IPBES TCA Chapter 3. Review of knowledge on theories and frameworks of transformative change / IPBES transformative change assessment (3.1)
- Lam, David (Project leader)
- Mansur, Andressa (Project leader)
- Sabinot, Catherine (Project leader)
- Aksoy, Zühre (Project leader)
- Horcea-Milcu, Andra-Ioana (Project leader)
Stokland, Håkon B.
(Project leader)
- Woroniecki, Stephen (Project leader)
- Linnér, Björn-Ola (Project leader)
Garibaldi, Lucas
(Project leader)
- Biggs, Oonsie (Project leader)
- Bennett, Elena (Project leader)
Calderón-Contreras, Rafael
(Project leader)
Nishi, Maiko
(Project leader)1
- 1. United Nations University Institute of the Advanced Study of Sustainability (UNU-IAS)
Data curator:
The review corresponds to the IPBES transformative change assessment. The IPBES scoping document for the transformative change assessment describes that chapter 3 should address how transformative change occurs, focusing on those changes that can be intentionally promoted, accelerated, and scaled to realize a sustainable world where biodiversity can thrive. The chapter provides evidence on theories and frameworks for understanding deliberate, or emergent transformative change. In this context, a review of knowledge focused on theories and frameworks of transformative change was conducted and is further described below.