Published June 28, 2009
| Version 4876
Journal article
Empirical Analyses of Determinants of D.J.S.I.US Mean Returns
This study investigates the relationship between 10
year bond value, Yen/U.S dollar exchange rate, non-farm payrolls (all
employs) and crude oil to U.S. Dow Jones Sustainability Index. A
GARCH model is used to test these relationships for the period
January 1st 1999 to January 31st 2008 using monthly data. Results
show that an increase of the 10 year bond and non farm payrolls (all
employs) lead to an increase of the D.J.S.I returns. On the contrary
the volatility of the Yen/U.S dollar exchange rates as well as the
increase of crude oil returns has negative effects on the U.S D.J.S.I
returns. This study aims at assisting investors to understand the
influences certain macroeconomic indicators have on the companies-
stock returns as reported by the D.J.S.I.
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