Keen, Eric MQualls, Katelyn M2018Fig. 6 in Respiratory behaviors in sympatric rorqual whales: the influence of prey depth and implications for temporal access to prey10.5281/zenodo.10662612Fig. 6.—Simulated prey encounter rates for humpback (Megaptera novaeangliae; orange) and fin (Balaenoptera physalus; blue) whales given various depth distributions of the prey field (black dotted line). Top row explores effect of mean prey depth (SD = 20 m); bottom row explores effect of increasing vertical dispersion (about mean 100 m).)m(Depth)m(Depth100140180220100140180220206020600510SDSDFinPreyPreyMeanMean==encounterHumpbackdistribution15=20=1020mm100mmrate200246SDSDMeanMean===20=208m10050mmm1001Prey2unitsSDSDMeanMean==3=50=20m100m100mm40.00.51.0SDSDMeanMean==1.5==20100100m150mmm2.