1. Figure 1 is plotted with the script "wpsdomain_small.ncl". 2. With the script "feite_24hrain_CMORPH_stations-37times.ncl",and station file "10071300_stations.txt",rain data "rainctlCMORPHwithaws_1-37.dat" , by using the script "rain_timeseries-obs-sim.ncl",Figure 2a is plotted. 3. By using the best track data "fitowtracksdata.txt" and the script "WRF_track_3hourly_Bergeron.ncl",FIgure 2b-d can be obtained. 4.Figure 4 can be obtained through the data and scripts as follows: RMSE of dew point temperature can be plotted with the data file "RMSE_Dew.dat"and the script "Dewbar.ncl"; RMSE of temperature can be plotted with the data file "RMSE_Temp.dat"and the script "Tempbar.ncl"; RMSE of water vapor mixi ratio can be plotted with the data file "RMSE_Qvapor.dat"and the script "Qvaporbar.ncl"; RMSE of hourly rainfall can be plotted with the data file "RMSEofRainfall.dat"and the script "RMSEofRainfall.ncl"; RMSE of slp can be plotted with the data file "RMSEofSlp.dat"and the script "RMSEofSlp.ncl"; RMSE of maximum wind speed can be plotted with the data file "RMSEofMaxWind.dat"and the script "RMSEofMaxWind.ncl"; 5.Figure 4 can be obtained through "Q_total.xls" and "Qcmc_total.xls" 6.Figure 5 can be obtained through the script "Ttendprofile_diffinheat.ncl" and the wrfout data. 7.Figure 6 can be obtained through "rainparting_Qxprofilewithrevp_withoutinterp.ncl" and the wrfout data. 8.Figure8a-d is radar reflevtivities,radar reflectivity of ShenMH can be obtained through "wrf_CrossSection-Qg-Diabatic_terrain4-ShenMH.ncl", it is the same for ShenMM. By changing the wrfout data path in the "wrf_CrossSection-Qg-Diabatic_terrain4-ShenMH.ncl" to those of ZengMM or ZengMH, radar reflectivities from ZengMM or ZengMH scheme can be obtained. 9. Figure 7 and Figure8e-h can be obtained through the wrfout data and the scripts "wrf_CrossSection-Qg-Diabaticat4km_terrain4-ShenMM.ncl","wrf_CrossSection-Qg-Diabaticat4km_terrain4-ShenMH.ncl"£¬¡°¡±¡°wrf_CrossSection-Qg-Diabaticat4km_terrain4-ZengMM.ncl¡±and "wrf_CrossSection-Qg-Diabaticat4km_terrain4-ZengMH.ncl" in the transection file.