README of DOI:10.5281/zenodo.10598391 ############################ ## SUMMARY OF THE FOLDERS ## ############################ */ [root] All scripts to proces the raw data and reproduce all plots and statistics presented in the paper and its supplement. Each script processed the data, plots it, and performs the statistics (if applicable) for the figure number(s) indicated in the filename of the R-scripts. */Data_echosounders/ Various exports of the processed echosounder data. The raw echosounder data is available on request, but is >100 GB, so we did not upload it. All this data will be read in the R-scripts for figure 3-5, which also include many diagnostic-plots to get familiar with the data. */Data_map/ Data required to make the map of figure 1. It contains the locations of the offshore wind turbines (in the subfolders), the bathymetry ('Area of interest.asc'), and the AIS locations of the playback vessel during the trials (Registerred_locations_Ephyra.csv) */Data_sound_recs/ Sound recordings of the playbacks, by the hydrophones on the frames. Required to make figure 2e-f. */Meta/ Weather data, an overview of the trials, and the proportion of each trialperiod were the echosounders were producing 70 kHz.