Determinant of Church Planting in Ashanti Region of Ghana: Evidence From Ejisu
The study adopted explanatory research design, research strategy used was cross-sectional survey, research approach was qualitative approach, population of the study were five churches, sampling size for the study were 500 samples, sampling design were the pastors, patron and a member of the congregation, source of data collection were primary and secondary sources, method method data collection were existing research and structured questionnire, qualitative data analysis technique was used to analyzed data collected from the field. The problem statement of the study was "Determinant of church planting in Ashanti Region of Ghana: Evidence from Ejisu. The objectives of the study were achieved. With the literature review, the study considered what other writers had written concerning the topic under study. The study found out that majority of the pastors of the Pentecostal churches said God had called them to plant churches. A patron in a Orthodox Church said church planting fulfil the Scriptural mandate and a member of a Orthodox Church declared that church planting helped to win more souls and made the church to grow numberically. The study generalized that ministers of God planted churches with the motive to win souls for Christ. The study recommended that ministers of God who planted churches should study good books on church planting in order to lay the foundation of their churches on Christ Jesus. They must fast and pray so that they would be filled with the Holy Spirit
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