[ { "job": { "label": "Job Details", "value": { "jobpk": { "label": "Job ID", "value": "49,916", "description": "Job Identifier", "type": "integer" }, "created_at": { "label": "Created at", "value": "2022-02-21T12:21:11.712Z", "description": "Date job was created", "type": "decimal" }, "fullname": { "label": "User Name", "value": "Wanda Gerding", "description": "Full name of user who launched job", "type": "string" }, "operationname": { "label": "Job type", "value": "Copy Molecules", "description": "The type of operation performed", "type": "string" }, "access": { "label": "Access Version", "value": "1.7", "description": "Bionano Access Version", "type": "string" }, "solve": { "label": "Solve Version", "value": "Solve3.7_10192021_74_1", "description": "Bionano Solve Version", "type": "string" }, "rescale": { "label": "Compute On Demand Version", "value": "Solve3.7_10192021_74_1", "description": "Version of pipeline for Compute On Demand", "type": "string" }, "objectalias": { "label": "Job Name", "value": "07_2021_Haematooncology_mixed_20_07_2021, 6KMK3LWNPOFVVNWU, F3P1, 2021-7-21 12:57:16", "description": "Alias for Job", "type": "string" }, "name": { "label": "Project Name", "value": "Biochemie Mueller_Gallego", "description": "Name of the project", "type": "string" }, "projectkey": { "label": "Project Key", "value": "Cell lines", "description": "Project Identifier", "type": "string" }, "samplename": { "label": "Sample Name", "value": "S21-7E", "description": "Name of the sample", "type": "string" }, "sampleuid": { "label": "Sample UID", "value": "c6d62de4-9310-11ec-9f91-3cfdfe7ef3b0", "description": "System generated global unique identifier", "type": "string" }, "chiprunuid": { "label": "Chip Run UID", "value": "3c40be99-0142-479e-a35b-aade010a2465", "description": "Chip Run Identifier", "type": "string" }, "instrument": { "label": "Instrument", "value": "SAPHYR_G32", "description": "Instrument that ran chip", "type": "string" }, "operator": { "label": "Operator", "value": "MHG_student", "description": "Person who loaded chip", "type": "string" }, "serialnumber": { "label": "Chip Serial Number", "value": "6KMK3LWNPOFVVNWU", "description": "Chip serial number", "type": "string" }, "lotnumber": { "label": "Chip Lot Number", "value": "14,175", "description": "Chip Lot Number", "type": "string" }, "partnumber": { "label": "Chip Part Number", "value": "20,366", "description": "Chip Part Number", "type": "string" }, "reference": { "label": "Reference", "value": "hg19_DLE1_0kb_0labels.cmap", "description": "Name of the reference genome this sample was aligned to", "type": "string" }, "location": { "label": "Flowcell Index", "value": "3", "description": "The flowcell on the chip where the sample was placed.", "type": "integer" }, "population_index": { "label": "Population Index", "value": "1", "description": "The index of the molecule set within the flowcell.", "type": "integer" } }, "type": "section" }, "mqr": { "label": "MQR Report Details", "value": { "ref_length": { "label": "Reference Length", "description": "Total length of reference sequence", "units": "bp", "orderPriority": 3, "value": "3,095,677,412 bp", "type": "integer" }, "mol_n_50_ge_20kb": { "label": "N50 (>= 20 kbp)", "description": "N50 of the molecules that are 20kbp or longer)", "units": "kbp", "orderPriority": 7, "value": "252 kbp", "type": "integer" }, "mol_n_50": { "label": "N50 (>= 150kbp)", "description": "N50 of DNA molecules that are 150kbp or longer", "units": "kbp", "orderPriority": 9, "value": "314.63 kbp", "type": "decimal" }, "quantity": { "label": "Total DNA (>= 150kbp)", "description": "Total amount of DNA from molecules that are 150kbp or longer", "units": "Gbp", "orderPriority": 10, "value": "1,535.5 Gbp", "type": "decimal" }, "map_rate": { "label": "Map rate", "description": "Percentage of molecules that are 150kbp or longer mapped to the reference", "units": "%", "orderPriority": 13, "value": "89.2 %", "type": "decimal" }, "avg_label_density": { "label": "Average label density (>= 150kbp)", "description": "Average number of labels per 100 kbp for the molecules that are 150kbp or longer", "units": "/100kbp", "orderPriority": 15, "value": "15.03 /100kbp", "type": "decimal" }, "bpp": { "label": "Base pairs per pixel", "description": "Calculated base pairs per pixel in the alignment by comparing molecules to the reference.", "value": "484.35", "type": "decimal" }, "scaling_sd": { "label": "Scaling SD", "description": "Linear term in sizing error relative to reference", "value": "0.0026", "type": "decimal" }, "relative_sd": { "label": "Relative SD", "description": "Quadratic term in sizing error relative to reference", "value": "0.014", "type": "decimal" }, "sf": { "label": "Site SD", "description": "Constant term in sizing error relative to reference", "value": "0.14", "type": "decimal" }, "sr": { "label": "Relative SD", "description": "Quadratic term in sizing error relative to reference", "value": "0.014", "type": "decimal" }, "fp_rate": { "label": "Positive label variance (PLV)", "description": "Percentage of labels absent in reference", "value": "3.27", "type": "decimal" }, "fn_rate": { "label": "Negative label variance (NLV)", "description": "Percentage of reference labels absent in molecules", "value": "11.22", "type": "decimal" } }, "type": "section" } } ]