Title,Type,Description EGI Cloud Compute,service,Cloud Compute gives you the ability to deploy and scale virtual machines on-demand. It offers guaranteed computational resources in a secure and isolated environment with standard API access Research Data Unipd,data source,Research Data Unipd is a data archive and supports research produced by the members of the University of Padova. The service aims to facilitate data discovery Global Record of Stocks and Fisheries,data source,"The ""Global Record of Stocks and Fisheries"" (GRSF) provides users with an environment and tools for accessing stocks and fisheries information collated from three database sources: (a) Fisheries and Resources Monitoring System (FIRMS) http://firms.fao.org (b) RAM Legacy Stock Assessment Database: http://ramlegacy.org and (c) FishSource: http://www.fishsource.com." SoBigData Services and Products Catalogue,data source,The set of datasets SoBigData Literacy Catalogue,data source,Publications and training material developed from the SoBigData community. Analytics Engine,service,Analytics Engine (DataMiner) permits the execution of an array of analytics methods by transparently relying on distributed computing infrastructure. Executions can run either on multi-core machines or on different computational platforms Snap4City,service,Snap4City (https://www.snap4city.org ) provides a flexible method and solution to quickly create a large range of smart city applications exploiting heterogeneous data Blue-Cloud VRE,service,The **Blue-Cloud Virtual Research Environment (VRE)** facilitates ***collaborative research*** using a variety of data sets and analytical tools AI4EOSC platform,service,The AI4EOSC Platform is a cutting-edge software ecosystem designed to enhance the development and deployment of AI/ML/DL models and applications within the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) context. It comprises various high-level services GEO Discovery and Access Broker,service,GEO Discovery and Access Broker (GEO DAB) is a key component of the GEOSS Platform Chipster,service,Chipster is a user-friendly analysis software for high-throughput data. It contains over 300 analysis tools for next generation sequencing (NGS) EGI High-Throughput Compute,service,With High-Throughput Compute you can run computational jobs at scale on the EGI infrastructure. It allows you to analyse large datasets and execute thousands of parallel computing tasks. High-Throughput Compute is provided by a distributed network of computing centres Dynamic On Demand Analysis Service (DODAS Portal),service,DODAS provides a multi-user Geohazards Exploitation Platform (GEP),service,The Geohazards Exploitation Platform (GEP) aims to support the exploitation of satellite Earth Observations for geohazards with primary focus on mapping hazard prone land surfaces and monitoring terrain deformation. GEP provides data processing services and can help users integrate their own algorithms on the platform. The platform provides access to the 70+ Terabytes of data from the ERS and ENVISAT missions as well as radar data from the Sentinel-1 mission of the Copernicus programme. GEP also provides access to optical data such as the Copernicus Sentinel-2 and Sentinel-3 satellites alongside with data from the SPOT TagMe,service,"TAGME is a powerful tool that is able to identify on-the-fly meaningful short-phrases (called ""spots"") in an unstructured text and link them to a pertinent Wikipedia page in a fast and effective way. This annotation process has implications which go far beyond the enrichment of the text with explanatory links because it concerns with the contextualization and" RPrototypingLab Virtual Research Environment,service,The RPrototypingLab is conceived to provide its users with a complete development and integration environment for R. In particular Alien and Invasive Species Virtual Research Environment,service,Alien and Invasive Species Virtual Research Environment (VRE) is a web-based SPACE-VIS ViaLactea Service,service,The ViaLactea service provides an advanced operational solution for data management and visualization of astrophysics FAIR data surveys of the Galactic Plane to study the star formation process of the Milky Way. The ViaLactea Visual Analytic (VLVA) tool combines different types of visualization to perform the analysis exploring the correlation between different data SPACE-ML CAESAR service,service,CAESAR (Compact And Extended Sources Automated Recognition) service provides a straightforward solution to segment astrophysical FITS maps Piloting and co-design of Business Pilots,service,"Usage of the EOSC DIH platform to support interested new companies to build pilots on top of the EOSC Services. It covers following support activities: - **Business Pilots definition**: support to define in details scenarios using EOSC services for creating added value business services" INFN-Cloud Object Storage Service for DICE,service,**Object Storage** organizes the way data is written to a storage system so that data is written into self-contained entities called **objects**. Unlike a POSIX-compliant file system Visual Media Service Virtual Research Environment,service,Visual Media Service allows users to upload visual media files on a server and to automatically transform them into an efficient web format Phytoplankton EOVs,service,The phytoplankton Essential Ocean Variables (EOV) service aims to provide a methodology to generate global open ocean three-dimensional (3D) gridded products of (1) chlorophyll a concentration (Chla) Nivola,service,Nivola is the open source cloud platform hosted in CSI Piemonte within Turin's datacenter and in other its zones. CSI Piemonte is cloud service provider certified by Italian Digital Agency (AgID) and infrastructure eligible for use by a National Strategic Pole (AgID+). Nivola's role is to be in charge of collecting services and data of public administration and research community also thanks to total GDPR compliance by design. The platform uses OpenStack and offers a certified Secret management service,service,Applications in EGI Infrastructure may need different secrets (credentials DEEP training facility,service,"**This service is being superseded by the AI4EOSC platform: https://marketplace.eosc-portal.eu/services/ai4eosc-platform** Distributed training facility for Machine Learning" RStudio,service,"An integrated development environment for R. It includes a console and a syntax-highlighting editor and it enables code execution. Tools for plotting are included. It provides access to the D4Science cloud storage through the Workspace." Carbon Data notebooks,service,The Carbon Data notebooks provide information on how to search for and retrieve subsets of marine inorganic carbon data and their corresponding metadata OceanRegimes notebooks,service,Python notebooks: The Gaussian Mixture Models (GMM) allow to automatically assemble time series of ocean variables in clusters according to their seasonal variability. Depending on the dataset Storm Severity Index (SSI) notebook,service,The Storm Severity Index (SSI) notebook calculates maps and timeseries that include information on atmospheric wind/storm circumstances that impact the circulation of seas such as the Mediterranean Sea. This notebook uses hourly Copernicus C3S ERA5 reanalysis data (10 m wind data above sea) of the Mediterranean Sea area (0.5x0.5 deg) for the time periode 1 January 1979 till 31 December 2020 as source data (NetCDF format). OceanPatterns notebooks,service,"Python notebooks: A PCM (Profile Classification Model) allows to automatically assemble ocean profiles in clusters according to their vertical structure similarities. Depending on the dataset" Zooplankton EOVs,service,The zooplankton EOV service provides its users with a methodology to generate zooplankton products based on in situ observations of abundance of six zooplankton species in a region encompassing the North East Atlantic. The service offered is a complete workflow using the DIVAnd software tool (Data Interpolating Variational Analysis in n dimensions) to create interpolated maps of zooplankton abundances. DIVAnd has been designed to interpolate sparse Plankton Genomics VLab,service,The Plankton Genomics VLab offers services to showcase a deep assessment of plankton distributions by mining data across biomolecular Zoo- and Phytoplankton Essential Ocean Variable products VLab,service,The Zoo- and Phytoplankton Essential Ocean Variable (EOV) VLab provides a description of the current state of the plankton communities and forecasts their evolution Data Discovery and Access Service,service,"The Blue-Cloud Data Discovery and Access service (DD&AS) facilitates discovery and retrieval of data sets by users. The data sets concern measurement data and derived data products that are managed in Blue Data Infrastructures (BDIs) which are interacting machine-to-machine with the DD&AS to serve federated discovery and access. It gives access to > 10 million data sets as managed and provided by BDIs including: SeaDataNet CDI service" Fisheries Atlas VLab,service,A Virtual Laboratory supporting the development and delivery of a scalable and robust open data portal for fisheries data in EU waters and beyond. It offers an online overview of harmonised time-series of catch and effort accessible through a map Viewer Jupyter Hub,service,JupyterHub enables the exploitation of computational environments and resources without burdening users with installation and maintenance tasks. MEI Generator,service,The web application MEI Generator enables the user to generate new environmental added-value data Modelling phyto & zoo –plankton interactions,service,This service provides a workflow to run a __mechanistic model__ using near real-time data to quantify the relative contributions of the bottom-up and top-down drivers in phytoplankton dynamics. The Nutrient-Phytoplankton-Zooplankton (NPZ) model used in this demonstrator was adjusted from the Nutrient-Phytoplankton-Zooplankton-Detritus (NPZD) model of Soetaert and Herman (2009). The NPZD model is commonly used and describes the four state variables of nutrients Marine Environmental Indicators VLab,service,"This virtual laboratory provides services to inform the policies and support the achievement of sustainable development. The facilities the environment offer are useful to analyse long time-series of marine data and to produce added value information for the assessment of the environment condition. The VLab offers the following services: * marine environmental indicator (MEI) generator * ocean patterns * ocean regimes indicators * storm severity index * easy access to carbon data" DODAS collects a small amount of personal information about users who are registered via INDIGO-IAM. The privacy policy is then the very same as the INDIGO-IAM one. Here we explain how INFN uses the personal data collected from users for the derogation of the DODAS service: https://indigo-iam.github.io/docs/v/current/iam-aas/privacy-policy.html DODAS is based on ReCaS-Bari Infrastructure. The use of this infrastructure is regulated by a Policy Privacy and ToU and AUP.,service,DODAS provides a multi-user Federated Earth System Simulation and Data Processing Platform,service,"The Federated Earth System Simulation and Data Processing Platform provides a distributed infrastructure of data and compute providers to support the execution of Earth System Simulation and Data Processing workflows at scale to EOSC researchers. It offers a flexible cloud-based data processing capacity to create and scale data processing pipelines that run on optimised execution environments near the data. Jupyter Notebooks and openEO API offer user friendly and intuitive processing of a wide variety of Earth Observation datasets on these computing providers"