Rhabdostyla cyclopis (Kahl 1935)

— Fig. 2, L

[Rhabdostyla] (Rhabdostyla) cyclopis Kahl, 1935: 675, pl. 138, fig. 19

Epistylis (Rhabdostyla) cyclopis Kahl, 1935 — Stiller, 1971: 68, pl. 35, fig. F

Diagnosis: Size about 30µm. Vase-like body. Stalk short and with an expansion at insertion with the body, where the body turns when contracted. Very thick peristomial collar. Convex peristomial disc, with no bulge. Infundibulum reaching a third of the body length. Contractile vacuole found below the peristomial collar. Horseshoe-shaped macronucleus, positioned horizontally on the upper body. Found on species of cladocerans, copepods and ostracods.

Remarks: diagnosis compiled from Kahl (1935) and Stiller (1971).