less than half as long as appendage, with short simple seta on distal inner corner, merus 5 times as long as ischium, with simple seta on inner margin, carpus 1.66 times as long as merus, with short simple setae on distal inner corner, dactylus 3 times as long as propodus, bluntly produced terminally, with 2 subterminal short simple setae, no evidence of terminal setae. Pereopod 3 basis longer than rest of articles combined, carpus little longer than merus, with only hair-like distal seta, dactylus fused with its terminal short stout seta. Pereopods 4 and 5 with progressively shorter basis than in pereopod 3, carpus twice as long as merus. Exopods on maxilliped 3 and pereopods 1, 2.

Uropod with robust peduncle, 1.6 times as long as pleonite 6, with median serrated crest and serrated margins, 1.3 times as long as endopod; exopod little shorter than endopod, with strong serrated margins, 2 terminal robust setae, 1 long, endopod 1.15 times as long as exopod, with serrated margins and serrated median crest, 3 stout setae on inner margin and terminal robust microserrate seta.

Etymology. This species is dedicated to my wonderful, lovely and highly devoted wife, Angela.

Distribution. NSW, off Nowra, shelf break, 204 m.

Remarks. This new species has a carapace with a lateral sulcus posteriorly bordered by an oblique crest as in C. pileus Foxon, 1932. It differs mainly by a shorter pseudorostrum, small tubercles on the carapace, and shorter and more robust uropods with serrated margins. C. angelae is also more similar than other species of the genus to C. calmani Petrescu, 1995 from Indonesia, which also has a lateral sulcus with a transverse crest on the anterior part (close to the ocular lobe) and small tubercles. However, tubercles just border the sulcus in C. calmani and are otherwise disposed in C. angelae, the dactylus of pereopod 2 is with a digitiform extremity only in C. angelae, and there is a longitudinal serrated crest on the uropodal peduncle in C. angelae, missing in C. calmani. The new species is also related to C. edenensis sp. nov., which has an almost similar lateral sulcus but without tubercles, similar to pereopod 2 but with longer dactylar teeth than maxilliped 2, and uropodal peduncle without a longitudinal crest.