Effect of Emotional Behaviour on the Life Cycle of Human Beings: A Review
- 1. Assistant Professor, International Institute of Health Management Research, New Delhi, India
Background: Emotions are an inherent aspect of the human condition, encompassing the experience and expression
of feelings. However, there are discernible patterns in emotional response and development that vary across the
lifespan. Emotions are crucial to a normal existence, yet their management is paramount. Emotional regulation is
vital to well-being as it informs about what isrelevant and guides actions. This paper aims to identify the diverse
factors influencing emotional behaviour throughout the human lifespan, including stress, anxiety, anger, fear,
happiness, mental pressure, and more. Methods: PRISMA-compliant review is being conducted. Online free web
search platforms that make it easier to find scholarly and scientific research include Google Scholar, Pub Med, and
Research Gate were used for this review paper. Results: Every individual possesses unique psychological
characteristics, such as intelligence, emotional maturity, motivation, adaptability, self-concept, self-efficacy, and
susceptibility to depression, anxiety, and stress, which impact their behaviour. Conclusion: Emotions are crucial
for wellbeing, influencing individual conduct and learning techniques. Understanding psychological aspects is
essential for successful education, as it helps identify needs and guide action.
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