Emissions compiled within the NordicWelfAir-project ----------------------------------------------------------------- Version: Open data version 2 Date: 2024-01-23 Spatial reference system: ETRS89 / ETRS-LAEA (EPSG:3035) Files ------------------- nordicwelfair_nordic_emission_inventory.nc Gridded emissions nordicwelfair_nordic_emission_inventory_iceland.nc Gridded emissions for Iceland nordicwelfair_nordic_emission_inventory_shipping_STEAM.nc Gridded shipping emissions nordicwelfair_nordic_emission_inventory_point_sources.xlsx Point source emissions readme.txt This readme-file Sectors ------------------- 01: Combustion in energy and transformation industries 0201: Commercial and institutional plants 0202: Residential plants 0203: Agriculture, forestry and aquaculture 03: Combustion in manufacturing industry 04: Production processes 05: Extraction and distribution of fossil fuels and geothermal energy 06: Solvent and other product use 0701-0705: Road transport - exhaust 0706-0708: Road transport - non-exhaust 0801: Military 0802: Railways 080501-080502: Aviation - LTO 0806-0807: Agriculture and forestry 0808: Industry 0809: Household and gardening 0810: Other off-road 09: Waste treatment and disposal 10: Agriculture Note!!! Shipping emissions are available in a separate dataset. Please see details below. Substances ------------------- NMVOC: Non-methane Volatile Hydro-Carbons BC: Black Carbon NOx: Nitrogen oxides (as NO2) SOx: Sulphuric oxides (as SO2) TSP: Total Suspended Particles PM10: Particulate matter < 10 micrometres PM2.5: Particulate matter < 2.5 micrometres OC: Organic Carbon CO: Carbon monoxide NH3: Ammonia Years ------------------- 1990, 1995, 2000, 2005, 2010, 2012 and 2014. Units: ton/year All grids have the resolution 1*1 km2 Formats: Gridded emissions are given in NetCDF. Emissions from Iceland are provided in separate dataset. Shipping is provided in a separate dataset. Gridded emissions do not include point-sources with known coordinates and emissions. These are instead provided in xlsx-format. Comments on quality ------------------- 1) Finnish point sources are included in the gridded data, within sectors 01, 03 and 04. Recommended emission height for the emissions from these sectors in Finnish is 110 m. 2) For Sweden, no point-sources are available for 1995. Instead it is recommended to use the same point sources as 1990 for this year. 3) For Sweden, Denmark and Norway, OC has been estimated using fractions (OC/PM2.5) from Finnish inventory: Sector f-OC Comment 01 0.0800 for area emissions 02 0.2900 03 0.0800 for area emissions 04 0.0800 for area emissions 05 0.6000 peat extraction organic dust (i.e. not condensed volatile OC) 06 0.2000 miscellaneous dust organic share (i.e. not condensed volatile OC) 0701-0705 0.2200 0706-0708 0.2000 non-exhaust dust organic share (i.e. not condensed volatile OC) 08 0.3600 09 0.0290 10 0.1400 agriculture dust organic share (i.e. not condensed volatile OC) For point sources in SNAP 1, 3, 4 OC share is 0.0290. About uncertainties caused by the use of the Finnish OC fractions in the other countries, it could be assumed that for RWC (SNAP sector 02) in Norway and Denmark the Finnish fraction is an underestimation. OC fraction is typically higher for RWC appliances with higher emission factors. 4) For Iceland, the dataset includes emissions from road transport and point sources. Shipping emissions around Iceland are included in the Iceland dataset. Shipping ------------------- The shipping_NordicWelfAir_STEAM_ton_1990-2017.nc NetCDF-dataset contains shipping emissions for 1990-2017. The emissions are based on STEAMv2 (doi.org/10.5194/acp-12-2641-2012). The substances included are: NOx, SOx, CO, NMVOC (VOC_SUM from STEAM), Ash, EC, SO4, OC and PM2.5 (where PM2.5 is derived from the PM components Ash, EC, SO4, OC). Emissions over land, due gaps or errors in AIS positioning data, have not been corrected. This means that there can be some, but rather small, emissions over land. The processing that has been done of the original STEAM-results are: - Scaling to produce emissions for years 1990-1999 (using year 2001 as a baseline) - Reprojection to ETRS/LAEA (EPSG: 3035) - Limitation of the domain, the original data covers the whole of Europe - Change of units from kg to ton