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Published December 4, 2023 | Version 2.0.0
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IPBES TCA Chapter 4. Review of literature on unsustainable consumption and production patterns and individual habits and practices / IPBES transformative change assessment (4.4)


The review corresponds to the IPBES transformative change assessment. The IPBES Scoping document for the transformative change assessment describes that chapter 4 should address challenges that include inertia, including personal (e.g., habits and mind sets), sociocultural (e.g., norms) and systemic (e.g., market failures, rules, institutions, global monitoring and enforcement). The chapter provides evidence on unsustainable production and consumption patterns and individual habits and practices as challenges to transformative change. In this context, a review of literature focused on this challenge was conducted and is further described below as feeding into section 4.2.4.



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