Variable;Description Site_ID;ID of the site as used in the manuscript EUP;Site ID as used in the field (Ecosystem Unit Plot) increment;Depth of sampling in [cm] location ;north and south location moisture_class;Moisture class with (1) dry, (2) moist and (3) wet pH_CaCl2;pH value measured in 1M CaCl [-] EC_CaCl2;Electric conductivity measured in 1M CaCl [-] Fe_XRF;Total Fe content determined with XRF in [%] Al_XRF;Total Al content determined with XRF in [%] Si_XRF;Total Si content determined with XRF in [%] K_XRF;Total K content determined with XRF in [%] Mn_XRF;Total Mn content determined with XRF in [%] P_XRF;Total P content determined with XRF in [%] eff_CEC;Effective cation exchange capacity in [meq/100g soil] clay;Clay content in [%] silt;Silt content in [%] sand;Sand content in [%]