(FIGS 1A, 2F, 3A–I, 4A–D, 48)

Hemirrhagus chilango Pérez-Miles & Locht, 2003: 367, figs 1–6 (D ♂).

Type material: Holotype ♂ LAAH, MEXICO: Pedregal de San Ángel, México DF 15.xi.1977, col. A. Zaldivar. Examined. Female unknown.

Additional material examined: 1 juvenile LAE, MEXICO: Pedregal de San Ángel, México DF 13.ix.1985, no col. name; 1 ♂ CNAN 3470, MEXICO: Ciudad Universitaria, México DF x.2002, no col. name; 1 ♂ CNAN 3485, MEXICO: Pedregal de San Ángel, México DF 27.vii.2002, no col. name; 1 ♂ CNAN 4253, MEXICO: Bosque del Ajusco, México DF 20.viii.2012, col. F. Torres; 1 ♂ CNAN 4252, MEXICO: IBUNAM Ciudad Universitaria, México DF 13.ix.2012, col. J. Cruz.

Emended diagnosis: The following character combination is diagnostic for H. chilango. Male palpal bulb with slender embolus similar in length to tegulum, SA ends at embolus base (Fig. 4A, D); VG deep (Fig. 4B). Embolus strongly curved retrolaterally on distal half (Fig. 4C, D). Pap reduced with one slender spinose seta ventrally that does not exceed the apex of Pap; Rap is narrow with one large spinose seta on dorsal face, the spinose seta exceeds the apex of Rap (Fig. 3G, I). Metatarsus I almost straight (Fig. 3H). Ocular tubercle and eyes normally developed, periocular pigmentation complete (Fig. 3A, D). Labial cuspules are highly variable in number, ranging from 16–38 (Fig. 3B, E). Urticating setae arranged in two lateral, oval patches, black in colour, with well-defined margins (Fig. 3C, F).

Hemirrhagus chilango differs from most Hemirrhagus species in having the urticating setae arranged in two lateral patches. It differs from H. perezmilesi by having the tibial apophyses well developed. Differs from H. valdezi sp. nov. by oval patches of urticating setae with well-defined margins rather than diffuse, and metatarsus I straight rather than curved.

Distribution and natural history: Known only from Mexico City (Fig. 48); inhabits shrubland and pine forest (Fig. 2F).