Putzeysia diversii sp. nov.

urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act: 6184825A-5A82-44BA-891F-5E40A0E43B7C

Fig. 3A–C


Shell turbiniform made of at least 4 whorls; suture deep; whorls slightly convex, sculpture cancellate, made of 20–24 opisthocyrt axial ribs per whorl, crossed by 4–5 spirals, intersections tuberculate; basal margin rounded-angular, marked by spiral cord; base weakly sculptured, at least two spiral cords near umbilical slit; aperture nearly circular.


The new taxon is dedicated to the amateur paleontologist Mauro Diversi (1964–2021) who provided over the years many important samples to the ‘Museo Civico di Scienze Naturali’ of Faenza, including specimens from the Calcari a Lucina deposits discussed in previous papers by the authors.

Material examined


ITALY – Emilia-Romagna • Ca’ Piantè; MSF 1079 (H = 3.3 mm).

Other material

ITALY – Tuscany • 3 specs; Ca’ Cavalmagra; MSF 1300 (H = 3.2 mm), MSF 1301 [2 specs].


Putzeysia diversii sp. nov. differs from the type species Putzeysia clathrata by having much less convex whorl flanks, a less incised suture, and more pronounced sculpture on the base (Reitano et al. 2022). A specimen from uppermost Miocene (Messinian) deep-water strata in Spain identified as Putzeysia cf. clathrata (see Barrier et al. 1991: fig. 4.2) differs notably from Putzeysia diversii by its much stronger ornament, consisting of only two strong spiral cords per whorl and the axial ribs being more oblique; the ornament is also very strong on the base, in contrast to Putzeysia diversii.

Putzeysia diversii sp. nov. differs from the extant Putzeysia rickyi Reitano & Scuderi, 2021, from Sicily mainly by a slightly lower spire, straighter whorl flanks, and the much weaker ornamentation on the base (Reitano & Scuderi 2021). Even more similar is the Early Pleistocene to Recent Putzeysia wiseri (Calcara, 1842), also from the Mediterranean Sea, and fossil in southern Italy, which has a spire of similar height, but the whorls are more convex and it has a sculptured base (Guidastri et al. 1984; Reitano & Scuderi 2021). The same applies to two extant species of Putzeysia from the Canary Islands (Engl & Rolán 2009). Putzeysia wiseri is common at mud volcanoes, and carbonate and coral mounds in the deep Gulf of Cadiz (Génio et al. 2013). The Middle Miocene (upper Langhian) Putzeysia diversii appears to be the earliest fossil record of the genus, previously known from the Messinian (uppermost Miocene) of Spain (Barrier et al. 1991).

Stratigraphic and geographic range

Middle to Upper Miocene (upper Langhian to upper Tortonian), northern Italy.