Published February 28, 2017 | Version 1.0
Project deliverable Open

H2020 692819 SIMPATICO - D3.2 Basic Methods and Tools for User Interaction Automation

  • 1. HI Iberia Ingeniería y Proyectos


This document is the deliverable “D3.2 – Basic methods and tools for user interaction automation”
of the European project “SIMPATICO - SIMplifying the interaction with Public Administration Through
Information technology for Citizens and cOmpanies” (hereinafter also referred to as “SIMPATICO”,
project reference: 692819).

SIMPATICO addresses a strategic challenge towards the innovation and modernization of the public
sector: the need to offer a more efficient and more effective experience to companies and citizens in
their daily interaction with Public Administration (PA) by (i) offering a personalized delivery of PA
online services; (ii) enabling a better comprehension of the complex processes and documents
(forms, regulations, etc.) behind these services; (iii) engaging them to improve the administration
processes and services. SIMPATICO's goal is to improve the experience of citizens and companies in
their daily interactions with the public administration by providing a personalized delivery of e-
services based on advanced cognitive system technologies and by promoting an active engagement
of people for the continuous improvement of the interaction with these services.

This document deliverable reports the work undertaken in SIMPATICO for WP3 (“Front-end
interaction and enrichment”) in the course of the project period spanning from month 6 to month
12. In this period, the first version of the SIMPATICO components for interaction automation were
designed, implemented and preliminarily integrated. The key results are the interaction data model
for the SIMPATICO platform and a summary of the developments of each of the components
developed in WP3 (Interaction Front-End, Interaction Log, Session Feedback, Data Analysis and
Enrichment Engine). All of the prototypes are described and their interfaces and future plans for
SIMPATICO outlined.

The current document is formally part of the work undertaken in the process of the tasks T3.2
(“Interactive front-end”), T3.3 (“Data/log analysis”) and T3.4 (“Enrichment engine”). However, slight
changes and revisions of the work undertaken in task T3.1 (“Modelling of interactions”) during the
period M6-M12 has been incorporated into this deliverable.



Additional details


European Commission
SIMPATICO – SIMplifying the interaction with Public Administration Through Information technology for Citizens and cOmpanies 692819