Rhabdostyla conipes (Kahl 1935)

Fig. 2, K

[Rhabdostyla] (Rhabdostyla) conipes Kahl, 1935: 676, pl. 129, fig 7

Epistylis (Rhabdostyla) conipes Kahl, 1935 — Stiller, 1971: 64, pl. 34, fig. A

Diagnosis: Size about 40–46µm. Straight and short peduncle, about 6 µm long. Slightly enlarged in the anterior region. Pellicle weakly striated. Wide, almost flat peristomial disc. Short, sausage-shaped macronucleus, curved back at one end and positioned in the middle of the body. Epibiont of cladocerans of the Daphnia genus.

Remarks: compiled diagnosis of articles by Kahl (1935) and Stiller (1971).