Reflectance spectroscopy and colorimetry (RSC) Color reflectance data were measured on section halves using an integration sphere and a UV-VIS spectrophotometer mounted on the Section Half Multisensor Logger (SHMSL). Spectral counts are recorded in the range of 380 to 700 nm, covering the visible spectrum, and binned in ~2 nm bins. Spectral data are reduced from spectra and recorded in tristimulus XYZ values, CieLAB L*a*b* values, and other units. Data File format Exp: expedition number Site: site number Hole: hole number Core: core number Type: type indicates the coring tool used to recover the core (typical types are F, H, R, X). Sect: section number A/W: archive (A) or working (W) section half. Offset (cm): position of the observation made, measured relative to the top of the section. Depth CSF-A (m): location of the upper edge of the sample image expressed relative to the top of the hole. Depth [other] (m): location of the observation expressed relative to the top of a hole. The location is presented in a scale selected by the science party or the report user. Reflectance L*: lightness of the sample expressed in the CIELAB color space. Reflectance a*: position of the color on the red/green axis in the CIELAB color space. Reflectance b*: position of the color on the yellow/blue axis in the CIELAB color space. Tristimulus X: x-component of the color in the CIELAB tristimulus color space. Tristimulus Y: y-component of the color in the CIELAB tristimulus color space. Tristimulus Z: z-component of the color in the CIELAB tristimulus color space. Raw percent reflectance filename: ASCII file with unnormalized spectral data. Percent reflectance filename: percent reflectance spectral filename. White background correction filename: White background correction filename. Dark background correction filename: Dark background correction filename. Configuration filename: color reflectance configuration file. Timestamp (UTC): point in time at which an observation or set of observations were made. Instrument: an abbreviation or mnemonic for the spectrophotometric sensing device used to make this observation (OOUSB4000V). Instrument group: abbreviation or mnemonic for the data collection device (logger) used to acquire this observation (SHMSL). Text ID: automatically generated unique database identifier for a sample, visible on printed labels. Test No: unique number associated with the instrument measurement steps that produced these data. Sample comments: observations recorded about the sample itself. Test comments: observations about a measurement or the measurement process; some measurement observations may be under Result comments. Result comments: observations about a measurement or the measurement process; some measurement observations may be under Test comments.