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Published December 4, 2023 | Version 2.0.0
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IPBES TCA Chapter 4. Review of literature on power imbalances and inequalities / IPBES transformative change assessment (4.2)


The review corresponds to the IPBES transformative change assessment. The IPBES scoping document for the transformative change assessment describes that chapter 4 should address a wide range of challenges and obstacles that impede transformative change toward a sustainable world for nature and people, with a focus on strategies to overcome them in order to advance global, regional and local visions for a sustainable world for nature and people. The chapter provides evidence on political, social and economic inequalities, among and within countries. In this context, a review of literature focused on power imbalances and inequalities was conducted and is further described below.

The goal of the review was to "test" some major statements and arguments from the chapter's first draft, with a focus on those related to political economy to feed into section 4.2.2 and 4.2.3. By doing so, the hope was also to begin to assess confidence in these arguments. Statements include: "Neoliberal (re)structuring of state policies, including liberalization and austerity, limits transformative change for biodiversity restoration and conservation" and "Corporate power and lobbying limits transformative change".



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