Stylocordyla borealis var. irregularis Hentschel, 1914

(Fig. 9E)

Stylocordyla borealis var. irregularis Hentschel, 1914: 55, pl. IV fig. 2.

The variety was described by Hentschel from Gauss Station, 66.0358°S 89.6333°E, depth 385 m (holotype ZMB 4840). It has the shape and skeletal structure of the North Atlantic species Stylocordyla borealis (Loven, 1868 as Hyalonema) (for locality and type data cf. above S. borealis var. acuata), but the ectosomal palisade consists of three types of spicules, microxeas, microstyles and curved microstrongyles. It appears only a minor difference, which remains to be further confirmed as more than spicular variation. For the time being I propose to recognize the variety as an Antarctic subspecies of the predominantly Arctic-boreal S. borealis, to be named Stylocordyla borealis subsp. irregularis Hentschel, 1914, and the Arctic-boreal subspecies to be named S. borealis subsp. borealis (Loven, 1868) (with junior synonym S. borealis subsp. typica Burton, 1934c, a.o. from Jackson Island, East Greenland, 73.9°N 20°W). Bergquist’s (1972: 130) record of S. borealis likely belongs to the present subspecies.