Published November 3, 2016 | Version 3.0
Project deliverable Open

WhoLoDancE: Deliverable 2.4 - Trimmed linear database of curated data sequences

  • 1. Motek


The motion capture sessions done in Amsterdam in May and July 2016, yielded a database consisting of more than 6000 files. The recordings of motion capture were based on the movement principals agreed on by the partners.
A shortlist of curated data sequences was created for the purpose of benchmarking the motion capture blending engine in development.
The selected data sequences are representations of the 4 dance genres that have been captured and are selected based on several guidelines to assist in the development and implementation within the blending engine.



Files (586.4 kB)

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European Commission
WhoLoDancE – Whole-Body Interaction Learning for Dance Education 688865