Section summary Report includes data for individual core sections: coring/drilling depths and recovery, database identifiers for the whole section and section halves, and number of samples taken from the section before and after splitting. Data File format Exp: expedition number Site: site number Hole: hole number Core: core number Type: type indicates the coring tool used to recover the core. Common types are F, H, R, X. Core types 1-9 indicate intervals drilled without coring. Sect: section number Recovered length (m): length of section as measured on the catwalk. Curated length (m): final length determined by curator. Top depth CSF-A (m): depth below seafloor is calculated as follows: for Section 1 in every core, top depth is the same value as the top depth of the core. For subsequent sections, top depth is equal to the bottom depth of the previous section. Bottom depth CSF-A (m): depth below seafloor calculated from Top depth and Curated length. Top depth CSF-B (m): top depth presented. Bottom depth CSF-B (m): bottom depth presented. Text ID of section: automatically generated unique database identifier for the section. Text ID of archive half: automatically generated unique database identifier for the archive (A) half of the section, visible on printed labels. Text ID of working half: automatically generated unique database identifier for the working (W) half of the section, visible on printed labels. Catwalk samples (no.): number of samples taken from the section before it was split (includes gas and whole round samples). Section half samples (no.): number of samples taken at the sampling table after sections are split. Comments: curatorial notes about the section.