Published February 8, 2024 | Version 3.3.0
Dataset Open

Deliverable 2.1 Aero-hydro-elastic model definition - SOFTWIND 10 MW FOWT (wave-tank SIL version)

  • 1. ROR icon Technische Universität Berlin


For the detailed validation and verification of the capabilities of QBladeOcean in work package 2 of FLOATECH, a detailed definition of the models is needed. This database presents the QBladeOcean model of the DTU 10MW Reference Wind Turbine mounted on the SOFTWIND floater.

Update V2.0.0: 
Structure files are modified according to the requirements of the QBladeCE version

Update V3.0.0:
- Added controller from SOFTWIND experiments (Modified from DTU 10MW to have oO star controller parameters)
- Modified mooring line length
- Shifted platform COG slightly towards centerline
- Modified blade definition to AD14 blade def.
- Included STATICBUOYANCY flag

Update V3.1.0:
- Corrected excitation file (.3), previously: incorrect assignment of wave headings and excitation force coefficients
- Addition of mean drift file (.8)
- Corrected error in added mass matrix entry [4,2] (sway-roll coupling)

Update V3.2.0:

Update V3.3.0:
- updated Substructure .txt file to format compatible with new QBlade version
- extrapolation stretching activated
- depth dependent drag coefficient of 0.6 until z = -4m
- adjusted "DAMP_[-]" paremeter in the "MOORELEMENTS" table of ths Substructure .dat file to be zero due to numerical instabilities


Version 3 corresponds to the SIL model (Software In the Loop) which ran in parallel to the wave basin experiments carried out in Nantes. Future updates of this model will be kept under version 3.x and incrementally increase the second digit. This version ought to be used when the wave tank experiments should be replicated. Version 4.x corresponds to a version where the wind turbine is not scaled up based on the physical model that exists in the wave tank but rather a purposely designed offshore wind turbine (DTU10MW) with a suitable tower (OO-Star). This version ought to be used when simulations in realistic met-ocean conditions are of interest. This model was used for the verification and validation study recently submitted to WES

This model is used in the WES publication: "Quantifying the Impact of Modeling Fidelity on Different Substructure Concepts for Floating Offshore Wind Turbines - Part I: Validation of the Hydrodynamic Module QBlade-Ocean".

In the current setup of the turbine model, it corresponds to the "QB2" model shown in Figure 13.

The models required to run the decay and isolated hydrodynamic excitation test cases can be easily derived from this model.


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European Commission
FLOATECH – Optimization of floating wind turbines using innovative control techniques and fully coupled open source engineering tool 101007142