#!/usr/bin/perl -w #MicroC_analysis_pipeline_Part2 use strict; use Cwd; #use Data::Dumper; use Getopt::Long; use Pod::Usage; use File::Basename; use lib dirname (__FILE__); use MCC; =head1 NAME MicroC-analysis_pipeline_part2.pl =cut # Specifications my $sleep_time =10; # Default parameters stored in %para hash my %param; my $input_file="MicroC_config.txt"; MCC::default_parameters(\%param); # Strings my $path = getcwd; my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(); my $uniq_id = "M$min$sec"; my $help=0; my $man=0; # Arrays my @files; # The GetOptions from the command line &GetOptions ( "i=s"=>\ $param{"input_file"}, "p=s"=>\ $path, "q"=>\ $param{"qsub"}, "pf=s"=>\ $param{"public_folder"}, "pu=s"=>\ $param{"public_url"}, "genome=s"=>\ $param{"genome"}, "n=s"=>\ $param{"name"}, "b"=>\ $param{"bowtie"}, "sam"=>\ $param{"samtools"}, "m"=>\ $param{"MCCanal"}, "s"=>\ $param{"sort"}, "gzip"=>\ $param{"postgzip"}, "hub"=>\ $param{"track_hub"}, 'h|help'=>\$help, 'man'=>\$man, ); pod2usage(1) if $help; pod2usage(-verbose=>2) if $man; # Pulls in the MicroC_analysis file and puts the data into a hash / array of the files load_config_file("$input_file", \%param, \@files); # Makes a subdirectory in the public folder $param{"public_folder_expt"} = $param{"public_folder"}."/".$param{"reference"}; if (-d $param{"public_folder_expt"}){} else {mkdir $param{"public_folder_expt"}}; # Opens the directory created by the first part of the pipe and pulls in the file names opendir DIR, $path or die "cannot open dir $path: $!"; @files= readdir DIR; closedir DIR; chdir $path; my $target = ''; if (exists ($param{"single_target"})){$target = $param{"single_target"}} MCC::print_parameters(\%param); # Loops through all the files in the directory and prints the commands into a temporary file foreach my $file (@files) { if ($file =~ /(.*$target.*).fastq/) { my $filename=$1; print "Analysing file $filename\n"; open TMP, ">align_tmp.sh" or die "Couldn't open input file tmp.sh"; print TMP "#!/bin/bash #SBATCH -p em #SBATCH -t 2-00:00:00 #SBATCH -o out.txt #SBATCH -n 12 #SBATCH -N 1 #SBATCH --mail-type END # Script started at $hour:$min:$sec $mday/$mon/$year # Filename $filename\n"; MCC::output_parameters(\%param, \*TMP); # Compress the files if ($param{"postgunzip"} =~ /^[Yy1]/) { if (-e "$filename.fastq.gz"){print TMP "gunzip $filename.fastq.gz\n"} } # Run bowtie2 if ($param{"bowtie"} =~ /^[Yy1]/) { print TMP " module load bowtie2/ test -e $filename.fastq && bowtie2 -p 1 -X 1000 -x $param{'bowtie_genome_path'} $filename.fastq -S $filename.sam || exit 0\n"; print TMP 'if wait; then echo "Bowtie on'.$filename.'fastq completed successfully">>log.txt;fi'."\n"; } # Converts to bam back to sam if it has previously been compressed if ($param{"bamtosam"} =~ /^[Yy1]/) { print TMP "samtools view -h $filename.bam > $filename.sam\n"; print TMP 'if wait; then echo "BAM to SAM on'.$filename.' completed successfully">>log.txt;fi'."\n"; } # Convert from sam to bam for visualising and trouble shooting if ($param{"samtools"} =~ /^[Yy1]/) { print TMP "samtools view -S -b -o $filename.bam $filename.sam samtools sort $filename.bam -o $filename.sorted.bam samtools index $filename.sorted.bam"; print TMP 'if wait; then echo "SAM to BAM on'.$filename.' completed">>log.txt;fi'."\n"; print TMP "cp $filename.sorted.bam $param{'public_folder_expt'} cp $filename.sorted.bam.bai $param{'public_folder_expt'} echo track type=bam name=\"$filename\" bigDataUrl=$param{'public_url'}$param{'public_folder_expt'}/$filename.sorted.bam >> UCSC.txt\n"; print TMP 'if wait; then echo "BAMs on'.$filename.' copied and sorted completed successfully">>log.txt;fi'."\n"; } elsif ($param{"samtobam"} =~ /^[Yy1]/) print TMP "samtools view -S -b -o $filename.bam $filename.sam samtools sort $filename.bam -o $filename.sorted.bam\n"; print TMP 'if wait; then echo "SAM to BAM on'.$filename.' completed successfully">>log.txt;fi'."\n"; } # Sort sam file if ($param{"sort"} =~ /^[Yy1]/) { print TMP "module load samtools/1.9 test -e $filename.sam && samtools sort -n -o $filename\_sort.sam $filename.sam || exit 0 mv $filename\_sort.sam $filename.sam\n"; print TMP 'if wait; then echo "Sort on'.$filename.' completed successfully">>log.txt;fi'."\n"; } # Runs the analyser.pl script to pulls out the junctions. This is available for download at Oxford University Software Store if ($param{"MCCanal"} =~ /^[Yy1]/) { print TMP "test -e $filename.sam && perl $param{'master_folder'}/analyser.pl -f $filename.sam -pf $param{'public_folder_expt'} -bf $param{'bigwig_folder'} -genome $param{'genome'} -o $param{'oligo_file'} || exit 0\n"; print TMP 'if wait; then echo "analyser.pl on'.$filename.' completed successfully">>log.txt;fi'."\n"; } # Compress the files afterwards if ($param{"postgzip"} =~ /^[Yy1]/) { if (-e "$filename.fastq"){print TMP "gzip $filename.fastq\n"} if ((-e "$filename.sam") and (-e "$filename.bam")){print TMP "rm $filename.sam\n"} elsif (-e "$filename.sam"){print TMP "samtools view -S -b -o $filename.bam $filename.sam\n"} print TMP 'if wait; then echo "Gzip / samtobam on '.$filename.' completed successfully">>log.txt;fi'."\n"; } # To analyse with macs2 if ($param{"macs2"} =~ /^[Yy1]/) { if (-d "$path/macs2"){} else {mkdir "$path/macs2"}; print TMP "module load macs2 test -e $filename.bam && macs2 callpeak -t $filename.bam -f BAM -g1.87e9 --nomodel --extsize 100 -n $filename --outdir $path/macs2 || exit 0\n"; print TMP 'if wait; then echo "MACS2 on'.$filename.' completed successfully">>log.txt;fi'."\n"; } # To analyse with macs2 if ($param{"macs2junction"} =~ /^[Yy1]/) { if (-d "$path/macs2_junction"){} else {mkdir "$path/macs2_junction"}; print TMP "module load macs2 test -e $filename\_junction.bam && macs2 callpeak -t $filename\_junction.bam -f BAM -g1.87e9 --nomodel --extsize 100 -n $filename\_junction --outdir $path/macs2 || exit 0\n"; print TMP 'if wait; then echo "MACS2 junction on'.$filename.' completed successfully">>log.txt;fi'."\n"; } if ($param{"double_norm"} =~ /^[Yy1]/) { if ((-e "$filename\_de_norm_rep.wig") and (exists($param{"normalisation_dhs_bed"}))){print TMP "perl /user/normaliser.pl $filename\_de_norm_rep.wig $param{'normalisation_dhs_bed'}\n"} } close TMP; # To submit to the Sun Grid Engine if ($param{"qsub"} =~ /^[Yy1]/) { # Sun grid engine #system ("qsub -cwd -o qsub.out -e qsub.err -N $uniq_id < ./align_tmp.sh"); # For Slurm system ("chmod 755 align_tmp.sh sbatch -o sb.out -e sb.err -J $uniq_id align_tmp.sh"); system ('cat align_tmp.sh >> tmplog.txt echo " ######################################################################################### ">>tmplog.txt') } } } if ($param{"track_hub"} =~ /^[Yy1]/) { # Waits until the qstat commands have finished my $flag=0; until($flag==1) { my $qstat = `squeue -u user`; #print "$uniq_id\t $qstat\n"; if ($qstat !~ /.*$uniq_id*/){$flag=1; last} else {sleep $sleep_time;} } # To make the track hub print "Making track hub....\n"; opendir DIR, $path or die "cannot open dir $path: $!"; @files= readdir DIR; closedir DIR; # Allows the parameters to be specified in the input file my %colours; if (-e $param{"colour_file"}) { open FH, $param{"colour_file"} or die "Couldn't open input file".$param{"colour_file"}; while (my $line = ) { chomp $line; my ($chr, $start, $end, $name, $score, $dot, $start2, $end2, $colour) = split /\t/, $line; if ($colour =~/\d++,\d++,\d++/){$colours{$name}=$colour} else {print "colour file error $line\n"} } } #print Dumper (\%colours); exit; open UCSC, ">>UCSC.txt" or die "Couldn't open input file UCSC.txt"; print UCSC "$param{'public_url'}$param{'public_folder_expt'}/$param{'name'}_hub.txt\n"; close UCSC; open HUB, ">/user/$param{'name'}_hub.txt" or die "couldn't make hub.txt file"; print HUB "hub $param{'name'} shortLabel $param{'name'} longLabel $param{'name'} genomesFile $param{'name'}_genomes.txt email $param{'email'}"; close HUB; open GENOMES, ">/user/$param{'name'}_genomes.txt" or die "Couldn't open input file genomes.txt"; print GENOMES "genome $param{'genome'} trackDb $param{'name'}_tracks.txt"; close GENOMES; open TRACKS, ">/user/$param{'name'}_tracks.txt" or die "Couldn't open input file tracks.txt"; my $colour; my $i=0; foreach my $file (@files) { if ($file =~ /(.*).wig/) { my $file_short=$1; my $filesize = -s $file; if ($filesize >1000) { $colour = colour_find($file_short, \%colours, $i); print TRACKS "track $file_short type bigWig longLabel $file_short shortLabel $file_short bigDataUrl visibility hide autoScale off viewLimits 0:100 priority 200 color $colour alwaysZero on " } else {print "This didnt work"} } } } # This searches the %colour_hash to see if a colour has been specified for the target. If it hasn't it returns a colour from the array sub colour_find { my ($file, $colour_hash, $i) = @_; my @colours =("19,0,24", "194,0,11", "52,153,128", "255,128,0", "130,2,126", "0,160,198", "83,42,133", "135,54,0", "11,83,69", "27,38,49"); foreach my $target (keys %$colour_hash) { if ($file =~ /.*$target.*/){return $$colour_hash{$target}} } return $colours[$i] } sub load_config_file { my ($config_file, $param, $files) = @_; open (FH, $config_file) or die "Couldn't open input file $config_file"; while (my $line = ) { chomp $line; if ($line =~ /^#/){} elsif ($line =~ /^\s*$/){} elsif (($line =~ /^perl/) or ($line =~ /^exit/)){} elsif (($line =~ /(.*)\s*=\s*(.*)/) or ($line =~ /(.*)\s*=\s*(.*)\s*#.*/)) { if ($1 eq "file"){push @$files, $2} else{$$param{$1}=$2} } else {print "line of input file not read: $line\n"} } }