Pseudosterigmatospora Q.M. Wang & F.Y. Bai gen. nov. MycoBank MB828812.

Etymology: the genus is named because of a similar morphology as present in the genus Sterigmatospora.

This genus is proposed for the branch represented by strain CGMCC 2.5816, which formed a separate clade. Member of the Jianyuniaceae (Agaricostilbales). The genus is mainly circumscribed by the phylogenetic analysis of the seven genes dataset, in which it occurred as a separate branch within Jianyuniaceae (Fig. 4A).

Sexual reproduction not known. Colonies white to cream, butyrous. Budding cells present and blastoconidia produced on stalk-like conidiophores. Conidiophores single or multiple, usually bifurcate, somewhat trifurcate. Pseudohyphae and hyphae not produced. Ballistoconidia not formed.

Type species: Pseudosterigmatospora motuoensis Q.M. Wang, F.Y. Bai & A.H. Li.