,, 5-Jan-24,, ,, Tabs,Columns,Explanation MDD_Current,,Current species level listing for the Mammal Diversity Database (MDD) ,sciName,"unique combination of taxonomic genus and specific epithet with an underscore connecting them to be used in the MDD. Uses formula, DO NOT EDIT MANUALLY" ,id,"unique identification number used for indexing and permalinking; initially numbered (14 Sep 2020) as counting up from 1000001 when sorting by phylosort, suborder, infraorder... genus, speciesEpithet; subsequent numbering will be added from 1006485 and up" ,phylosort,"sort the 27 extant orders of mammals according to their phylogenetic hierarchy, following Figure 1 in the Introduction of Checklist of the Mammals of the World (2020)" ,mainCommonName,"common name in the form used in the Handbook of the Mammals of the world series; all words capitalized unless it is the second word in a hyphenated word; directions and any 'and' statements in names are hyphenated (e.g., Black-and-white Ruffed Lemur, South-western Myotis); consistency is attempted throughout a genus in terms of unique name and names based on the genus are typically avoided, although not exclusively (e.g., all Crocidura with the name 'White-toothed Shrew'; the use of White-bellied Rat instead of Niviventer as the common name for the genus); the name is the most broadly encompasing named to avoid confusion when possible (e.g., the use of Wapiti for Cervus canadensis rather than 'Elk', which is also used for Alces alces in Europe)" ,otherCommonNames,other common names that have been used for the species as identified in literature; all names are separated by pipes (|) and follow the same format listed under 'mainCommonName' ,subclass,taxonomic subclass ,infraclass,taxonomic infraclass (if applicable) ,magnorder,taxonomic magnorder (if applicable) ,superorder,taxonomic superorder (if applicable) ,order,"taxonomic order, all caps" ,suborder,"taxonomic suborder (if applicable), all caps" ,infraorder,"taxonomic parvorder (if applicable), all caps" ,parvorder,"taxonomic infraorder (if applicable), all caps" ,superfamily,"taxonomic superfamily (if applicable), all caps" ,family,"taxonomic family, all caps" ,subfamily,"taxonomic subfamily (if applicable), all caps" ,tribe,"taxonomic tribe (if applicable), all caps" ,genus,taxonomic genus ,subgenus,taxonomic subgenus (note: this field is incomplete and under active curation) ,specificEpithet,taxonomic species epithet ,authoritySpeciesAuthor,"species authority: author last name(s) that first described the species following typical guidelines for format with specifics listed here; all authors on the author line of the publication in which the species is described are included; a comma is presented after the second to last name if there are more than two authors (e.g., S. E. Pavan, Mendes-Oliveira, & Voss); if the volume was described in a book or journal article with a differing set of editors/authors in the author line, an 'in' is used after the initial authors, followed by the editors/authors of the primary text (e.g., Ambrose in Butynski, Kingdon, & Kalina); when two authors share the same surname, the initials are added before the surname in both cases, and if they share the same initials, than the middle name is also written out (e.g. J. A. Allen and G. M. Allen); for names of Chinese, Korean, and Indochinese origin, the full name is writen out with the suriname put first and hyphens removed to match the format typically given in Chinese publication (e.g., Kuo Haochih, Fang Yinping, Csorba, & Lee Lingling); the suffix 'Jr.' is not included in any name unless it is fully spelt out and part of the surname" ,authoritySpeciesYear,species authority: year that author first described the species ,authorityParentheses,0 for no parentheses around authority; 1 for parentheses around authority ,originalNameCombination,the name combination for each species as it appears in the original description ,authoritySpeciesCitation,"full literature citation of the authority publication as well as the page in which the name either first appears (in older publications, or when an obvious description is unavailable) or where the obvious description of the species begins; citations for papers written in languages other than English are writen in the language in which they appear with the exception of non-latanic lettering (e.g., Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese), in which case the citation is translated to English and a disclaimer is added in brackets after the citations page number (e.g., [original in Chinese]); the citation is in APA format in concordance with the following examples; journal publication - García, F. J., Sánchez-Hernández, J., & Semedo, T. B. (2014). Descripción de una nueva especie de comadrejita ratona del género Marmosops Matschie, 1916 (Didelphimorphia, Didelphidae). Therya, 5(3), 704. doi: 10.12933/therya-14-209 (DOI when available for recent papers); book - Linnaeus, C. von. (1758). Systema Naturae. Regnum Animale. 10th Ed. Laurentius Salvius, Stockholm, Sweden, 1, 54.; chapter/designated authorship within a book/journal - Handley Jr., C. O. & Gordon, L. K. (1979). New species of mammals from northern South America: mouse opossum, genus Marmosa Gray. In J. F. Eisenberg (ed.). Vertebrate ecology in the Northern Neotropics. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, DC, USA, 68." ,authoritySpeciesLink,hyperlink to that publication listed under the 'authoritySpeciesCitation' column or the journals page for the abstract for publications without open access ,holotypeVoucher,"museum number of the type series as gleaned from museum databases or original publication with labels in brackets following the museum number to indicate whether the specimen is the holotype or a paratype; if the species is represented by multilpe syntypes (including the concept of cotypes), then they are listed separately with labels in brackets indicating that they are syntypes; if a lectotype of a type series has been indicated, all specimens from the original type series will also be included, being labeled in brackets as the lectotype or paralectotypes; in cases where the type specimen was lost or destroyed and a neotype was designated, the neotype is the specimen listed here with a label in brackets that may include information on the previous holotype or lectotype; when no type material is designated or known, the field is left blank for now" ,holotypeVoucherURIs,"link(s) to the specimen in external website(s), including the hosting museum collection" ,typeLocality,"geographic locality of where the holotype was collected or observed; as published with edited place names in CMW 2020 and matched to MDD species, then updated to the currently recognized taxonomy" ,typeLocalityLatitude,"geographic locality of the type specimen, latitude in decimal degrees" ,typeLocalityLongitude,"geographic locality of the type specimen, longitude in decimal degrees" ,nominalNames,"all nominal specific epithets included under the current definition of the pertinent species including the authority and year with a comma and in parentheses when originally named in a different genus (O. Thomas, 1900); this includes the current name of the species and all nominal senior and junior synonyms, but not subsequent misspelling, earlier spellings under different genera, or name combinations; listed in the style of MSW3 with authorities formated in the same way as the 'authoritySpeciesAuthor' column; if a name is a nomen nudum, nomen dubium, nomen oblitum, or nomen inquirendum, it is listed after the authority in brackets ([nomen nudum]); if a name was preoccupied, the name that preoccupies it is mentioned in brackets after the authority ([preoccupied by pallidus, Thomas, 1899, a synonym of Caluromys derbianus]]); also noted are changes to gender if the gender of the name is changed to match the genus in which the species occurs." ,taxonomyNotes,notes by MDD staff upon making taxonomic changes -- separated by semicolons (;) ,taxonomyNotesCitation,evidence citation backing up the changes made in the taxonomyNotes column by MDD staff; separated by pipes (|) ,distributionNotes,"more detailed distributional notes than the subregional, country, and continental distribution columns, including notes on the recently introduced populations of the species; includes abbreviations for various cardinal directions and landmarks: mountain/mountains = Mt/Mts, island/islands = I/Is, North = N, South = S, East = E, West = W, Central = C; cardinal directions can be combined to indicate intermediate directions (e.g., Northwest = NW)" ,distributionNotesCitation,"evidence citation backing up the changes in the distributionNotes column by MDD staff, separated by pipes (|)" ,subregionDistribution,"each subregion with larger countries in which the species is extanct or reintroduced into its native distribution is listed; subregions will be groups within parentheses following the country in which they are a part of and separated by commas (,); countries will be seaparte by pipies (|) (e.g., USA(VA,MD,ID)|China(...)...); subregions in which the species is uncertainly present or possibly extinct are listed with a question mark (?) following the subregion; subregions will be abbreviated based on standard two or three digit codes defined within each country; for the United States, state codes follow the standard ANSI codes" ,countryDistribution,"each country in which the species is extant or reintroduced into its native distribution is listed and separated by pipes (|); only the species native distribution or ancient introductions are included, whereas subjectively recently introduced populations in different countries are not included; countries in which the species is uncertainly present or possibly extinct are listed with a question mark (?) following the country; domestic species are listed as ""Domesticated""; for fully extinct species, the distribution reflects the species distribution in the last 500 years (although this is somewhat subjective as well); for marine species, the countries in which the species is found along the coastline or in inland rivers are listed; when an 'and' is present within the countries name, it is listed using the ampersand (&); dependencies are listed when geographically distant from there dependent country (see list below for specific examples); there are a number of city states and minor territories that are not included separately since most distributional data does not account for these regions, these include Andorra, Monaco, San Marino, the Vatican, Gibralter, Saint Pierre & Miquelon, and any nearby islands or exclaves that are geographically close to the primary country or territory; the following is a list of the countries, dependencies, and territories listed as well as the spelling used for each: Greenland|Alaska|Canada|United States|Bermuda|Mexico|Guatemala|Belize|El Salvador|Honduras|Nicaragua|Costa Rico|Panama|Bahamas|Cuba|Jamaica|Haiti|Dominican Republic|Cayman Islands|Puerto Rica|United States Virgin Islands|British Virgin Islands|Turks & Caicos|Anguilla|Saint Martin|Saba|Saint Barthélemy|Montserrat|Martinique|Guadeloupe|Sint Eustatius|Saint Vincent & the Grenadines|Saint Kitts & Nevis|Saint Lucia|Grenada|Barbados|Antigua & Barbuda|Dominica|Aruba|Bonaire|Curaçao|Trinidad & Tobago|Colombia|Venezuela|Guyana|Suriname|French Guiana|Ecuador|Galapagos|Peru|Brazil|Bolivia|Chile|Argentina|Falkland Islands|Kerguelen Islands|Prince Edward Islands|South Georgia & the South Sandwich Islands|Saint Helena|Iceland|Norway|Sweden|Finland|Ireland|United Kingdom|Portugal|Spain|France|Belgium|Netherlands|Luxembourg|Germany|Denmark|Switzerland|Liechtenstein|Italy|Malta|Austria|Hungary|Slovakia|Czech Republic|Slovenia|Croatia|Bosnia & Herzegovina|Serbia|Kosovo|Montenegro|Albania|North Macedonia|Greece|Cyprus|Bulgaria|Poland|Moldova|Romania|Belarus|Lithuania|Latvia|Estonia|Russia|Georgia|Armenia|Azerbaijan|Turkey|Syria|Lebanon|Israel|Palestine|Jordan|Saudi Arabia|Qatar|Bahrain|Oman|Yemen|Kuwait|Iraq|Iran|Turkmenistan|Uzbekistan|Kazakhstan|Tajikistan|Kyrgyzstan|Afghanistan|Pakistan|Mongolia|China|India|Nepal|Bhutan|Bangladesh|Sri Lanka|Maldives|North Korea|South Korea|Japan|Taiwan|Vietnam|Laos|Cambodia|Myanmar|Thailand|Malaysia|Singapore|Andaman Islands|Nicobar Islands|Christmas Island|Cocos Islands|Indonesia|Brunei|Philippines|East Timor|Papua New Guinea|Solomon Islands|Australia|New Zealand|Micronesia|Fiji|Kiribati|Marshall Islands|Nauru|Palau|Samoa|Tonga|Tuvalu|Vanuatu|Cook Islands|Niue|American Samoa|Easter Island|French Polynesia|Guam|Hawai'i|New Caledonia|Norfolk Island|Northern Mariana Islands|Pitcairn|Tokelau|Wallis & Futuna|Canary Islands|Azores|Madeira|Cabo Verde|Morocco|Algeria|Tunisia|Libya|Egypt|Mali|Mauritania|Senegal|Gambia|Guinea-Bissau|Guinea|Sierra Leone|Liberia|Burkina Faso|Ivory Coast|Ghana|Togo|Benin|Niger|Nigeria|Chad|Central African Republic|Cameroon|Equatorial Guinea|Sao Tome & Principe|Gabon|Republic of the Congo|Democratic Republic of the Congo|Sudan|South Sudan|Eritrea|Djibouti|Ethiopia|Somalia|Kenya|Uganda|Tanzania|Rwanda|Burundi|Angola|Namibia|Zambia|Malawi|Mozambique|Zimbabwe|Botswana|South Africa|Eswatini|Lesotho|Seychelles|Comoros|Mauritius|Mayotte|Reunion|Madagascar|Antarctica" ,continentDistribution,"each continent in which the species is extant or reintroduced into its native distribution is listed and separated by pipes (|); only the species native distribution or ancient introductions are included, whereas subjectively recently introduced populations in different continents are not included; continents in which the species is uncertainly present or possibly extinct are listed with a question mark (?) following the continent; domestic species are listed as ""Domesticated""; for fully extinct species, the distribution reflects the species distribution in the last 500 years (although this is somewhat subjective as well); for marine species, the continents in which the species is found along the coastline or in inland rivers are listed; the following is a list of the continents as well as the spelling used for each: Africa|Antarctica|Asia|Europe|North America|Oceania|South America|Domesticated; the continents are defined as follows: Africa includes all African countries, Madagascar and the surrounding Indian Ocean island nations, the Canary Islands, Madeira, Cabo Verde, Sao Tome and Principe, and Socotra Islands; Antarctica includes continental Antarctica and all Southern Ocean island groups except for the Falkland Islands; Asia includes eastern Eurasia, cutting off from Europe at the Ural and Caucasus Mts in Russia and Ural River in Kazakhstan, from Africa at the Sinai Peninsula (part of Asia), and from Oceania at Webers Line in Indonesia; Europe includes western Eurasia delimited from Asia by the Ural and Caucasus Mts in Russia and Ural River in Kazakhstan and includes the Azores and all Mediterranean Islands except Cyprus; North America includes the continental countries as well as Greenland, Bermuda, the Caribbean except for Trinidad and Tobago and the Netherland Antilles, separating from South America at the border between Panama and Colombia; Oceania includes Australia, New Guinea, Wallacea east of Webers Line, New Zealand, and all Pacific Island Nations including Hawai'i and the Easter Islands; South America includes all continental countries, the Galapagos, Netherland Antilles, Trinidad and Tobago, and the Falkland Islands" ,biogeographicRealm,"biogeographic realm(s) where the species is present, as separated by pipes (|) (refer to: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biogeographic_realm#/media/File:Ecozones.svg)" ,iucnStatus,"IUCN conservation statuses as given in IUCN 2021-2 and matched to MDD species, then updated to the currently recognized taxonomy ('NA' means not yet assessed by the IUCN; 19 domestic species are also not evaluated; otherwise the standard IUCN status acronyms are used)" ,extinct,"0 = extant, 1 = extinct; species has gone entirely extinct or is expected to have become extinct in the last ~500 years (similar criterion as used by IUCN)" ,domestic,"0 = species is wild; 1 = species is domesticated; domestic species are treated as distinct entities for politicaly/conservation purposes here for species with ancient domestication history (19 species in total, including Homo sapiens); this arrangement follows guidelines from the following publication - Gentry, A., Clutton-Brock, J., & Groves, C. P. (2004). The naming of wild animal species and their domestic derivatives. Journal of Archaeological Science, 31(5), 645-651." ,flagged,"0 = valid, not flagged; 1 = flagged as taxonomically questionable" ,CMW_sciName,unique combination of taxonomic genus and specific epithet with an underscore connecting them -- from the Illustrated Checklist of the Mammals of the World (CMW) ,diffSinceCMW,0 = species present in CMW taxonomy; 1 = species new since CMW 2020 ,MSW3_matchtype,category of automated or manual matching to the third edition of Mammals Species of the World (MSW3) scientific names ,MSW3_sciName,scientific name as matched to the MSW3 taxonomy ,diffSinceMSW3,0 = species present in MSW3 taxonomy; 1 = species is new since MSW3 cutoff of ~2004 species_syn,,all names applicable to species and subspecies level names; all species level synonyms within the Class Mammalia ,MDDsciName,unique combination of taxonomic genus and specific epithet with an underscore connecting them used by MDD ,order,"taxonomic order (all caps) that the particular synonym is included under; if the name is not applicable to any particular order (e.g., a nomen dubium), this column is filled with an 'NA'" ,family,"taxonomic family (all caps) that the particular synonym is included under; if the name is not applicable to any particular family (e.g., a nomen dubium), this column is filled with an 'NA'" ,genus,"taxonomic genus that the particular synonym is included under; if the name is not applicable to any particular genus (e.g., a nomen dubium), this column is filled with an 'NA'" ,specificEpithet,"taxonomic specific epithet that the particular synonym is included under; if the name is not applicable to any particular species (e.g., a nomen dubium), this column is filled with an 'NA'" ,subspecificEpithet,"taxonomic subspecific epithet that the particular synonym is included under; if the name is either not applicable to any particular subspecies, or there are not subspecies recognized under the species that name is a synonym of, then this column is filled with an 'NA'" ,finished?,0 if the data associated with the synonym is not finished (all fields correctly filled out); 1 if the data associated with the synonym is finished (all fields correctly filled out) ,synonymOriginalComb,"the full synonym name (basionym/original name combination) quoted from the cited authority, including all capitalizations and special characters (e.g., - , ' , ü , æ); spaces between generic, specific epithets, and subspecific epithets should be replaced with underscores '_'; if the genus or part of the genus is missing or abbreviated, the genus should be added or finished with brackets (e.g., 'V. myotis' would be written as 'V[espertilio]._myotis'; for now, many columns will be filled with just the synonym epithet, but these should be replaced with the quotes as data is added" ,synonymEpithet,"just the specific/subspecific epithet that the synonym uses; if the name is a spelling error or orther form of different spelling of another synonym, the corrected synonym spelling should be in this column" ,authorityAuthor,"synonym authority author: author last name(s) that first described the name following typical guidelines for format with specifics listed here; all authors on the author line of the publication in which the taxon is described are included; a comma is presented after the second to last name if there are more than two authors (e.g., S. E. Pavan, Mendes-Oliveira, & Voss); if the volume was described in a book or journal article with a differing set of editors/authors in the author line, an 'in' is used after the initial authors, followed by the editors/authors of the primary text (e.g., Ambrose in Butynski, Kingdon, & Kalina); when two authors share the same surname, the initials are added before the surname in both cases, and if they share the same initials, than the middle name is also written out (e.g. J. A. Allen and G. M. Allen); for names of Chinese, Korean, and Indochinese origin, the full name is writen out with the suriname put first and hyphens removed to match the format typically given in Chinese publication (e.g., Kuo Haochih, Fang Yinping, Csorba, & Lee Lingling); the suffix 'Jr.' is not included in any name unless it is fully spelt out and part of the surname" ,authorityYear,synonym authority year: the year in which the publication was published ,authorityCitation,"full literature citation of the authority publication as well as the page in which the name either first appears (in older publications, or when an obvious description is unavailable) or where the obvious description of the name begins; citations for papers written in languages other than English are writen in the language in which they appear with the exception of non-latanic lettering (e.g., Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese), in which case the citation is translated to English and a disclaimer is added in brackets after the citations page number (e.g., [original in Chinese]); the citation is in APA format in concordance with the following examples; journal publication - García, F. J., Sánchez-Hernández, J., & Semedo, T. B. (2014). Descripción de una nueva especie de comadrejita ratona del género Marmosops Matschie, 1916 (Didelphimorphia, Didelphidae). Therya, 5(3), 704. doi: 10.12933/therya-14-209 (DOI when available for recent papers); book - Linnaeus, C. von. (1758). Systema Naturae. Regnum Animale. 10th Ed. Laurentius Salvius, Stockholm, Sweden, 1, 54.; chapter/designated authorship within a book/journal - Handley Jr., C. O. & Gordon, L. K. (1979). New species of mammals from northern South America: mouse opossum, genus Marmosa Gray. In J. F. Eisenberg (ed.). Vertebrate ecology in the Northern Neotropics. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, DC, USA, 68." ,authorityLink,hyperlink to that publication listed under the 'authorityCitation' column or the journals page for the abstract for publications without open access ,holotypeVoucher,"for nominal names that have identifiable voucher specimens, include the museum number of the holotype, as gleaned from museum databases or original publication" ,typeLocality,"for nominal names with designated (or missing) type localities, the quoted type locality from the original publication and any later revisions to the type locality; in cases where the type locality is written in a language other than english, a translation is provided in brackets following the type locality within the quotation; when clarification of a specific locality is needed (e.g., a more udated name for a region or fixing a spelling error), brackets are used within the quotation; all type localities will end with a period and any amendments or type locality restrictions from later authors will be noted after in a separate sentence for each emendation or type locality restriction in the following format - ""Restricted by O. Thomas in 1910 to ""quoted restricted/emended locality"".""" ,validTaxon,0 if not a currently recognized species or subspecies; 1 if the name is the basionym of a currently recognized species; 2 if the name is the basionym of a currently recognized subspecies ,nominalName,"0 if not a nominal name; 1 if a nominal name; nominal name is defined loosely as a newly defined name, either as a newly described taxon, the inclusion of a new name not based on a previously named taxon, or a replacement name for an unavailable or preoccupied name; this does not included lapsus (misspellings of a nominal name in later publications), name combinations (only the original basionym is included under a nominal name synonym), or partum (names used in a publication with specimens that actually apply to a different taxon); a nominal name can be a nomen nudum, nomen oblitum, nomen dubium, or other form of unavailable or preoccupied name" ,lapsus,"0 if not a lapsus; 1 if a lapsus; a lapsus is defined as a misspelling of any nominal name, including later purposeful spelling changes that have been deemed unnecessary" ,partum,0 if not a partum; 1 if a partum; a partum is defined as an instance in a publication in which a name is used for specimens that are actually representatives of a different taxon ,nameCombination,"0 if not a name combination; 1 if a name combination; a name combination is defined as a distinct combination of genera, specific epithets, and subspecific epithets that is different from the original name combination (basionym) of a nominal name; this also includes the current name combination if different from the basionym of the nominal taxon" ,preoccupied,0 if the name is not preoccupied; 1 if the name is preoccupied ,unavailableName,"0 if the name is availabe; 1 if the name is unavailabe; an unavailble name includes names that is nomenclaturally unavailable, including nomen nuda but not nomen dubia, nomen oblita, or suppressed names" ,nomenNudum,0 if not a nomen nudum; 1 if a nomen nudum ,nomenDubium,0 if not a nomen dubium; 1 if a nomen dubium ,nomenOblitum,0 if not a nomen oblitum; 1 if a nomen oblitum ,comments,"any comments or justifications regarding the systematic placement of the synonym, the specific taxa that a nominal name is preoccupied by if applicable, the name that the synonym is a lapsus of if applicable, or any ICZN Opinions affecting the availability of the name (references as ICZN YEAR, Opinion XXX)" ,synonymCitations,"any references associated with the comments, type locality amendations/restrictions, or other pertinent information" genus_syn,,all names applicable to ranks above the species level and below (at including) the genus level; all higher level genus synonyms within the Class Mammalia ,, ,order,"taxonomic order (all caps) that the particular synonym is included under; if the name is not applicable to any particular order (e.g., a nomen dubium), this column is filled with an 'NA'" ,family,"taxonomic family (all caps) that the particular synonym is included under; if the name is not applicable to any particular family (e.g., a nomen dubium), this column is filled with an 'NA'" ,genus,"taxonomic genus that the particular synonym is included under; if the name is not applicable to any particular genus (e.g., a nomen dubium), this column is filled with an 'NA'" ,subgenus,"taxonomic subgenus that the particular synonym is included under; if the name is either not applicable to any particular subgenus, or there are not subgenera recognized under the genus that name is a synonym of, then this column is filled with an 'NA'" ,synonym,the generic name of the synonym as presented in the original text ,authorityAuthor,"synonym authority author: author last name(s) that first described the name following typical guidelines for format with specifics listed here; all authors on the author line of the publication in which the taxon is described are included; a comma is presented after the second to last name if there are more than two authors (e.g., S. E. Pavan, Mendes-Oliveira, & Voss); if the volume was described in a book or journal article with a differing set of editors/authors in the author line, an 'in' is used after the initial authors, followed by the editors/authors of the primary text (e.g., Ambrose in Butynski, Kingdon, & Kalina); when two authors share the same surname, the initials are added before the surname in both cases, and if they share the same initials, than the middle name is also written out (e.g. J. A. Allen and G. M. Allen); for names of Chinese, Korean, and Indochinese origin, the full name is writen out with the suriname put first and hyphens removed to match the format typically given in Chinese publication (e.g., Kuo Haochih, Fang Yinping, Csorba, & Lee Lingling); the suffix 'Jr.' is not included in any name unless it is fully spelt out and part of the surname" ,authorityYear,synonym authority year: the year in which the publication was published ,typeSpecies,"the type species of the genus as defined by the original description or subsequent designations; if that name is currently a synonym of another species, put the basionym of the species it is a synonym of within parentheses next to the name in the following format - Nyctalus verrucosus Bowditch, 1825 (= Vespertilio leisleri Kuhl, 1817)" ,authorityCitation,"full literature citation of the authority publication as well as the page in which the name either first appears (in older publications, or when an obvious description is unavailable) or where the obvious description of the name begins; citations for papers written in languages other than English are writen in the language in which they appear with the exception of non-latanic lettering (e.g., Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese), in which case the citation is translated to English and a disclaimer is added in brackets after the citations page number (e.g., [original in Chinese]); the citation is in APA format in concordance with the following examples; journal publication - García, F. J., Sánchez-Hernández, J., & Semedo, T. B. (2014). Descripción de una nueva especie de comadrejita ratona del género Marmosops Matschie, 1916 (Didelphimorphia, Didelphidae). Therya, 5(3), 704. doi: 10.12933/therya-14-209 (DOI when available for recent papers); book - Linnaeus, C. von. (1758). Systema Naturae. Regnum Animale. 10th Ed. Laurentius Salvius, Stockholm, Sweden, 1, 54.; chapter/designated authorship within a book/journal - Handley Jr., C. O. & Gordon, L. K. (1979). New species of mammals from northern South America: mouse opossum, genus Marmosa Gray. In J. F. Eisenberg (ed.). Vertebrate ecology in the Northern Neotropics. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, DC, USA, 68." ,authorityLink,hyperlink to that publication listed under the 'authorityCitation' column or the journals page for the abstract for publications without open access ,validTaxon,0 if not a currently recognized genus or subgenus; 1 if the name is a valid genus; 2 if the name is a valid subgenus ,nominalName,"0 if not a nominal name; 1 if a nominal name; nominal name is defined loosely as a newly defined name, either as a newly described taxon, the inclusion of a new name not based on a previously named taxon, or a replacement name for an unavailable or preoccupied name; this does not included lapsus (misspellings of a nominal name in later publications), name combinations (only the original basionym is included under a nominal name synonym), or partum (names used in a publication with specimens that actually apply to a different taxon); a nominal name can be a nomen nudum, nomen oblitum, nomen dubium, or other form of unavailable or preoccupied name" ,lapsus,"0 if not a lapsus; 1 if a lapsus; a lapsus is defined as a misspelling of any nominal name, including later purposeful spelling changes that have been deemed unnecessary" ,partum,0 if not a partum; 1 if a partum; a partum is defined as an instance in a publication in which a name is used for specimens (or lower taxa in the case of genera and other higher taxa) that are actually representatives of a different taxon ,preoccupied,0 if the name is not preoccupied; 1 if the name is preoccupied ,unavailableName,"0 if the name is availabe; 1 if the name is unavailabe; an unavailble name includes names that is nomenclaturally unavailable, including nomen nuda but not nomen dubia, nomen oblita, or suppressed names" ,nomenNudum,0 if not a nomen nudum; 1 if a nomen nudum ,nomenDubium,0 if not a nomen dubium; 1 if a nomen dubium ,nomenOblitum,0 if not a nomen oblitum; 1 if a nomen oblitum ,comments,"any comments or justifications regarding the systematic placement of the synonym, the specific taxa that a nominal name is preoccupied by if applicable, the name that the synonym is a lapsus of if applicable, or any ICZN Opinions affecting the availability of the name (references as ICZN YEAR, Opinion XXX)" ,synonymCitations,any references associated with the comments or other pertinent information higher_syn,,"all name applicable to all taxa above the genus level, including Class, Subclass, Infraclass, Magnorder, Superorder, Order, Suborder, Infraorder, Parvorder, Superfamily, Family, Subfamily, and Tribe; all higher level synonyms within the Class Mammalia" ,taxonName,"the current valid name for the taxon, which can include Class, Subclass, Infraclass, Magnorder, Superorder, Order, Suborder, Infraorder, Parvorder, Superfamily, Family, Subfamily, or Tribe" ,validRank,"the current valid ranking of the taxon, labeled as one of the following - Class, Subclass, Infraclass, Magnorder, Superorder, Order, Suborder, Infraorder, Parvorder, Superfamily, Family, Subfamily, or Tribe" ,synonym,the higher level taxon name as presented in the original publication ,authorityAuthor,"synonym authority author: author last name(s) that first described the name following typical guidelines for format with specifics listed here; all authors on the author line of the publication in which the taxon is described are included; a comma is presented after the second to last name if there are more than two authors (e.g., S. E. Pavan, Mendes-Oliveira, & Voss); if the volume was described in a book or journal article with a differing set of editors/authors in the author line, an 'in' is used after the initial authors, followed by the editors/authors of the primary text (e.g., Ambrose in Butynski, Kingdon, & Kalina); when two authors share the same surname, the initials are added before the surname in both cases, and if they share the same initials, than the middle name is also written out (e.g. J. A. Allen and G. M. Allen); for names of Chinese, Korean, and Indochinese origin, the full name is writen out with the suriname put first and hyphens removed to match the format typically given in Chinese publication (e.g., Kuo Haochih, Fang Yinping, Csorba, & Lee Lingling); the suffix 'Jr.' is not included in any name unless it is fully spelt out and part of the surname" ,authorityYear,synonym authority year: the year in which the publication was published ,typeGenus,"the type genus of family level names as defined by the original description or subsequent designations; if no type genus designation exists, it is mentioned as ""No type genus designated""; if the taxon is not a family level name, an 'NA' is included in this column" ,authorityCitation,"full literature citation of the authority publication as well as the page in which the name either first appears (in older publications, or when an obvious description is unavailable) or where the obvious description of the name begins; citations for papers written in languages other than English are writen in the language in which they appear with the exception of non-latanic lettering (e.g., Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese), in which case the citation is translated to English and a disclaimer is added in brackets after the citations page number (e.g., [original in Chinese]); the citation is in APA format in concordance with the following examples; journal publication - García, F. J., Sánchez-Hernández, J., & Semedo, T. B. (2014). Descripción de una nueva especie de comadrejita ratona del género Marmosops Matschie, 1916 (Didelphimorphia, Didelphidae). Therya, 5(3), 704. doi: 10.12933/therya-14-209 (DOI when available for recent papers); book - Linnaeus, C. von. (1758). Systema Naturae. Regnum Animale. 10th Ed. Laurentius Salvius, Stockholm, Sweden, 1, 54.; chapter/designated authorship within a book/journal - Handley Jr., C. O. & Gordon, L. K. (1979). New species of mammals from northern South America: mouse opossum, genus Marmosa Gray. In J. F. Eisenberg (ed.). Vertebrate ecology in the Northern Neotropics. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, DC, USA, 68." ,authorityLink,hyperlink to that publication listed under the 'authorityCitation' column or the journals page for the abstract for publications without open access ,validTaxon,0 if not a currently recognized here level taxon; 1 if the synonym is the currently recognized higher level taxon in the 'taxonName' column ,originalRank,the original rank of the taxon as it was present in the first paper using it ,comments,"any comments or justifications regarding the systematic placement of the synonym, the specific taxa that a nominal name is preoccupied by if applicable, the name that the synonym is a lapsus of if applicable, or any ICZN Opinions affecting the availability of the name (references as ICZN YEAR, Opinion XXX)" ,synonymCitations,any references associated with the comments or other pertinent information MDD_v2_ready,--,master taxonomy we are cleaning for release in May 2020; last content update was 23 Mar 2019. ,id,unique identification number used for indexing ,SciName,unique combination of taxonomic genus and specific epithet with an underscore connecting them ,MajorType,"higher taxon I (e.g., Placentalia, Marsupialia)" ,MajorSubtype,"higher taxon II (e.g., Euarchontoglires, Laurasiatheria)" ,Order,"taxonomic order, all caps" ,Family,"taxonomic family, all caps" ,Subfamily,"taxonomic subfamily (if applicable), all caps" ,Tribe,"taxonomic tribe (if applicable), all caps" ,Genus,taxonomic genus ,specific_epithet,taxonomic species name ,Authority_sp_author,species authority: author last name(s) that first described the species ,Authority_sp_year,species authority: year that author first described the species ,Authority_sp_fullcitation,species authority: full literature citation of that publication ,Authority_sp_link,species authority: hyperlink to that publication ,citname,species authority: publication name ,citvol,species authority: publication volume (if applicable) ,citissue,species authority: publication issue (if applicable) ,citpage,species authority: publication page ,Holotype_voucher,"museum number of the holotype, as gleaned from museum databases -- need to unify with the synonyms tab below" ,TaxonomyNotes,notes by MDD staff upon making taxonomic changes -- separated by semicolons (;) ,TaxonomyNotes_Citation,evidence citation backing up the changes made by MDD staff ,Geo_distribution,biogeographic realm(s) where the species is present (refer to: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biogeographic_realm#/media/File:Ecozones.svg) ,MSW3_matchtype,category of automated or manual matching to MSW3 scientific names ,MSW3_SciName,scientific name as matched to the MSW3 taxonomy (note that 28 MSW3 names were not matched + 1269 MDD names had no match in MSW3) ,extinct?,species has gone entirely extinct in the last ~500 years (similar criterion as used by IUCN) ,domestic?,"0 = species is wild; 1 = species is domesticated (includes humans, livestock; 17 species)" ,flagged?,"0 = valid, not flagged; 1 = flagged as taxonomically questionable (currently only for Groves & Grubb 2011 subspecies elevations)" ,newSppSinceMSW3?,0 = species present in MSW3 taxonomy; 1 = species is new since MSW3 cutoff of ~2004 ,IfNew_category,"rough category of ""deNovo"" if authority year postdates MSW3, or ""splitFromExisting"" if authority year predates MSW3" synonyms,--, ,Order,"taxonomic order, all caps" ,Family,"taxonomic family, all caps" ,MDD_genus,MDD-accepted taxonomic genus ,MDD_sciName,MDD-accepted unique combination of taxonomic genus and specific epithet with an underscore connecting them ,Synonym_genus,"genus for the synonym as it appears in authority publication, including if the subgenus is included in the text; if genus is abbreviated, put rest of name in brackets, e.g. 'Caluromys' or 'C[aluromys]._(Caluromys)'" ,Synonym_epithet,"specific epithet of the synonym as originally spelt in authority publication; if the species was described as a subspecies, the term or species it was described under would be included, e.g. 'aestuans aestuans'. However, if any specific terms, such as 'var.' or 'cf.' are included in the name, the 'var.' is removed, eg. 'aestuans var. paraensis' becomes 'aestuans paraensis' but the original notation is preserved under Comment." ,Synonym_sciName,"junior synonym of MDD-accepted SciName, also as unique genus_species combination, combining the 'Synonym_genus' and 'Synonym_epithet'" ,Accepted?,0 = not accepted synonymous name; 1 = MDD-accepted name combination ,Original_name_combination?,"0 = a unique combination, currently accepted or not, differing from the original name combination of a valid nominal name; 1 = the original name combination of a valid nominal name" ,Authority_sp_author,species authority: author last name(s) that first described the species ,Authority_sp_year,species authority: year that author first described the species ,Authority_sp_fullcitation,species authority: full literature citation of that publication ,Authority_sp_link,species authority: hyperlink to that publication ,citname,species authority: publication name ,citvol,species authority: publication volume (if applicable) ,citissue,species authority: publication issue (if applicable) ,citpage,species authority: publication page ,Type_voucher,"museum number of the type specimen, as listed in the authority publication" ,Type_locality,"geographic locality of the type specimen, either as listed in the publication or secondarily corrected" ,Type_locality_LAT,"geographic locality of the type specimen, latitude in decimal degrees" ,Type_locality_LONG,"geographic locality of the type specimen, longitude in decimal degrees" ,Comment,"notes by MDD staff, especially about recent synonymizations" ,Evidence_citation,evidence citation backing up the changes made by MDD staff nameTransfers,--, ,valid_MDD_name, ,old_IUCN_SciName, ,IUCN_ID, ,family, ,order, ,REF, newSinceMSW3,--, ,juniorSynonym?, ,ifSyn_Citation, ,genusTransfer?, ,ifTrans_Citation, ,valid_SciName, ,described_SciName, ,Family, ,Subfamily, ,Tribe, ,Order, ,TypeLocality_verbatim, ,TypeLocality_decDeg, ,Country(s), ,Continent(s), ,evidenceCitation, ,evidenceAuthors, ,evidenceYear, ,evidenceLink, ,nameCitation, ,nameAuthors, ,nameYear, ,nameLink, ,categoryOfNew, ,newSinceMSW3?, ,ID, ifNew_evidence,--, ,SciName, ,Authority_author, ,Authority_year, ,Authority fullcitation, ,Authority_link, ,TaxonomyNotes, ,TaxonomyNotes Citation, ,ID_number, ,newSppSinceMSW3?, ,IfNew_category, ,IfNew_valid_SciName, ,IfNew_described_SciName, ,IfNew_GeoRegion, ,IfNew_evidenceCitation, ,IfNew_evidenceAuthors, ,IfNew_evidenceYear, ,IfNew_evidenceLink, ,IfNew_nameCitation, ,IfNew_nameAuthors, ,IfNew_nameYear, ,IfNew_nameLink, ,genusTransfersinceMSW3?, ,IfTransfer_oldSciName, ,IfTransfer_oldIUCN_ID, ,IfTransfer evidenceCitation, MDD_v1_2018,--, ,MajorType, ,MajorSubtype, ,Order, ,Family, ,Subfamily, ,Tribe, ,Genus, ,SciName, ,juniorSynonym?, ,synonymOf?, ,TaxonomyNotes, ,TaxonomyNotes_Citation, ,extinct?, ,Authority_author, ,Authority_year, ,Authority_fullcitation, ,Authority_link, ,Geo_distribution, ,MDDv1, ,ID_number, ,newSppSinceMSW3?, ,IfNew_category, ,IfNew_valid_SciName, ,IfNew_described_SciName, ,IfNew_GeoRegion, ,IfNew_evidenceCitation, ,IfNew_evidenceAuthors, ,IfNew_evidenceYear, ,IfNew_evidenceLink, ,IfNew_nameCitation, ,IfNew_nameAuthors, ,IfNew_nameYear, ,IfNew_nameLink, ,genusTransfersinceMSW3?, ,IfTransfer_oldSciName, ,IfTransfer_oldIUCN_ID, ,IfTransfer_evidenceCitation, generic_synonyms,--, ,Order,"taxonomic order, all caps" ,Family,"taxonomic family, all caps" ,MDD_genus,MDD-accepted taxonomic genus ,Synonym_genus,"junior synonym of MDD-accepted genus as it appears in authority publication, including if the subgenus is included in the text; if genus is abbreviated, put rest of name in brackets, e.g. 'Caluromys' or 'C[aluromys]._(Caluromys)'" ,Accepted?,0 = not accepted synonymous name; 1 = MDD-accepted name combination ,Original_name_combination?,"0 = a unique combination, currently accepted or not, differing from the original name combination of a valid nominal name; 1 = the original name combination of a valid nominal name" ,Authority_sp_author,species authority: author last name(s) that first described the species ,Authority_sp_year,species authority: year that author first described the species ,Authority_sp_fullcitation,species authority: full literature citation of that publication ,Authority_sp_link,species authority: hyperlink to that publication ,citname,species authority: publication name ,citvol,species authority: publication volume (if applicable) ,citissue,species authority: publication issue (if applicable) ,citpage,species authority: publication page ,Type_voucher,"museum number of the type specimen, as listed in the authority publication" ,Type_locality,"geographic locality of the type specimen, either as listed in the publication or secondarily corrected" ,Type_locality_LAT,"geographic locality of the type specimen, latitude in decimal degrees" ,Type_locality_LONG,"geographic locality of the type specimen, longitude in decimal degrees" ,Comment,"notes by MDD staff, especially about recent synonymizations" ,Evidence_citation,evidence citation backing up the changes made by MDD staff