Readme file for “EV_Evolution_Scenarios_Database.xlsx”, which contains data presented in: Electric Vehicles Management for carbon neutrality in Europe – D1.1. Electric Road Mobility Evolution Scenarios Generated on 30-09-2022 ********************* PROJECT INFORMATION ********************* 1. Project Name: Electric Vehicles Management for carbon neutrality in Europe 2. Project Acronym: EV4EU 3. Funding Scheme: European Union´s Horizon Europe programme 4. Grant Agreement: 101056765 ************************* DATA ACCESS INFORMATION ************************* 1. Licences / restrictions placed on access to the dataset ************************ SUMMARY OF DATASET ************************ 1. Project Work Package: Work package 1 2. Project Task: Electric Road Mobility Evolution Scenarios Task 1.1 3. Task Leader Name and email: INESC-ID/ 4. Dataset authors: Hugo Morais (INESC-ID), Irvylle Cavalcante (INESC-ID), Ana Rita Nunes (INESC-ID), Alberto Silva (INESC-ID), Cindy P. (INESC-ID), Matej Zajc (UL), Igor Mendek (UL), Lisa Calearo (DTU), Anna Malkova (DTU), Charalampos Ziras (DTU), Panagiotis Pediaditis (HEDNO), Konstantinos Michos (HEDNO), João Mateus (EDP NEW), Samuel Matias (EDP NEW), Miguel Brito (EDP NEW), Alexios Lekidis (PPC) 5. Dataset file name: EV_Evolution_Scenarios_Database.xlsx 6. Date of data collection: 2022-07-01:2022-08-20 6. Data size:76.3 KB 7. Data format: .xslx 8. Data general description: The Electric Road Mobility Evolution Scenarios were performed considering different EVs technologies related to the current and future EV market (stock, sales, battery demand, electricity demand, and public charging points) in the context of worldwide, European, Portuguese, Danish, Greek and Slovenian on electric vehicle penetration. 9. Keywords: e-mobility, electric vehicle, scenario analysis ************************ SUMMARY OF SPREADSHEETS ************************ List of excel spreadsheets 1- EV_MKT_Global 2- EV_Global_Scenarios 3- EV_MKT_EU 4- EV_EU_Scenarios 5- EV_MKT_DK 6- EV_DK_Scenarios 7- EV_MKT_SL 8- EV_SL_Scenarios 9- EV_MKT_PT 10-EV_PT_Scenarios 11-EV_MKT_GR 12-EV_GR_Scenarios **************************************** EACH SPREADSHEET IS DESCRIBED BELOW ALONG WITH AN EXPLANATION OF THE VARIABLES **************************************** **************************************** 1-DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR SPREADSHEET EV_MKT_Global **************************************** 1-Source data: International Energy Agency (IEA) Bloomberg 2-VARIABLES AND DESCRIPTION: Global EV sales - China Historical data of China electric vehicles (EV) Sales. Unit of measurement: Units Global EV sales - Europe Historical data of Europe electric vehicle (EV) Sales. Unit of measurement: Units Global EV sales - United States Historical data of United States Europe electric vehicle (EV) sales. Unit of measurement: Units Global EV sales - Others Variable description: Historical data of Others(global) electric vehicles (EV) sales. Unit of measurement: Units Global Market Share Historical data of Global Market Share in electric vehicles (EV) sales, Unit of measurement: % Global EV stock – China BEV Variable description: Historical data of China battery electric vehicle (BEV) stock(millions). Unit of measurement: Units (millions) Global EV stock - Europe BEV Historical data of Europe battery electric vehicle (BEV) stock(millions). Unit of measurement: Units (millions) Global EV stock - United States BEV Historical data of United States battery electric vehicle (BEV) stock(millions). Unit of measurement: Units (millions) Global EV stock - Other BEV Historical data of Global Other battery electric vehicle (BEV)stock(millions). Unit of measurement: Units (millions) Global EV stock - China PHEV Historical data of China Plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) stock (millions). Unit of measurement: Units (millions) Global EV stock - Europe PHEV Historical data of Europe Plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) stock (millions). Unit of measurement: Units (millions) Global EV stock - United States PHEV Historical data of United States Plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) stock (millions). Unit of measurement: Units (millions) Global EV stock- Other PHEV Historical data of Global Other Plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) stock (millions). Unit of measurement: Units (millions) Global EV Public Charging Points - Public Slow chargers Historical data of Global electric vehicle (EV)Public slow Charging Points. Unit of measurement: Units Global EV Public Charging Points - Public Fast chargers Historical data of Global electric vehicle (EV) Public fast Charging Points. Unit of measurement: Units Global Electricity Demand - BEV Historical data of Global battery electric vehicle (BEV)Electricity Demand. Unit of measurement: GWh Global Electricity Demand - PHEV Historical data of Global Plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) Electricity Demand. Unit of measurement: GWh Global Battery demand - China Historical data of China electric vehicle (EV)Battery demand. Unit of measurement: GWh Global Battery demand - Europe Historical data of Europe electric vehicle (EV)Battery demand. Unit of measurement: GWh Global Battery demand - United States Historical data of United States electric vehicle (EV)Battery demand. Unit of measurement: GWh Global Battery demand- Other Historical data of Other electric vehicle (EV)Battery demand. Unit of measurement: GWh Global Electric mobility market – electric vehicle (EV) size of EV fleet Historical data of Global electric vehicle (EV) size fleet (vans and trucks), buses, two and three-wheelers. Unit of measurement: units Global Electric mobility market – EV share of sales Historical data of Global electric vehicle (EV) share in sales (vans and trucks), buses, two and three-wheelers. Unit of measurement: % Annual Electricity Consumption per EV (electric vehicle) Global electric vehicle (EV) electricity consumption by year. Unit of measurement: kWh/year Daily electricity consumption per electric vehicle (EV) Global EV electricity consumption by day. Unit of measurement: kWh/day Daily travelling distance Global EV daily travelling distance. Unit of measurement: km 3-Geographic location of the data: Global 4-Methods description: Data were gathered from the literature Source: 5-Data processing methods Data were collected from the literature review, followed by tabulation and graphical representation. In addition: - Annual Electricity Consumption per EV - these values were calculated by dividing the EV electricity demand for each EV type on 2021 by global EV stock for each EV type in 2021. - Daily electricity consumption per EV – these values were calculated by dividing the annual electricity consumption per EV by 365 days. - Daily travelling distance – these values were calculated by multiplying the daily electricity consumption per EV by 5KWh/Km (the value assumed for energy consumption per EV). 7-Treatment of missing values None 8-Analysis methods None **************************************** 2- DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR SPREADSHEET EV_Global_ Scenarios **************************************** 1-Source data: International Energy Agency(IEA) Bloomberg International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) 2-VARIABLES AND DESCRIPTION: EV Electricity demand scenario - IEA-SPS (International Energy Agency-Stated Polices Scenario) Global electric vehicles (EV) electricity demand scenarios based on current policy plans up to 2030. Unit of measurement: TWh EV Electricity demand scenario – IEA-APS(International Energy Agency- Announced Pledge Scenarios) Global electric vehicles (EV) electricity demand scenarios based on existing climate-focused policy pledges and announcements. Unit of measurement: TWh EV Electricity demand scenario - IEA-NZE(International Energy Agency- Net Zero Emissions by 2050 Scenario) Global electric vehicles (EV) electricity demand scenarios based on key energy-related United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Unit of measurement: TWh EV Electricity demand scenario- BBG-ETS(Bloomberg- Economic Transition Scenario) Global electric vehicles (EV) electricity demand scenarios driven by new policies and economic and technological trends that affect the EV market. Unit of measurement: TWh EV Electricity demand scenario - BBG-NZS(Bloomberg- Net Zero Scenario) Global electric vehicles (EV) electricity demand scenarios based on a path to zero emissions in the transport sector and consider the economy the decisive factor in achieving carbon neutrality in 2050. Unit of measurement: TWh Public EV charging points scenario - IEA-SPS(International Energy Agency-Stated Policies Scenario) Global electric vehicles (EV) Public Charging Points scenario based on current policy plans up to 2030. Unit of measurement: Units Public EV charging points scenario - IEA-APS(International Energy Agency- Announced pledge Scenarios) Variable description: Global electric vehicles (EV) Public Charging Points scenario based on existing climate-focused policy pledges and announcements. Unit of measurement: Units Public EV charging points scenario - IEA-NZE(International Energy Agency- Announced pledge Scenarios) Global electric vehicle (EV) Public Charging Points scenario based on existing climate-focused policy pledges and announcements. Unit of measurement: Units Public EV charging points scenario -BBG-ETS(Bloomberg- Economic Transition Scenario) Global electric vehicle (EV) Public Charging Points scenario driven by new policies and economic and technological trends that affect the EV market. Unit of measurement: Units Public EV charging points scenario -BBG-NZS(Bloomberg- Net Zero Scenario) Global electric vehicle (EV) Public Charging Points scenario based on a path to zero emissions in the transport sector and consider the economy the decisive factor in achieving carbon neutrality in 2050. Unit of measurement: Units EV stock scenario - IRN-PES(International Renewable Energy Agency- Planned Energy Scenario) Global electric vehicle (EV) Stock scenario based on the governments current energy plans and other planned targets and policies. Unit of measurement: Units EV stock scenario -IRN-PRT(International Renewable Energy Agency- 1.5ºC Scenario) Global electric vehicle (EV) Stock scenario based on the context of the energy transition and the pathway to reach the 1.5° C targets of the Paris agreement through six technological avenues, including the electrification of the sectors. Unit of measurement: Units EV stock scenario -IEA-SPS (International Energy Agency-Stated Policies Scenario) Global electric vehicle (EV) Stock Scenario based on current policy plans up to 2030. Unit of measurement: Units EV stock scenario - IEA-APS (International Energy Agency- Announced pledge Scenarios) Global electric vehicle (EV) Stock scenario based on existing climate-focused policy pledges and announcements. Unit of measurement: Units EV stock scenario- IEA-NZE(International Energy Agency- Net Zero Emissions by 2050 Scenario) Global electric vehicle (EV) stock based on key energy-related United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Unit of measurement: Units EV stock scenario - BBG-ETS (Bloomberg- Economic Transition Scenario) Global electric vehicle (EV) Stock scenario driven by new policies and economic and technological trends that affect the EV market. Unit of measurement: Units EV stock scenario - BBG-NZS (Bloomberg- Net Zero Scenario) Global electric vehicle (EV) Stock scenario based on a path to zero emissions in the transport sector and considers the economy the decisive factor in achieving carbon neutrality in 2050. Unit of measurement: Units EV sales scenario-IEA-APS(International Energy Agency- Announced pledge Scenarios) Global electric vehicle (EV) sales scenario based on existing climate-focused policy pledges and announcements. Unit of measurement: Units EV sales scenario-IEA-SPS(International Energy Agency-Stated Policies Scenario) Global electric vehicle (EV) sales Scenario based on current policy plans up to 2030. Unit of measurement: Units EV sales scenario - IEA-NZE(International Energy Agency- Net Zero Emissions by 2050 Scenario) Global electric vehicle (EV) sales based on key energy-related United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Unit of measurement: Units EV sales scenario - BBG-ETS(Bloomberg- Economic Transition Scenario) Global electric vehicle (EV) sales scenario driven by new policies and economic and technological trends that affect the EV market. Unit of measurement: Units EV sales scenario - BBG-NZS(Bloomberg- Net Zero Scenario) Global electric vehicle (EV) sales scenario based on a path to zero emissions in the transport sector and considers the economy the decisive factor in achieving carbon neutrality in 2050. Unit of measurement: Units EV battery demand scenario - IRN-PRT(International Renewable Energy Agency- 1.5ºC Scenario) Global electric vehicle (EV) battery demand scenario based on the context of the energy transition and the pathway to reach the 1.5° C targets of the Paris agreement through six technological avenues, including the electrification of the sectors. Unit of measurement: GWh EV battery demand scenario - IEA-NZE(International Energy Agency- Net Zero Emissions by 2050 Scenario) Global electric vehicle (EV) battery demand based on key energy-related United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Unit of measurement: GWh EV battery demand scenario - IEA-APS(International Energy Agency- Announced pledge Scenarios) Global electric vehicle (EV) battery demand scenario based on existing climate-focused policy pledges and announcements. Unit of measurement: GWh EV battery demand scenario - IEA-SPS(International Energy Agency-Stated Policies Scenario) Global electric vehicle (EV) battery Demand Scenario based on current policy plans up to 2030. Unit of measurement: GWh EV battery demand scenario - BBG-ETS(Bloomberg- Economic Transition Scenario) Global electric vehicle (EV) battery demand scenario driven by new policies and economic and technological trends that affect the EV market. Unit of measurement: GWh EV battery demand scenario - BBG-NZS(Bloomberg- Net Zero Scenario) Global electric vehicle (EV) battery demand scenario based on a path to zero emissions in the transport sector and considers the economy the decisive factor in achieving carbon neutrality in 2050. Unit of measurement: Units Annual electricity consumption per EV battery demand scenario Global annual electric mobility per electric vehicle (EV) in different scenarios. Unit of measurement: KWh/year Daily electricity consumption per EV battery demand scenario Global annual electric mobility per electric vehicle (EV) in different scenarios. Unit of measurement: KWh/day Daily electricity consumption per EV battery demand scenario Global daily electric mobility per electric vehicle (EV) in different scenarios. Unit of measurement: KWh/day Daily travelling distance Global daily travelling distance per electric vehicle (EV) in different scenarios. Unit of measurement: KWh/day 3-Geographic location of the data: Global 4-Methods description: Data were gathered from the literature Source dataset: 5-Data processing methods Data were collected from the literature, followed by tabulation and graphical representation. In addition: - Annual Electricity Consumption per EV - these values were calculated by dividing the EV electricity demand for each EV type on 2050 by global EV stock for each EV type in 2050. - Daily electricity consumption per EV – these values were calculated by dividing the annual electricity consumption per EV by 365 days. - Daily travelling distance – these values were calculated by multiplying the daily electricity consumption per EV by 5KWh/Km (the value assumed for energy consumption per EV). 6-Treatment of missing values For missing values, data extrapolation and interpolation were performed. 8-Analysis methods None **************************************** 3- DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR SPREADSHEET EV_MKT_EU **************************************** 1-Source data: International Energy Agency(IEA) European Environment Agency (EEA) Virta 2-VARIABLES AND DESCRIPTION: Europe Sales - EV sales Historical data of Europe electric vehicle (EV) Sales. Unit of measurement: Units Europe Sales - Share of EVs in new registration Historical data of Europe electric vehicle (EV) share in new registration. Unit of measurement: % Europe EV public charging points - Public slow chargers Historical data of Europe electric vehicle (EV) Public Charging Points. Unit of measurement: Units Europe EV public charging points - Public fast chargers Historical data of Europe electric vehicle (EV) Public Charging Points. Unit of measurement: Units Europe EV stock - BEV Historical data of Europe Battery electric vehicle (BEV) Stock. Unit of measurement: Units Europe EV stock -PHEV Historical data of Europe (Plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV) Stock. Unit of measurement: Units Europe EV electricity demand - BEV Historical data of Europe Battery electric vehicle (BEV) electricity Demand. Unit of measurement: GWh Europe EV Stock - PHEV Historical data of Europe (Plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV) electricity Demand. Unit of measurement: GWh Annual Electricity Consumption per EV (electric vehicle) Electric Mobility electricity consumption and distance per year in Europe. Unit of measurement: kWh/year Daily Electricity Consumption per EV (electric vehicle) Electric Mobility electricity consumption and distance per day in Europe. Unit of measurement: kWh/day Daily Travelling distance Electric Mobility distance in Europe. Unit of measurement: km 3- Geographic location of the data: Europe 4-Methods description: Data were gathered from the literature review Source: 5- Data processing methods Data were collected from the literature, followed by tabulation and graphical representation. In addition: - Annual Electricity Consumption per EV - these values were calculated by dividing the EV electricity demand for each EV type on 2021 by global EV stock for each EV type in 2021. - Daily electricity consumption per EV – these values were calculated by dividing the annual electricity consumption per EV by 365 days. - Daily travelling distance – these values were calculated by multiplying the daily electricity consumption per EV by 5KWh/Km (the value assumed for energy consumption per EV). 6-Treatment of missing values None 7-Analysis methods None **************************************** 4- DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR SPREADSHEET EV_EU_Scenario **************************************** 1-Source data: International Energy Agency (IEA) Virta Fraunhofer European Alternative Fuels Observatory (EAFO) Strategy&PWC European Association of Automotive Suppliers (CLEPA) Element energy Transport and environment International Council on Clean Transportation (ICCT) Eurelectric ChargeUP 2- VARIABLES AND DESCRIPTION: EV stock scenario (Europe) - IEA-SPS(International Energy Agency-Stated Polices Scenario) Europe electric vehicle (EV) stock evolution based on current policy plans up to 2030. Unit of measurement: Units EV stock scenario (Europe) - IEA-APS(International Energy Agency- Announced pledge) Europe electric vehicle (EV) stock evolution based on existing climate-focused policy pledges and announcements. Unit of measurement: Units EV stock scenario (Europe)-VRT-LOW (Virta-Low estimates) Electric vehicle (EV) stock evolution based on scenarios for Europe until 2030. Unit of measurement: Units EV stock scenario(Europe)-VRT-HGH(Virta- High estimates) Electric vehicle (EV) stock evolution based on scenarios for Europe until 2030, considering the existence of EVs roaming. Unit of measurement: Units EV stock scenario (Europe)-Fraunhofer(Europe Electric vehicle (EV) stock evolution) Europe Electric vehicle (EV) stock evolution based on a scenario for electric vehicle (EV) sales considering that sales share can reach 100% and sales growth follows an S-shaped diffusion curve adjusted based on Norwegian Electric vehicle (EV) sales. Unit of measurement: Units EV stock scenario (Europe)-EFO-ZBV(European Alternative Fuels Observatory - ZEV Base Case) Europe electric vehicle (EV) stock evolution based on scenario where zero-emissions vehicles have a moderated adoption. Unit of measurement: Units EV stock scenario(Europe)-EFO-PHV(European Alternative Fuels Observatory - PHEV Bridging) Europe electric vehicle (EV) stock evolution based on a scenario where PHEVs have a strong market share towards 2030. Unit of measurement: Units EV stock scenario(Europe)-EFO-ZLD(European Alternative Fuels Observatory - ZEV leader) Europe electric vehicle (EV) stock evolution based on a scenario where zero-emissions vehicles have a strong adoption. Unit of measurement: Units EV stock scenario(Europe)-SPC-SCN(Strategy&PWC) Europe electric vehicle (EV) stock evolution based on scenario for EVs stock and sales in EU27+3 (UK, Norway and Switzerland) until 2035. Unit of measurement: Units EV stock scenario(Europe)-CLP-MTS(Association of Automotive Suppliers (CLEPA)- Mixed-technology scenario) Europe electric vehicle (EV) stock evolution based on a scenario that considers COVID-19 government recovery, the upcoming EURO 7 emissions norm and 50% CO2 reduction by 2030, based on the 2020 95g New European Driving Cycle (NEDC) stricter passenger car target. Unit of measurement: Units EV stock scenario(Europe)-CLP-EVS(Association of Automotive Suppliers (CLEPA)- EV-only scenario) Europe electric vehicle (EV) stock evolution STEP scenario proposed in the “Fitfor 55” package and additional incentives for BEVs and charging infrastructure. Unit of measurement: Units EV stock scenario(Europe)-CLP-RAD(Association of Automotive Suppliers (CLEPA)-Radical scenario) Europe electric vehicle (EV) stock evolution based on a scenario that considers a 100% CO2 reduction by 2030. Unit of measurement: Units EV stock scenario(Europe)-ELM-BAS(Element Energy-Baseline) Europe electric vehicle (EV) stock evolution based on a scenario for EV adoption in EU27+EFTA+UK+Turkey until 2050. Unit of measurement: Units EV stock scenario(Europe)-ELM-PPP(Element Energy- Purchase price parity) Europe electric vehicle (EV) stock evolution based on the scenario for EV adoption in EU27+EFTA+UK+Turkey until 2050 and it is assumed that the price parity in 2030 in all car segments. Unit of measurement: Units EV stock scenario(Europe)-TeE-SNC(Transport & Environment) Europe electric vehicle (EV) stock evolution based on a scenario for charging infrastructure to achieve the EU target of 100% of new passenger cars and vans sales being zero-emission by 2035. Unit of measurement: Units EV stock scenario(Europe)-ICT-SCN(International Council on Clean Transportation (ICCT) Europe electric vehicle (EV) stock evolution based on a scenario for EVs stock evolution in EU-27 until 2030. Unit of measurement: Units EV stock scenario(Europe)-EUR-SCN(Eurelectric) Europe electric vehicle (EV) stock evolution based on scenario considers the experience and insights from European industry leaders who are actors in the EVs value chain. Unit of measurement: Units EV charging points scenarios (Europe) - IEA-SPS(International Energy Agency-Stated Polices Scenario) Europe electric vehicle (EV) charging points evolution scenario embraces current policy plans up to 2030. Unit of measurement: Units EV charging points scenarios (Europe)IEA-APS(International Energy Agency- Announced pledge) Europe electric vehicle (EV) charging points evolution scenario based on existing climate-focused policy pledges and announcements. Unit of measurement: Units EV charging points scenarios (Europe)-VRT-LOW(Virta-Low estimates) Europe electric vehicle (EV) charging points evolution scenario for Europe until 2030. Unit of measurement: Units EV charging points scenarios (Europe)-VRT-HGH(Virta- High estimates) Europe electric vehicle (EV) charging points evolution scenario for Europe until 2030, considering the existence of EVs roaming. Unit of measurement: Units EV charging points scenarios (Europe)-CHU-MIN(ChargeUp- minimum) Europe electric vehicle (EV) charging points evolution scenario based on the minimum number of public charging stations. Unit of measurement: Units EV charging points scenarios (Europe)-CHU-ACS(ChargeUp- AC Station) Europe electric vehicle (EV) charging points evolution scenario considers a high share of AC charging points. Unit of measurement: Units EV charging points scenarios (Europe)-CHU-HPS(ChargeUp-higher share) Europe electric vehicle (EV) charging points evolution scenario considers a higher share (45% instead of 35% in the CHU-MIN scenario) of public charging points.Unit of measurement: Units EV charging points scenarios (Europe)-TeE-SNC(Transport & Environment) Europe electric vehicle (EV) charging points evolution based on a scenario for charging infrastructure to achieve the EU target of 100% of new passenger cars and vans sales being zero-emission by 2035. Unit of measurement: Units EV charging points scenarios (Europe)-EUR-SCN(Eurelectric) Europe electric vehicle (EV) charging points evolution based on scenario considers the experience and insights from European industry leaders who are actors in the EVs value chain. Unit of measurement: Units EV electricity demand scenarios (Europe)-IEA-APS(International Energy Agency- Announced pledge) Europe electric vehicle (EV) electricity demand evolution based on existing climate-focused policy pledges and announcements. Unit of measurement: GWh EV electricity demand scenarios (Europe)-IEA-SPS (International Energy Agency-Stated Polices Scenario) Europe electric vehicle (EV) electricity demand evolution based on current policy plans up to 2030. Unit of measurement: GWh EV electricity demand scenarios (Europe)-CHU-MIN (ChargeUp- minimum) Europe electric vehicle (EV) electricity demand evolution scenario based on the minimum number of public charging stations. Unit of measurement: GWh 3- Geographic location of the data: Europe 4- Methods description: Description: Data were gathered from the literature review Source: 5- Data processing methods Data were collected from the literature review, followed by tabulation and graphical representation 6- Treatment of missing values Missing values were obtained using extrapolation and interpolation of data. 7- Analysis methods To have a fair comparison between scenarios, all the scenarios were adjusted to EU-27+EFTA+UK countries. When the values were provided in the percentage of EV sales, it is assumed a constant car stock (333.3 million) and a constant yearly new car registration (14.5 million) until 2050. It is also considered a car lifetime of 15 years meaning that the stock share of EVs is taken into account. **************************************** 5- DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR SPREADSHEET EV_MKT_DK **************************************** 1- Source data: Danmmarks Statistik Danske Bilimportører 2- VARIABLES AND DESCRIPTION: EV monthly sale/year (Denmark) Historical data of Denmark electric vehicle(EV) monthly sales per year, Unit of measurement: Units EV market share in new BEV sales (%)by month-(Denmark) Historical data of Denmark electric vehicle(EV) market share in new sales for battery electric vehicle (BEV) monthly in 2020 and 2021. Unit of measurement: % EV market share in new PHEV sales (%)by month-(Denmark) Historical data of Denmark electric vehicle(EV) market share in new sale for plug-in electric vehicles (PHEV) monthly in 2020 and 2021. Unit of measurement: % Means of transport in Denmark by category (2021-2022) – passenger car Historical data of total number of passenger car in 2020 and 2021. Unit of measurement: Units Means of transport in Denmark by category (2021-2022) – buses Historical data of total number of buses in 2020 and 2021. Unit of measurement: Units Means of transport in Denmark by category (2021-2022) – vans Historical data of total number of vans in 2020 and 2021. Unit of measurement: Units Means of transport in Denmark by category (2021-2022) – lorries, gross weight 3501-6000 Kg Historical data of total number of lorries (gross weight 3501-6000 Kg) in 2020 and 2021. Unit of measurement: Units Means of transport in Denmark by category (2021-2022) – lorries, gross weight 3501-6000 Kg Historical data of total number of lorries (above 6000 Kg gross weight in 2020 and 2021. Unit of measurement: Units Means of transport in Denmark by category (2021-2022) – road tractors Historical data of total number of road tractors in 2020 and 2021. Unit of measurement: Units Means of transport in Denmark by category (2021-2022) – trailers Historical data of total number of road tractors in 2020 and 2021. Unit of measurement: Units Means of transport in Denmark by category (2021-2022) – semi-trailers Historical data of total number of semi-trailers in 2020 and 2021. Unit of measurement: Units Means of transport in Denmark by category (2021-2022) – motorcycles Historical data of total number of motorcycles in 2020 and 2021. Unit of measurement: Units Means of transport in Denmark by category (2021-2022) – 45-mopeds Historical data of total number of 45-mopeds in 2020 and 2021. Unit of measurement: Units Means of transport in Denmark by category (2021-2022) – agriculture tractors Historical data of total number of agriculture tractors in 2020 and 2021. Unit of measurement: Units Means of transport in Denmark by category (2021-2022) – caravanas Historical data of total number of caravanas in 2020 and 2021. Unit of measurement: Units Means of transport in Denmark by category (2021-2022) – ships Historical data of total number of ships in 2020 and 2021. Unit of measurement: Units Means of transport in Denmark by category (2021-2022) – cargo vessels Historical data of total number of cargo vessels in 2020 and 2021. Unit of measurement: Units Means of transport in Denmark by category (2021-2022) – passenger ships and ferries Historical data of total number of passenger ships and ferries in 2020 and 2021. Unit of measurement: Units Evolution of car sales per type between 2020 and 2021 (Denmark)and percentage difference between the two years-Gasoline Historical data of total number of gasoline cars in 2020 and 2021 and difference percentage between 2020 and 2021. Unit of measurement: Units and %, respectively Evolution of car sales per type between 2020 and 2021 (Denmark)and percentage difference between the two years-Diesel Historical data of total number of diesel cars in 2020 and 2021 and difference percentage between 2020 and 2021. Unit of measurement: Units and % Evolution of car sales per type between 2020 and 2021 (Denmark)and percentage difference between the two years-BEV Historical data of total number of battery electric vehicle (BEV) in 2020 and 2021 and difference percentage between 2020 and 2021. Unit of measurement: Units and % Evolution of car sales per type between 2020 and 2021 (Denmark)and percentage difference between the two years-PHEV Historical data of total number of Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicle(PHEV) in 2020 and 2021 and difference percentage between 2020 and 2021. Unit of measurement: Units and % Connectors type distribution in Denmark for public chargers (Denmark)-type 2 Amount of connector type 2. Unit of measurement: Units Connectors type distribution in Denmark for public chargers (Denmark)-CCS2 Amount of connector type CCS2 (combined charging system 2). Unit of measurement: Units Connectors type distribution in Denmark for public chargers (Denmark)-CHAdeMO Amount of connector CHAdeMO (short for Charge de Move). Unit of measurement: Units Connectors type distribution in Denmark for public chargers (Denmark)-Tesla Supercharger Amount of connector tesla supercharger. Unit of measurement: Units Connectors type distribution in Denmark for public chargers (Denmark)-Tesla Destination Charger Amount of connector tesla destination charger. Unit of measurement: Units Electricity Demand due to EV charging in Denmark by 2020-2021 Historical data of total Energy needs of battery electric vehicle (BEV) in 2020 and 2021. Unit of measurement: GWh Electricity Demand due to EV charging in Denmark by 2020-2021 Historical data of total Energy needs of plug-in electric vehicle (PHEV)in 2020 and 2021. Unit of measurement: GWh 3- Geographic location of the data: Denmark 4- Methods description: Data were gathered from the literature review Source: 5-Data processing methods Data were collected from the literature, followed by tabulation and graphical representation 6-Treatment of missing values Data of electricity consumption related to EV charging in Denmark is not directly available. Therefore, an estimate of electricity demand due to BEVs and PHEVs can be derived based on the number of vehicles, the average driven kilometres (45 Km/day), and 5 km/kwh energy consumption. 7-Analysis methods None **************************************** 6- DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR SPREADSHEET EV_DK_Scenarios **************************************** 1-Source data: Danmmarks Statistik Energistyrelsen Smart energy (Energy efficient decarbonisation strategy for the Danish transport sector by 2045) 2-VARIABLES AND DESCRIPTION: EV & Fuel Stock Scenario in Denmark (2020-2045)-Petrol Total Electric Vehicle (EV) Fuel Stock Scenario for Petrol in Denmark in 2020, 2025, 2030, 2035, 2040 and 2045. Unit of measurement: Units EV & Fuel Stock Scenario in Denmark (2020-2045)-Diesel Total Electric Vehicle (EV) Fuel stock scenario for Diesel in Denmark in 2020, 2025, 2030, 2035, 2040 and 2045. Unit of measurement: Units EV & Fuel Stock Scenario in Denmark (2020-2045)-Bioethanol Total fuel stock scenario for bioethanol in Denmark in 2020, 2025, 2030, 2035, 2040 and 2045. Unit of measurement: Units EV & Fuel Stock Scenario in Denmark (2020-2045)-Biodiesel Total Electric Vehicle (EV) Fuel stock scenario for biodiesel in Denmark in 2020, 2025, 2030, 2035, 2040 and 2045. Unit of measurement: Units. EV & Fuel Stock Scenario in Denmark (2020-2045)-PHEV Total stock scenario for Plug-in hybrid electric vehicles(PHEV)in Denmark in 2020, 2025, 2030, 2035, 2040 and 2045. Unit of measurement: Units. EV & Fuel Stock Scenario in Denmark (2020-2045)-BEV Total stock scenario for battery electric vehicle (BEV)in Denmark in 2020, 2025, 2030, 2035, 2040 and 2045. Unit of measurement: Units. Evolution of EV penetration scenarios by 2030 and 2050 in Denmark – pessimistic scenario Total number of electric vehicles (EV)with the pessimistic scenario for 2030 and 2050, Unit of measurement: Units Evolution of EV penetration scenarios by 2030 and 2050 in Denmark – intermediate scenario Total number of electric vehicles (EV)with the intermediate scenario for 2030 and 2050, Unit of measurement: Units Evolution of EV penetration scenarios by 2030 and 2050 in Denmark – optimistic scenario Total number of electric vehicles (EV)with the optimistic scenario for 2030 and 2050, Unit of measurement: Units Electricity Demand projections due to EV charging in Denmark by 2030 and 2050 – pessimistic scenario Electricity consumption due to electric vehicle(EV) charging for pessimistic scenario, Unit of measurement: GWh Electricity Demand projections due to EV charging in Denmark by 2030 and 2050 – intermediate scenario Electricity consumption due to electric vehicle(EV) charging for intermediate scenario, Unit of measurement: GWh Electricity Demand projections due to EV charging in Denmark by 2030 and 2050 based on optimistic scenario Electricity consumption due to electric vehicle (EV) charging for optimistic scenario, Unit of measurement: GWh Electricity demand scenario for electric vehicle type by 2020-2040 – cars and vans Evolution of Electricity demand scenario for electric vehicles (cars and vans) in 2020, 2021, 2023, 2024, 2026, 2027, 2029, 2030, 2032, 2033, 2034, 2036, 2037 2038, 2039, 2040. Unit of measurement: GWh Electricity demand scenario for electric vehicle type by 2020-2040 – buses and trucks Evolution of Electricity demand scenario for electric vehicles (buses and trucks) in 2020, 2021, 2023, 2024, 2026, 2027, 2029, 2030, 2032, 2033, 2034, 2036, 2037 2038, 2039, 2040. Unit of measurement: GWh Light electric vehicle (EV) electricity demand in Denmark by 2020-2040 based on lower scenario Evolution of light electric vehicle (EV) in electricity demand for lower scenario in 2020, 2022, 2023, 2024, 2026, 2027, 2029, 2030, 2031, 2032, 2034, 2035, 2036,2037, 2038, 2039, 2040. Unit of measurement: GWh Light electric vehicle (EV) electricity demand in Denmark by 2020-2040 based on trend scenario Evolution of light electric vehicle in electricity demand for trend scenario in 2020, 2022, 2023, 2024, 2026, 2027, 2029, 2030, 2031, 2032, 2034, 2035, 2036,2037, 2038, 2039, 2040. Unit of measurement: GWh Light electric vehicle (EV) electricity demand in Denmark by 2020-2040 based on upper scenario Evolution of light electric vehicle in electricity demand for upper scenario in 2020, 2022, 2023, 2024, 2026, 2027, 2029, 2030, 2031, 2032, 2034, 2035, 2036,2037, 2038, 2039, 2040. Unit of measurement: GWh Heavy electric vehicle(EV)electricity demand in Denmark by 2020-2040 based on Upper scenario Evolution of heavy electric vehicle in electricity demand for upper scenario in 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2025, 2026, 2027, 2029, 2030, 2032, 2033, 2035, 2036, 2037, 2038, 2039, 2040. Unit of measurement: GWh Heavy electric vehicle (EV) electricity demand in Denmark by 2020-2040 based on trend scenario Evolution of heavy electric vehicle in electricity demand for trend scenario in 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2025, 2026, 2027, 2029, 2030, 2032, 2033, 2035, 2036, 2037, 2038, 2039, 2040. Unit of measurement: GWh Heavy electric vehicle (EV) electricity demand in Denmark by 2020-2040 based on lower scenario Evolution of heavy electric vehicle in electricity demand for lower scenario in 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2025, 2026, 2027, 2029, 2030, 2032, 2033, 2035, 2036, 2037, 2038, 2039, 2040. Unit of measurement: GWh Need for public charging points in Denmark by mode for 2025 and 2030 – ultra-fast charging point long trips (150-350 kW) Total Need for public charging points in Denmark base on mode ultra-fast charging point long trips (150-350 KWh) in 2025 and 2030, Unit of measurement: Units Need for public charging points in Denmark by mode for 2025 and 2030 – Ultra-fast charging point everyday charging (150 kW) Total Need for public charging points in Denmark base on mode ultra-fast charging point everyday charging (150 KW) in 2025 and 2030. Unit of measurement: Units Need for public charging points in Denmark by mode for 2025 and 2030 – fast charging point for everyday charging (50 kW) Total Need for public charging points in Denmark base on mode fast charging point for everyday charging (50 kW)in 2025 and 2030. Unit of measurement: Units Need for public charging points in Denmark by mode for 2025 and 2030 – normal charging point for everyday charging (22 kW) Total Need for public charging points in Denmark base on mode normal charging point for everyday charging (22 kW)in 2025 and 2030. Unit of measurement: Units Projected number of electric vehicle (EV) depending on adopted tax model in Denmark – tax model 1 Projected number of electric vehicle (EV) in 2030 based on tax model 1, Unit of measurement: Units Projected number of electric vehicle (EV) depending on adopted tax model in Denmark – tax model 2 Projected number of electric vehicle (EV) in 2030 based on tax model 2, Unit of measurement: Units Projected number of electric vehicle (EV) depending on adopted tax model in Denmark – tax model 3 Projected number of electric vehicle (EV) in 2030 based on tax model 3, Unit of measurement: Units Projected number of electric vehicle (EV) depending on adopted tax model in Denmark – tax model 4 Projected number of electric vehicle (EV) in 2030 based on tax model 4, Unit of measurement: Units Projected number of electric vehicle (EV) depending on adopted tax model in Denmark – EV stock share tax model 1 Projected electric vehicle (EV) stock share based on tax model 1, Unit of measurement: % Projected number of electric vehicle (EV) depending on adopted tax model in Denmark – EV stock share tax model 2 Projected electric vehicle (EV) stock share based on tax model 2, Unit of measurement: % Projected number of electric vehicle (EV) depending on adopted tax model in Denmark – EV stock share tax model 3 Projected electric vehicle (EV) stock share based on tax model 3, Unit of measurement: % Projected number of electric vehicle (EV) depending on adopted tax model in Denmark – EV stock share tax model 4 Projected electric vehicle (EV) stock share based on tax model 4, Unit of measurement: % 3-Geographic location of the data: Denmark 4-Methods description: Data were gathered from the literature review Source: DOI: 10.1016/j.segy.2022.100063 5-Data processing methods Data were collected from the literature, followed by tabulation and graphical representation 6-Treatment of missing values Three scenarios have been produced for the evolution of the number and share of EVs, namely: pessimistic, intermediate and optimistic. Also, it was adopted 3 and 3.2 million cars forecast for the total number of passenger vehicles for 2030 and 2050, respectively, for all scenarios. 7-Analysis methods None **************************************** 7-DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR SPREADSHEET EV_MKT_SL **************************************** 1-Source data: Republic of Slovenia Statistical Office 2-VARIABLES AND DESCRIPTION: Battery Electric vehicle (BEV) Stock in Slovenia Historical data of battery electric vehicle (BEV) market stock in Slovenia from 2014-2021, Unit of measurement: units Plug-in hybrid Electric vehicle (PHEV) Stock in Slovenia) Historical data of Plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEVs) market stock in Slovenia from 2014-2021, Unit of measurement: units All Electric vehicles (EV) Stock in Slovenia Historical data of all electric vehicle (EV) market stock in Slovenia from 2014-2021, Unit of measurement: units Electric vehicle (EV) sales in Slovenia – first registration Historical data of electric vehicle (EV) first registration in Slovenia from 2014-2021, Unit of measurement: units New Electric vehicle (EV) sales in Slovenia Historical data of new electric vehicle (EV) sales in Slovenia from 2014-2021, Unit of measurement: units Percentage of increase in EV sales in Slovenia Percentage of increase in EV sales in Slovenia from 2014-2021. Unit of measurement: % Vehicle registration and electric vehicle (EV) share in Slovenia for new cars Vehicle registration in Slovenia for new cars from 2014-2021. Unit of measurement: units Vehicle registration and electric vehicle (EV) share in Slovenia based on variation Vehicle registration in Slovenia regarding variation from 2014-2020. Unit of measurement: % Vehicle registration based on electric vehicle (EV)share Vehicle registration in Slovenia regarding electric vehicle share from 2014-2020. Unit of measurement: % Energy consumed for fast charging stations per year in Slovenia Historical data of electric vehicles (EV) for fast charging station consumption from 2016-2022, Unit of measurement: KWh Energy consumed for fast charging stations per year in Slovenia based on number of usages Historical data of electric vehicles (EV) for fast charging station consumption regarding the number of usages from 2016-2022, Unit of measurement: units Energy consumed for fast charging stations per year in Slovenia based on time of charging Historical data of electric vehicles (EV) for fast charging station consumption regarding the time of charging from 2016-2022. Unit of measurement: h Energy consumed for fast charging stations per year in Slovenia based on energy per usage Historical data of electric vehicles (EV) for fast charging station consumption regarding the energy per usages from 2016-2022. Unit of measurement: kWh Energy consumed for fast charging stations per year in Slovenia based on energy per hour Historical data of electric vehicles (EV) for fast charging station consumption regarding the energy per hour from 2016-2022, Unit of measurement: KW Energy consumed for fast charging stations per year in Slovenia based on time per usage Historical data of electric vehicles (EV) for fast charging station consumption regarding the time per usage from 2016-2022, Unit of measurement: min 3-Geographic location of the data: Slovenia 4-Methods description: Data were gathered from the literature review Source: 5-Data processing methods Data were collected from the literature, followed by tabulation and graphical representation 6-Treatment of missing values None 7-Analysis methods None ************************************************ 8- DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR SPREADSHEET [EV_SL_Scenarios] ************************************************ 1-Source data: Integrated National Energy and Climate Plan of the Republic of Slovenia Vlada Rebublike Slovenija (Action Programme for Alternative Fuels in Transport, strategy for alternative fuels in transport and Audit corrective actions on the implementation of e-mobility) 2-VARIABLES AND DESCRIPTION: Target for reduction of greenhouse gas emission(GHG) per sector based on annual GHG emissions by sector - transport Historical data of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by transport for 2005 and 2017, Unit of measurement: kt CO2 eq Target for reduction of greenhouse gas emission (GHG) per sector based on annual GHG emissions by sector – general consumption Historical data of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by general consumption for 2005 and 2017, Unit of measurement: kt CO2 eq Target for reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) per sector based on annual GHG emissions by sector – Agriculture Historical data of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by agriculture for 2005 and 2017, Unit of measurement: kt CO2 eq Target for reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) per sector based on annual GHG emissions by sector – Waste Management Historical data of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by agriculture for 2005 and 2017, Unit of measurement: kt CO2 eq Target for reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) per sector based on annual GHG emissions by sector – industry Historical data of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by industry for 2005 and 2017, Unit of measurement: kt CO2 eq Target for reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) per sector based on annual GHG emissions by sector – energy Historical data of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by energy for 2005 and 2017, Unit of measurement: kt CO2 eq Target for reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) per sector based on annual GHG emissions (OP-GHG and NEPN) by sector – transport Evolution of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by transport for 2020 (OP-GHG) and 2030 (NEPN). Unit of measurement: kt CO2 eq and % Target for reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) per sector based on annual GHG emissions (OP-GHG and NEPN) by sector – general consumption Evolution of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by general consumption for 2020 (OP-GHG) and 2030 (NEPN). Unit of measurement: kt CO2 eq and % Target for reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) per sector based on annual GHG emissions (OP-GHG and NEPN) by sector – agriculture Evolution of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by agriculture for 2020 (OP-GHG) and 2030 (NEPN. Unit of measurement: kt CO2 eq and % Target for reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) per sector based on annual GHG emissions (OP-GHG and NEPN) by sector – waste management Evolution of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by waste management for 2020 (OP-GHG) and 2030 (NEPN). Unit of measurement: kt CO2 eq and % Target for reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) per sector based on annual GHG emissions (OP-GHG and NEPN) by sector sector based on OP-GHG and NEPN – industry Evolution of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by industry for 2020 (OP-GHG) and 2030 (NEPN). Unit of measurement: kt CO2 eq and % Target for reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) per sector based on annual GHG emissions (OP-GHG and NEPN) by sector – energy Evolution in reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by energy for 2020 (OP-GHG) and 2030 (NEPN). Unit of measurement: kt CO2 eq and % Target for reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) per sector based on reduction compared to 2007 by sector– transport Evolution in reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by energy for 2030 (NEPN)for transport. Unit of measurement: % Target for reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) per sector based on reduction compared to 2007 by sector– general comsumption Evolution in reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by energy for 2030 (NEPN)for general consumption. Unit of measurement: % Target for reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) per sector based on reduction compared to 2007 by sector– agriculture Evolution in reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by energy for 2030 (NEPN)for agriculture. Unit of measurement: % Target for reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) per sector based on reduction compared to 2007 by sector– waste management Evolution in reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by energy for 2030 (NEPN)for waste management. Unit of measurement: % Target for reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) per sector based on reduction compared to 2007 by sector– industry Evolution in reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by energy for 2030 (NEPN)for industry. Unit of measurement: % Target for reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) per sector based on reduction compared to 2007 by sector– energy Evolution in reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by energy for 2030 (NEPN)for energy. Unit of measurement: % Total actual numbers of electric vehicle (EV) based on vehicle type in Slovenia – internal combustion engine (ICE) Actual numbers of vehicle in 2020 for internal combustion engine (ICE)by 2020, Unit of measurement: units and % Total actual numbers of electric vehicle (EV) based on type in Slovenia – EVs total Actual total numbers of electric vehicle (EV)by 2020, Unit of measurement: units and % Total actual numbers of electric vehicle (EV) based on type in Slovenia - battery electric vehicle (BEV) Actual numbers of electric vehicle (EV) for battery electric vehicle (BEV)by 2020, Unit of measurement: units Total actual numbers of electric vehicle (EV) based on type in Slovenia - plug-in electric vehicle (PEV) Actual numbers of electric vehicle (EV) for plug-in electric vehicle (PEV)by 2020, Unit of measurement: units Total actual numbers of electric vehicle (EV) based on type in Slovenia - plug-in electric vehicle (PHEV) Actual numbers of electric vehicle (EV) for plug-in electric vehicle (PHEV)by 2020, Unit of measurement: units Total actual numbers of electric vehicle (EV) based on type in Slovenia - All Actual numbers of vehicle (EV) for all type by 2020, Unit of measurement: units Predicted number of electric vehicle (EV) based on strategy – internal combustion engine (ICE) Predicts number of vehicles based on strategy for internal combustion engine (ICE) in 2020,2025 and 2030, Unit of measurement: units and % Predicted number of electric vehicle (EV) based on strategy – EVs total Predicts number of vehicles based on strategy for EVs total in 2020,2025 and 2030. Unit of measurement: units and % Predicted number of electric vehicle (EV)based on strategy – Battery electric vehicle (BEV) Predicts number of vehicles based on strategy for battery electric vehicle in 2020,2025 and 2030. Unit of measurement: units and % Predicted number of electric vehicle (BEV) based on strategy - plug-in electric vehicle (PHEV) Predicts number of vehicles based on strategy for plug-in electric vehicle (PHEV) in 2020,2025 and 2030. Unit of measurement: units and % Predicted number of electric vehicle (BEV) based on strategy - all Predicts number of vehicles based on strategy for all type in 2020,2025 and 2030. Unit of measurement: units and % Predict number of electric vehicle (EV)in Slovenia until 2050 based on actual projection Number of electric vehicle (EV) in Slovenia in 2025, 2030, 2035, 2040, 2045 and 2050 for actual projection. Unit of measurement: units Predict number of electric vehicle (EV)in Slovenia until 2050 based on pessimistic scenario Number of electric vehicle (EV) in Slovenia in 2025, 2030, 2035, 2040, 2045 and 2050 for pessimistic scenario. Unit of measurement: units Predict number of electric vehicle (EV)in Slovenia until 2050 based on optimistic scenario Number of electric vehicle (EV) in Slovenia in 2025, 2030, 2035, 2040, 2045 and 2050 for optimistic scenario. Unit of measurement: units Charging sites evolution in Slovenia based on actual number of charging locations in Slovenia Number of actual charging location from 2016-2020. Unit of measurement: units Charging sites evolution in Slovenia based on predict number of charging locations in Slovenia Predict number of charging location in 2020, 2025 and 2030. Unit of measurement: units Charging sites evolution in Slovenia based on yearly increase in actual number of charging locations in Slovenia Number of actual charging location for yearly increase from 2016-2020. Unit of measurement: units Charging sites evolution based on yearly increase predicted number of charging locations in Slovenia Predict number of charging location for yearly increase in 2020, 2025 2030. Unit of measurement: % Charging sites evolution in Slovenia until 2050 based on actual projection Evolution of charging sites based on actual projection in 2025, 2030, 2035, 2040 and 2050. Unit of measurement: units Charging sites evolution in Slovenia until 2050 based on pessimistic scenario Evolution of charging sites based on pessimistic scenario in 2025, 2030, 2035, 2040, 2045 and 2050.Unit of measurement: units Charging sites evolution in Slovenia until 2050 based on optimistic scenario Evolution of charging sites based on optimistic scenario in 2025, 2030, 2035, 2040, 2045, 2050. Unit of measurement: units Electricity consumption of electric vehicle (EV)predicted by pessimistic scenario in Slovenia Evolution of electric vehicle (EV) in electricity consumption based on pessimistic scenario in 2025, 2030, 2035, 2040, 2045, 2050. Unit of measurement: GWh Electricity consumption of electric vehicle (EV)predicted by optimistic scenario in Slovenia Evolution of electric vehicle (EV) in electricity consumption based on optimistic scenario in 2025, 2030, 2035, 2040, 2045, 2050. Unit of measurement: GWh Electric vehicle (EV) electricity demand scenario based on cumulative consumption Electricity demand scenario of electric vehicle for cumulative consumption between 2019 to 2028. Unit of measurement: GWh Electric vehicle (EV) electricity demand scenario based on Ev consumption Electricity demand scenario of electric vehicle for EV consumption between 2019 to 2028. Unit of measurement: GWh 3-Geographic location of the data: Slovenia 4-Methods description: Data were gathered from the literature review Source: 5-Data processing methods Data were collected from the literature, followed by tabulation and graphical representation 6-Treatment of missing values It was estimated electricity consumption for EV under pessimistic and optimistic scenarios. The values were calculated taking in account the number of EVs in the fleet, the average energy efficiency, and the average travelled distance per vehicle. Also, a gradual improvement to 15 kWh/100 km in 2050 was assumed, and an average mileage of 10 000 kilometres per year was considered. 7-Analysis methods The pessimistic scenario uses a linear function to estimate the EVs' evolution until 2050. The optimistic scenario considers the quadratic function. The functions were adjusted to the data from 2018 to 2021 after the strategy was adopted. **************************************** 9- DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR SPREADSHEET EV_MKT_PT **************************************** 1-Source data: Associação de Utilizadores de Veículos Elétricos (UVE) Associação Automóvel de Portugal (ACAP) MOBI.E Mobilidade Elétrica 2-VARIABLES AND DESCRIPTION: Electric vehicle (EV) sales and market share in Portugal - battery electric vehicle (BEV) Historical data of sales for battery electric vehicle (BEV)from 2010-2021 in Portugal, Unit of measurement: units Electric vehicle (EV) sales and market share in Portugal - plug-in electric vehicle (PHEV) Historical data of sales for plug-in electric vehicle (PHEV)from 2010-2021 in Portugal, Unit of measurement: units Electric vehicle (EV)sales market share in Portugal Historical data of electric vehicle (EV) market share from 2010-2021 in Portugal, Unit of measurement: % Electric vehicle (EV) Stock in Portugal for plug-in electric vehicle (PHEV) Historical data on stock of plug-in electric vehicle (PHEV)in Portugal from 2011-2021. Unit of measurement: units Electric vehicle (EV) Stock in Portugal for battery electric vehicle (BEV) Historical data on stock of battery electric vehicle (BEV)in Portugal from 2011-2021. Unit of measurement: units Electric vehicle (EV) Public Charging Points in Portugal based on slow chargers Historical data on public slow charging points. Unit of measurement: units Electric vehicle (EV) Public Charging Points in Portugal based on fast chargers Historical data on public fast charging points from 2016-2021. Unit of measurement: units Electric vehicle (EV) market share in Portugal for type of EV- battery electric vehicle (BEV) Historical data on market share of battery electric vehicle (BEV) from 2011-2021 in Portugal. Unit of measurement: units Electric vehicle (EV) market share in Portugal for type of EV- plug-in electric vehicle (PHEV) Historical data on market share of plug-in electric vehicle (PHEV) from 2011-2021 in Portugal. Unit of measurement: units Electric vehicle (EV)market share for total EVs in Portugal Historical data on market share of total EVs in Portugal from 2011-2021. Unit of measurement: units Number of charges of electric vehicle in Portugal Historical data on number of charges from 2019-2022 in Portugal. Unit of measurement: units Energy consumed for mobility in Portugal Historical data on energy consumed by mobility from 2019-2021 in Portugal. Unit of measurement: MWh 3-Geographic location of the data: Portugal 4-Methods description: Data were gathered from the literature Source: 5-Data processing methods Data were collected from the literature review, followed by tabulation and graphical representation 6- Treatment of missing values None 7- Analysis methods None **************************************** 10- DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR SPREADSHEET EV_PT_Scenarios **************************************** 1-Source data: Roteiro para a Neutralidade Carbónica 2050(RNC 2050) Plano Nacional Energia e Clima 2021-2030(PNEC 2030) Relatório de Monitorização da Segurança de Abastecimento do Sistema Eléctrico Nacional 2022-2040(RMSA 2022-2040) 2-VARIABLES AND DESCRIPTION: Number of vehicles on conservative scenario in Portugal- internal combustion engine (ICE) Evolution in number of vehicles on conservative scenario for internal combustion engine (ICE)from 2011-2050 in Portugal. Unit of measurement: units Number of vehicles on conservative scenario in Portugal- hybrid electric vehicles (HEV) Evolution in number of vehicles on conservative scenario for hybrid electric vehicles (HEV)from 2011-2050 in Portugal.Unit of measurement: units Number of vehicles on conservative scenario in Portugal- Batery Electric Vehicle(BEV) Evolution in number of vehicles on conservative scenario for Battery Electric Vehicle(BEV)from 2011-2050 in Portugal. Unit of measurement: units Number of vehicles on conservative scenario in Portugal- Plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEV) Evolution in number of vehicles on conservative scenario for Plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEV)from 2011-2050 in Portugal. Unit of measurement: units Number of vehicles on progressive scenario in Portugal- internal combustion engine (ICE) Evolution in number of vehicles on progressive scenario for internal combustion engine (ICE)from 2011-2050 in Portugal. Unit of measurement: units Number of vehicles on progressive scenario in Portugal- hybrid electric vehicles(HEV) Evolution in number of vehicles on progressive scenario for hybrid electric vehicles(HEV)from 2011-2050 in Portugal. Unit of measurement: units Number of vehicles on progressive scenario in Portugal- Battery Electric Vehicle(BEV) Evolution in number of vehicles on progressive scenario for Battery Electric Vehicle(BEV)from 2011-2050 in Portugal. Unit of measurement: units Number of vehicles on progressive scenario in Portugal- Plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEV) Evolution in number of vehicles on progressive scenario for Plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEV)from 2011-2050 in Portugal. Unit of measurement: units Number of vehicles on disruptive scenario in Portugal- internal combustion engine (ICE) Evolution in number of vehicles on disruptive scenario for internal combustion engine (ICE)from 2011-2050 in Portugal. Unit of measurement: units Number of vehicles on disruptive scenario in Portugal- hybrid electric vehicles(HEV) Evolution in number of vehicles on disruptive scenario for hybrid electric vehicles(HEV)from 2011-2050 in Portugal. Unit of measurement: units Number of vehicles on disruptive scenario in Portugal- Battery Electric Vehicle(BEV) Evolution in number of vehicles on disruptive scenario for Battery Electric Vehicle(BEV)from 2011-2050 in Portugal. Unit of measurement: units Number of vehicles on disruptive scenario in Portugal- Plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEV) Evolution in number of vehicles on disruptive scenario for Plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEV)from 2011-2050 in Portugal. Unit of measurement: units Comparison of Battery Electric Vehicle(BEV) fleet share evolution among scenarios based on Norway Evolution of Battery electric vehicle (BEV) fleet share for Norway. Unit of measurement: % Comparison of Battery Electric Vehicle(BEV) fleet share evolution among scenarios based on disruptive Evolution of Battery electric vehicle (BEV) fleet share for disruptive scenario. Unit of measurement: % Comparison of Battery Electric Vehicle(BEV) fleet share evolution among scenarios based on progressive Evolution of Battery electric vehicle (BEV) fleet share for progressive scenario. Unit of measurement: % Comparison of Battery Electric Vehicle(BEV) fleet share evolution among scenarios based on conservative Evolution of Battery electric vehicle (BEV) fleet share for conservative scenario. Unit of measurement: % Evolution of light electric vehicles for the conservative scenario in Portugal based on fleet penetration Evolution of light electric vehicles for the conservative scenario regarding fleet penetration in 2020, 2030, 2040 and 2050, in Portugal. Unit of measurement: % Evolution of light electric vehicles for the conservative scenario in Portugal based on Plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEV) Evolution of light electric vehicles for the conservative scenario regarding Plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEV) in 2020, 2030, 2040 and 2050, in Portugal. Unit of measurement: % Evolution of light electric vehicles for the conservative scenario in Portugal based on battery electric vehicle (BEV) passenger Evolution of light electric vehicles for the conservative scenario regarding battery electric vehicle (BEV) passenger in 2020, 2030, 2040 and 2050, in Portugal. Unit of measurement: % Evolution of light electric vehicles for the conservative scenario in Portugal based on battery electric vehicle (BEV)duty Evolution of light electric vehicles for the conservative scenario regarding battery electric vehicle (BEV)duty in 2020, 2030, 2040 and 2050, in Portugal. Unit of measurement: % Evolution of light electric vehicles for the progressive scenario in Portugal based on fleet penetration Evolution of light electric vehicles for the progressive scenario regarding fleet penetration in 2020, 2030, 2040 and 2050, in Portugal. Unit of measurement: % Evolution of light electric vehicles for the progressive scenario in Portugal based on Plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEV) Evolution of light electric vehicles for the progressive scenario regarding Plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEV) in 2020, 2030, 2040 and 2050. Unit of measurement: % Evolution of light electric vehicles for the progressive scenario in Portugal based on battery electric vehicle (BEV) passenger Evolution of light electric vehicles for the progressive scenario regarding battery electric vehicle (BEV) passenger in 2020, 2030, 2040 and 2050. Unit of measurement: % Evolution of light electric vehicles for the progressive scenario in Portugal based on battery electric vehicle (BEV)duty Evolution of light electric vehicles for the progressive scenario regarding battery electric vehicle (BEV)duty in 2020, 2030, 2040 and 2050. Unit of measurement: % Evolution of light electric vehicles for the disruptive scenario in Portugal based on fleet penetration Evolution of light electric vehicles for the disruptive scenario regarding fleet penetration in 2020, 2030, 2040 and 2050. Unit of measurement: % Evolution of light electric vehicles for the disruptive scenario in Portugal based on Plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEV) Evolution of light electric vehicles for the disruptive scenario regarding Plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEV) in 2020, 2030, 2040 and 2050, in Portugal. Unit of measurement: Units Evolution of light electric vehicles for the disruptive scenario in Portugal based on battery electric vehicle (BEV) passenger Evolution of light electric vehicles for the disruptive scenario regarding battery electric vehicle (BEV) passenger in 2020, 2030, 2040 and 2050, in Portugal. Unit of measurement: units Evolution of light electric vehicles for the disruptive scenario in Portugal based on battery electric vehicle (BEV)duty Evolution of light electric vehicles for the disruptive scenario regarding battery electric vehicle (BEV)duty in 2020, 2030, 2040 and 2050, in Portugal. Unit of measurement: % Evolution of heavy electric vehicles for the conservative scenario in Portugal based on fleet penetration Evolution of heavy electric vehicles for the conservative scenario regarding fleet penetration in 2030, 2040 and 2050. Unit of measurement: % Evolution of heavy electric vehicles for the conservative scenario in Portugal based on Plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEV) Evolution of heavy electric vehicles for the conservative scenario regarding Plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEV) in 2030, 2040 and 2050 in Portugal. Unit of measurement: Units Evolution of heavy electric vehicles for the conservative scenario in Portugal based on battery electric vehicle (BEV) passenger Evolution of heavy electric vehicles for the conservative scenario regarding battery electric vehicle (BEV) passenger in 2030, 2040 and 2050. Unit of measurement: % Evolution of heavy electric vehicles for the conservative scenario in Portugal based on battery electric vehicle (BEV)duty Evolution of light electric vehicles for the conservative scenario regarding battery electric vehicle (BEV)duty in 2030, 2040 and 2050 in Portugal. Unit of measurement: units Evolution of heavy electric vehicles for the progressive scenario in Portugal based on fleet penetration Evolution of heavy electric vehicles for the progressive scenario regarding fleet penetration in 2030, 2040 and 2050. Unit of measurement: % Evolution of heavy electric vehicles for the progressive scenario in Portugal based on Plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEV) Evolution of heavy electric vehicles for the progressive scenario regarding Plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEV) in 2030, 2040 and 2050. Unit of measurement: Units Evolution of heavy electric vehicles for the progressive scenario in Portugal based on battery electric vehicle (BEV) passenger Evolution of heavy electric vehicles for the progressive scenario regarding battery electric vehicle (BEV) passenger in 2030, 2040 and 2050. Unit of measurement: % Evolution of heavy electric vehicles for the progressive scenario in Portugal based on battery electric vehicle (BEV)duty Evolution of light electric vehicles for the progressive scenario regarding battery electric vehicle (BEV)duty in 2030, 2040 and 2050 in Portugal. Unit of measurement: units Evolution of heavy electric vehicles for the disruptive scenario in Portugal based on fleet penetration Evolution of heavy electric vehicles for the disruptive scenario regarding fleet penetration in 2030, 2040 and 2050. Unit of measurement: % Evolution of heavy electric vehicles for the disruptive scenario in Portugal based on Plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEV) Evolution of heavy electric vehicles for the disruptive scenario regarding Plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEV) in 2030, 2040 and 2050. Unit of measurement: Units Evolution of heavy electric vehicles for the disruptive scenario in Portugal based on battery electric vehicle (BEV) passenger Evolution of heavy electric vehicles for the disruptive scenario regarding battery electric vehicle (BEV) passenger in 2030, 2040 and 2050. Unit of measurement: % Evolution of heavy electric vehicles for the disruptive scenario in Portugal based on battery electric vehicle (BEV)duty Evolution of heavy electric vehicles for the disruptive scenario regarding battery electric vehicle (BEV)duty in 2030, 2040 and 2050. Unit of measurement: units Evolution of light electric vehicles in the Azores (Sao Miguel island) for a base and optimistic scenario in Portugal based on fleet penetration Evolution of heavy electric vehicles for a base and optimistic scenario regarding fleet penetration in 2030, 2040 and 2050. Unit of measurement: % Evolution of light electric vehicles in the Azores (Sao Miguel island) for a base and optimistic scenario in Portugal based on Plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEV) Evolution of heavy electric vehicles for a base and optimistic scenario regarding Plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEV)in 2030, 2040 and 2050. Unit of measurement: units Evolution of light electric vehicles in the Azores (Sao Miguel island) for a base and optimistic scenario in Portugal based on battery electric vehicle (BEV)duty Evolution of heavy electric vehicles for a base and optimistic scenario regarding battery electric vehicle (BEV)duty in 2030, 2040 and 2050. Unit of measurement: units Evolution of charging points for the conservative scenario in Portugal- fast charging Evolution in number of fast charging points for the conservative scenario in 2030, 2040 and 2050. Unit of measurement: units Evolution of charging points for the conservative scenario in Portugal- slow charging Evolution in number of slow charging points for the conservative scenario in 2030, 2040 and 2050. Unit of measurement: units Evolution of charging points for the progressive scenario in Portugal- fast charging Evolution in number of fast charging points for the progressive scenario in 2030, 2040 and 2050. Unit of measurement: units Evolution of charging points for the progressive scenario in Portugal- slow charging Evolution in number of slow charging points for the progressive scenario in 2030, 2040 and 2050. Unit of measurement: units Evolution of charging points for the disruptive scenario in Portugal- fast charging Evolution in number of fast charging points for the disruptive scenario in 2030, 2040 and 2050. Unit of measurement: units Evolution of charging points for the disruptive scenario in Portugal- slow charging Evolution in number of slow charging points for the disruptive scenario in 2030, 2040 and 2050. Unit of measurement: units Evolution of charging outlets for the base scenario in São Miguel Island (Portugal) – fast charging Evolution in number of fast charger station for the base scenario in São Miguel Island in 2030, 2040 and 2050. Unit of measurement: units Evolution of charging outlets for the base scenario in São Miguel Island (Portugal) – slow charging Evolution in number of slow charger station for the base scenario in São Miguel Island in 2030, 2040 and 2050. Unit of measurement: units Evolution of charging outlets for the optimistic scenario in São Miguel Island (Portugal) – fast charging Evolution in number of charging outlets for the optimistic scenario for fast charging in São Miguel Island in 2030, 2040 and 2050. Unit of measurement: units Evolution of charging outlets for the optimistic scenario in São Miguel Island (Portugal) – slow charging Evolution in number of charging outlets for the optimistic scenario for slow charging in São Miguel Island in 2030, 2040 and 2050. Unit of measurement: units Average distance travelled by each type of electric vehicle in km based on conservative scenario of light passenger car in Portugal – Battery electric vehicle (BEV) Average distance travelled by each type of electric vehicle in km regarding conservative scenario of light passenger cars for battery electric vehicle (BEV) in 2020, 2030, 2040 and 2050. Unit of measurement: Km Average distance travelled by each type of electric vehicle in km based on progressive and disruptive scenario of light passenger car in Portugal – Battery electric vehicle (BEV) Average distance travelled by each type of electric vehicle in km regarding progressive and disruptive scenario of light passenger cars for battery electric vehicle (BEV) in 2020, 2030, 2040 and 2050. Unit of measurement: Km Average distance travelled by each type of electric vehicle in km based on conservative scenario of light passenger car in Portugal – plug-in electric vehicle (PHEV) Average distance travelled by each type of electric vehicle in km regarding conservative scenario of light passenger cars for plug-in electric vehicle (PHEV)in 2020, 2030, 2040 and 2050. Unit of measurement: Km. Average distance travelled by each type of electric vehicle in km based on progressive and disruptive scenario of light passenger car in Portugal – plug-in electric vehicle (PHEV) Average distance travelled by each type of electric vehicle in km regarding progressive and disruptive scenario of light passenger cars for plug-in electric vehicle (PHEV) in 2020, 2030, 2040 and 2050. Units of measurement: Km Average distance travelled by each type of electric vehicle in km based on conservative and progressive and disruptive scenarios of heavy passenger car in Portugal – Battery electric vehicle (BEV) Average distance travelled by each type of electric vehicle in km regarding conservative, progressive and disruptive scenarios of heavy passenger cars for battery electric vehicle (BEV) in 2020, 2030, 2040 and 2050. Unit of measurement: Km Average distance travelled by each type of electric vehicle in km based on progressive and conservative and disruptive scenarios of heavy duty car in Portugal – Battery electric vehicle (BEV) Average distance travelled by each type of electric vehicle in km regarding progressive and conservative and disruptive scenarios of heavy duty car for battery electric vehicle (BEV) in 2020, 2030, 2040 and 2050. Unit of measurement: Km Electricity demand evolution required for electric mobility in Portugal based on the conservative scenario – energy demand Electricity demand evolution required for electric mobility in Portugal for the conservative scenario – energy demand, in 2030, 2040 and 2050. Unit of measurement: TWh Electricity demand evolution required for electric mobility in Portugal based on the progressive scenario – energy demand Electricity demand evolution required for electric mobility in Portugal for the progressive scenario – energy demand, in 2030, 2040 and 2050. Unit of measurement: TWh Electricity demand evolution required for electric mobility in Portugal based on the disruptive scenario – energy demand Electricity demand evolution required for electric mobility in Portugal for the disruptive scenario – energy demand, in 2030, 2040 and 2050. Unit of measurement: TWh 3-Geographic location of the data: Portugal 4-Methods description: Data were gathered from the literature review Source: 5-Data processing methods Data were collected from the literature, followed by tabulation and graphical representation 6-Treatment of missing values Using a mathematical method (extrapolation and interpolation) for data that could not be obtained in the literature 7-Analysis methods The scenarios were analysed based on conservative, progressive and disruptive perspective described below: Conservative scenario: This scenario represents an off-track course of action, that retains the essentials of the current economic structure and the existing policies. This is reflected in the resistance to adopting EVs and failing the electrification targets for 2035 when the new ICE vehicles ban will be imposed Progressive Scenario: This scenario features the ambitious goals established by Plano Nacional de Energia e Clima (PNEC) 2030, in which socio-economic evolution is compatible with economic neutrality which leads to the development of new technologies without disruptive changes in the population’s routine Disruptive Scenario: From an electricity distribution and supply point of view, this is the most demanding scenario. The aggressive adoption of electric vehicles by the population, even after 2030, imposes a structural and transversal change in production chains and technologies **************************************** 11- DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR SPREADSHEET EV_MKT_GR **************************************** 1-Source data: International Energy Agency (IEA) 2-VARIABLES AND DESCRIPTION: Evolution of BEV and PHEV Stock in Greece – Battery electric vehicle (BEV) Historical data of electric vehicle market stock for battery electric vehicle (BEV) in Greece from 2013-2021. Unit of measurement: Units Evolution of BEV and PHEV Stock in Greece – plug-in electric vehicle (PHEV) Historical data of electric vehicle market stock for plug-in electric vehicle (PEV) in Greece from 2013-2021. Unit of measurement: Units Evolution of charging point in Greece – Publicly available slow Evolution of publicly available slow charging point in Greece from 2018-2021. Unit of measurement: Units Evolution of charging point in Greece – Publicly available fast Evolution of publicly available fast charging point in Greece from 2018-2021. Unit of measurement: Units 3-Geographic location of the data: Greece Methods description: Data were gathered from the literature review Source: 5-Data processing methods Data were collected from the literature, followed by tabulation and graphical representation 6-Treatment of missing values None 7-Analysis methods None **************************************** 12- DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR SPREADSHEET EV_GR_Scenario **************************************** 1- Source data: International Energy Agency (IEA) 2-VARIABLES AND DESCRIPTION: Percentage of new BEVs and PHEVs registration in Greece until 2035 based on scenario 1 National Energy and Climate Plan (NECP)– Battery electric vehicle (BEV) Evolution of percentage in new battery electric vehicle (BEV) registration based on Energy and Climate Plan (NECP)in 2020, 2025, 2030 and 2035. Unit of measurement: % Percentage of new BEVs and PHEVs registration in Greece until 2035 based on scenario 1 National Energy and Climate Plan (NECP)– plug-in electric vehicle (PHEV) Evolution of percentage in new plug-in electric vehicle (PHEV)registration based on Energy and Climate Plan (NECP)in 2020, 2025, 2030 and 2035. Unit of measurement: % Percentage of new BEVs and PHEVs registration in Greece until 2035 based on scenario 2 2030 ban uptake – Battery electric vehicle (BEV) Evolution of percentage in new battery electric vehicle (BEV) registration based 2030 on ban uptake scenario for 2020, 2025, 2030 and 2035. Unit of measurement: % Percentage of new BEVs and PHEVs registration in Greece until 2035 based on scenario 2 2030 ban uptake – plug-in electric vehicle (PHEV) Evolution of percentage in new plug-in electric vehicle (PHEV) registration based on 2030 ban uptake scenario for 2020, 2025, 2030 and 2035. Unit of measurement: % Percentage of new BEVs and PHEVs registration in Greece until 2035 based on scenario 3 C-curve uptake– Battery electric vehicle (BEV) Evolution of percentage in new battery electric vehicle (BEV) registration based on C-curve uptake scenario for 2020, 2025, 2030 and 2035. Unit of measurement: % Percentage of new BEVs and PHEVs registration in Greece until 2035 based on scenario 3 C-curve uptake – plug-in electric vehicle (PHEV) Evolution of percentage in new plug-in electric vehicle registration based on C-curve uptake scenario for 2020, 2025, 2030 and 2035. Unit of measurement: % Percentage of new BEVs and PHEVs registration in Greece until 2035 based on scenario 4 S-curve uptake – battery electric vehicle (BEV) Evolution of percentage in new battery electric vehicle (BEV)registration based on S-curve uptake scenario for 2020, 2025, 2030 and 2035. Unit of measurement: % Percentage of new BEVs and PHEVs registration in Greece until 2035 based on scenario 4 S-curve uptake – plug-in electric vehicle (PHEV) Evolution of percentage in new plug-in electric vehicle (PHEV)registration based on S-curve uptake scenario from 2020-2035. Unit of measurement: % Project number of public charging points in Greece by type - slow charging (<7.5 Kw) Projected number of slow charging (<7.5 KW) for 2020, for National Energy and Climate Plan (NECP) scenario 1 for 2025 and 2030, and for 2030 ban scenario 2 for 2025 and 2030. Unit of measurement: units Project number of public charging points in Greece by type- slow charging (22 KW) Projected number of slow charging (22 KW) for 2020, for National Energy and Climate Plan (NECP) scenario 1 for 2025 and 2030, and for 2030 ban scenario 2 for 2025 and 2030. Unit of measurements: units Project number of public charging points in Greece by type - fast charging (50 KW) Projected number of fast charging (50 KW) for 2020, for National Energy and Climate Plan (NECP) scenario 1 for 2025 and 2030, and for 2030 ban scenario 2 for 2025 and 2030. Unit of measurements: units Project number of public charging points in Greece by type - ultra-fast charging (>150 kW) Projected number of fast charging (>150 KW) for 2020, for National Energy and Climate Plan (NECP) scenario 1 for 2025 and 2030, and for 2030 ban scenario 2 for 2025 and 2030. Unit of measurements: units Project number of public charging points in Greece by type - total Projected number of total charging points for 2020, for National Energy and Climate Plan (NECP) scenario 1 for 2025 and 2030, and for 2030 ban scenario 2 for 2025 and 2030. Unit of measurements: units 3-Geographic location of the data: Greece Methods description: Data were gathered from the literature Source: 4-Data processing methods Data were collected from the literature, afterwards tabulation and graphical representation 5-Treatment of missing values The electricity demand for EVs in Greece is not available in the literature, and it was obtained from the assumptions based on the number of vehicles, the average driven kilometres (45Km/day), and 5 km/kwh energy consumption. 6-Analysis methods The uptake scenarios for Greece were obtained taking in account official policy decisions and/or market evolution projections corresponding projections of the Joint Assistance in Supporting Projects in European Regions (JASPERS) and the European Investment Bank (EIB) along with the Greek Authorities (Ministry of Environment and Energy) and were produced by Cenex Consultancy Services Limited