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Published February 15, 2017 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Argumentation of the strategic directions for the development of pharmaceutical system in the Republic of Moldova

  • 1. Vasile Procopisin Department of Social Pharmacy, Nicolae Testemitsanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova
  • 2. School of Public Health Management, Nicolae Testemitsanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova


Background: To assess the actual pharmaceutical system in Moldova in order to show the strategic directions of the development of this system.

Material and methods: The methodology of the study is based on the systemic approach. In order to highlight the issues of Pharmaceutical system that are needed to be reflected in the development strategy, it has been elaborated a special method of questionnaires for selected specialists of the highest level of professional competence as respondents.

Results: All respondents mentioned that having a development strategy for the pharmaceutical system is a real necessity. There were determined 10 directions of the development strategy and the importance of each direction. Also, the respondents proposed additionally 21 directions and 21 another real problems to include in the strategy.

Conclusions: It has been highlighted the absence of the development strategy of the pharmaceutical system in the Republic of Moldova, which will bring to the light systematically full range of pending issues. It has been developed a special method of questionnaires for selected specialists of the highest level of professional competence taking into consideration 3 factors: theoretical and practical training, seniority and experience of elaborating legislative and normative acts in the field of medicines and pharmaceutical activity. There were argued five strategic directions of the development of pharmaceutical system in the Republic of Moldova, which include themselves about 50 issues, some more general, others – concrete, but all are towards achieving the
overall goal – providing benefits to public and individual health.



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