Published September 20, 2023 | Version v1
Conference paper Open

A Computer Vision-Based Long-term Monitoring Framework for Biobased Materials


In this paper, we describe an automated remote monitoring system to uncover the impact of environmental phenomena on 3D printed bio-polymers behaviour and lifespan. The novel fully automated in-service framework allows for long-term monitoring with a wide range of wired and optical sensors and to correlate and analyse the gathered data. A focus is set on non-invasive measurements with Computer Vision technology. Here we introduce a computational image pipeline that allows for automated analysis and feedback on monitored bio-composite samples and assemblies. The framework is easily deployable, cloud-based, and accessible remotely. We evaluate the function and reliability of the framework in two design cases indoors and outdoors and gather insight for future practice with bio-based materials on both design and in-service levels.


Tamke - 2023 - A Computer Vision-Based Long-term Monitoring Frame.pdf

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ECO-METABOLISTIC-ARC – An Eco-Metabolistic Framework for Sustainable Architecture 101019693
European Commission

