Published May 31, 2022 | Version v1
Preprint Open

Designing human and artificial intelligence interactions in Industry X

  • 1. ROR icon VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland


The evolution of industrial development highlights the central role of digitalisation, particularly in manufacturing, while integrating the principles of sustainability, risk management and human engagement. Traditional management paradigms in industry primarily prioritise economic optimisation and reveal shortcomings in considering human labour dynamics and the evolving relationship between technology and the workforce that comes with digitalisation.

The importance of interaction between people and technology is increasingly recognised. The integration of technology and information-based tools into work processes is leading to an emphasis on human-centred design and management as a response to the new challenges. The intricate interplay between humans and technology is explained through the concept of service ecosystem design, drawing on insights from the European knowlEdge project. In addition, the implications are analysed, particularly in relation to the management and resilience of supply chains.



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knowlEdge – Towards AI powered manufacturing services, processes, and products in an edge-to-cloud-knowlEdge continuum for humans [in-the-loop] 957331
European Commission