Thomsen, HelgeØstergaard, Jette B.2014Figs 3–9 in Coccolithophorids in Polar Waters: Calciarcus spp. Revisited10.5281/zenodo.10371118Figs 3–9. Calciarcus alaskensis aff. TEM whole mounts from West Greenland (Arctic Station, Univ. Cph.). 3 – complete cell showing flagella and haptonema; 4 – anterior cell end of the organism shown in Fig. 3; 5 – high magnification of a single coccolith from the cell shown in Fig. 8. Notice that the struts of the superstructure are only slightly longer than the radius of the base plate; 6 – detail of coccoliths (same cell as depicted in Figs 3, 4) showing the unmineralized rimmed base plate and the 3-strutted pyramidal superstructure. The individual crystallite is partly dissolved; 7 – periplast comprising fairly robust coccoliths in which the superstructure arches high above the base plate centre ; 8 – low magnification of partly complete cell . A single coccolith from the periplast is shown at higher magnification in Fig . 5; 9 – detail of coccoliths from the periplast shown at low magnification in Fig. 7. The crystallites are well preserved. Notice (arrow) that each superstructure terminates in a blunt spine (an irregular cluster of crystallites).