Title: Nowcasting Solar EUV Irradiance with Photospheric Magnetic Fields and the MgII Index Authors: Kara L. Kniezewski, Samuel J. Schonfeld, Carl J. Henney ================================================================================= Description of contents: Contains all input data and Python scripts used to generate the models and figures in this paper. Data Description: - MgII_composite is a .dat file containing the observed MgII core-to-wing ratio; this file was compiled by Mark Weber (University of Bremen) Script Description: - MgII_magsum_modelling_KLK is a Python Jupyter Notebook used to generate the MgII nowcast model using the plage and active region magnetic sums - EUV_magsum_modelling_KLK is a Python Jupyter Notebook used to generate the EUV nowcast model using the plage and active region magnetic sums and apply the MgII correction term to improve the models Figure Description: - fig2 is a .tar file containing plots comparing the plage and active region sums, the MgII observed core-to-wing ratio and model, and the EUV observed index and model for all 37 bands - fig3 is a .tar file containing plots for all 37 EUV bands which compares the EUV and MgII difference between model and observed values - fig4 is a .tar file containing plots which compare the EUV model difference and the MgII correction term for each of the 37 bands - fig6 is a .tar file containing the Box and Whisker plots of the original and corrected EUV observed to model difference for all 37 EUV bands ================================================================================= System requirements: Read .txt and .dat files, display .png files, and run .ipynb scripts. ================================================================================= Additional comments: For further assistance, please contact me at karakniezewski@gmail.com