Hastulopsis excostellata (Sacco, 1891a)

Figs 3F, 9A–F

Terebra striata Bast. — Hauer 1837: 417 [non Hastula striata (de Basterot, 1825)].

Terebra striata Bast. — Hörnes 1848: 17 [non Hastula striata (de Basterot, 1825)].

Terebra costellata Sow. — Hörnes 1852: 134, pl. 11, fig. 30 [non Zeacuminia costellata (G.B. Sowerby I, 1846)].

Terebra Hörnesi Beyr. — Beyrich 1854: 115 (partim).

Terebra (Acus) costellata Sow. — Hoernes & Auinger 1880: 108 [non Zeacuminia costellata (G.B. Sowerby I, 1846)].

* [Terebrum (Terebrum)? Hoernesi] var. excostellata Sacc. — Sacco 1891a: 27 [pro Terebra costellata sensu Hörnes 1852: pl. 11, fig. 30].

? Hastula striata Basterot — Csepreghy-Meznerics 1954: 56 [non Hastula striata (de Basterot, 1825)].

H [astula]. (H [astula].) striata striata (Bast.) — Sieber 1958: 162 [non Hastula striata (de Basterot, 1825)].

T [erebra]. (T [erebra].) hoernesi Beyr. — Sieber 1958: 162 [non Strioterebrum hoernesi (Beyrich,1854)].

? Hastula striata (Basterot) 1825 — Bohn-Havas 1973: 1124 [non Hastula striata (de Basterot, 1825)].

Type material. Holotype, NHMW 1851 /0006/0005, SL: 25.3 mm, MD: 6.3 mm, Baden (Austria), illustrated in Hörnes (1852: pl. 11, fig. 30), Figs 9D 1 –D 2.

Illustrated material. NHMW 1851 /0006/0005a, SL: 29.5 mm, MD: 7.3 mm, Baden (Austria), Figs 9A 1 –A 2. NHMW 1851 /0006/0005b, SL: 30.2 mm, MD: 7.2 mm, Baden (Austria), Figs 9B 1 –B 2. NHMW 1851 /0006/0005c, SL: 28.8 mm, MD: 7.0 mm, Baden (Austria), Figs 9C 1 –C 2. NHMW 2023 /0295/0003, SL: 29.2 mm, MD: 7.1 mm, Bad Vöslau (Austria), Figs 9E 1 –E 2. NHMW 2023 /0295/0004, SL: 25.3 mm, MD: 5.9 mm, Bad Vöslau (Austria), Figs 9F 1 –F 2. NHMW 2023 /0295/0005, SL: 12.5 mm, MD: 3.5 mm, Bad Vöslau (Austria), Figs 3F.

Additional material. 22 spec., NHMW 1869 /0001/0025, Bad Vöslau (Austria); 101 spec., NHMW 2010 /0004/1089, Bad Vöslau (Austria); 2 spec., NHMW 1866 /0001/0571, Bad Vöslau (Austria); 11 spec., NHMW 1869 /0001/0066, Baden-Sooss (Austria); 10 spec., NHMW 2010 /0004/1092, Bad Vöslau (Austria); 5 spec., NHMW 1997 z10178/1203, Bad Vöslau (Austria); 21 spec., NHMW 2013 /0078/0415, Baden (Austria); 15 spec., NHMW 2010 /0004/1091, Bad Vöslau (Austria).

Revised description. Medium sized, slender conical shell of up to 11 teleoconch whorls; apical angle 15–18°. Protoconch broad conical of 2.75 convex whorls. Early teleoconch whorls flat sided with narrowly impressed suture. Sculpture of low, weakly opisthocyrt axial ribs, separated by interspaces of about equal width. Subsutural band narrow and subobsolete. Later whorls with faint concavity below faint narrow subsutural band. Axial ribs shallowly opisthocyrt, of variable density. Last whorl moderately high, ~35% of total height, slightly convex, moderately contracted at base. Fasciole prominent, convex with few stronger growth increments, adapically delimited by weak carina. Aperture moderately narrow pyriform. Columella twisted, strongly excavated in adapical half. No columellar fold. Anal canal weakly incised. Outer lip thin. Siphonal canal moderately long, narrow, twisted, deflected to the left, moderately notched at tip.

Discussion. The Ottnangian (Early Miocene) Hastulopsis fuchsii (Hoernes, 1875) is very similar to H. excostellata but differs in its lower spire and a relatively higher last whorl. Hastulopsis pedemontana (Sacco, 1891a) (Sacco 1891a: pl. 1 fig. 61) and H. striatellata (Sacco, 1891a) (Sacco 1891a: pl. 1, fig. 62) are both based on single fragmentary specimens from the Miocene of the Colli Torinesi (Italy) without more detailed locality information. Both species, which might be conspecific, are morphologically very close to H. excostellata and differ only in the denser axial sculpture. Due to the fragmentary preservation, it remains unclear if these species are conspecific with H. excostellata. Fully grown specimens of H. hoernesi (Beyrich, 1854), from the Middle Miocene of the North Sea, differ in their lower spire, weaker axial sculpture, and less convex last whorl (see Beyrich 1854: pl. 6, figs 13a–b, 14a–b; Janse & Janssen 1983: text fig. 10, pl. 3, fig. 19; Wienrich 2006: figs 3/4, 4/6–10). Hastulopsis exilis (Bell, 1871), from the Early Pliocene of the Loire Basin (France), might be another closely related species, which differs in its smaller size, wider spaced axial ribs, the more convex whorls and the slight basal angulation of the last whorl (see Ceulemans et al. 2018: pl. 6, figs 5–9). Hastula striata (de Basterot, 1825) from the Burdigalian of France, is slenderer, has a higher last whorl and it forms axially elongated beads at the adapical and abapical suture (see Peyrot 1931: pl. 10, figs 49–50).

Paleoenvironment. The occurrence in the Baden Formation suggests middle to outer neritic water depths (Kranner et al. 2021).

Distribution in Central Paratethys. Badenian (Middle Miocene): Vienna Basin: Baden, Bad Vöslau (Austria) (Hoernes & Auinger 1880);? Cserhát Mountains (Hungary) (Csepreghy-Meznerics 1954); Făget Basin: CoŞteiu des Sus (Romania) (Hoernes & Auinger 1880).