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Published February 7, 2024 | Version v3
Other Open

Pangeo: Fostering Open Science Collaboration in Big Geoscience Data Analytics

  • 1. ROR icon Simula Research Laboratory


Pangeo is a global community-driven initiative that fosters collaboration and scalability in big geoscience data analytics. Scientists,  developers, and research engineers unite efforts to develop and enhance software and infrastructure, and address significant challenges in Big Data Geoscience research within this open ecosystem.

The members of the European Pangeo community didn't have a shared deployment where anyone interested in big data could learn, share and  exchange knowledge and best practices for delivering efficient Pangeo deployments and for practising FAIR data and software principles, and Open Science in general with big data. 
The challenges that Pangeo addressed was how to deploy and use a Pangeo enabled infrastructure on a public cloud and underline the benefits for the European community, onboarding European researchers on this Pangeo EOSC infrastructure.


Pangeo Fostering Open Science Collaboration in Big Geoscience Data Analytics v3.pdf

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EOSC Future – EOSC Future 101017536
European Commission