Physarum straminipes Lister, J. Bot.
- 1. Universidad Tecnologica del Peru, Tacna y Arica 160, 04001 Arequipa, Peru & ifrant 01 @ gmail. com, https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 2406 - 7862
- 2. Universidad Tecnologica del Peru, Tacna y Arica 160, 04001 Arequipa, Peru & Real Jardín Botánico, CSIC, Plaza de Murillo 2, 28014 Madrid, Spain & ivangarciacunchillos @ gmail. com, https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 5830 - 7529
- 3. Universidad Tecnologica del Peru, Tacna y Arica 160, 04001 Arequipa, Peru & Real Jardín Botánico, CSIC, Plaza de Murillo 2, 28014 Madrid, Spain & dwbasanta @ gmail. com, https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 7700 - 8399
- 4. Universidad Tecnologica del Peru, Tacna y Arica 160, 04001 Arequipa, Peru & Real Jardín Botánico, CSIC, Plaza de Murillo 2, 28014 Madrid, Spain & Universidad Tecnologica del Peru, Tacna y Arica 160, 04001 Arequipa, Peru & lado @ rjb. csic. es, https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 6135 - 2873 * Corresponding Author & Universidad Tecnologica del Peru, Tacna y Arica 160, 04001 Arequipa, Peru
150. Physarum straminipes Lister, J. Bot. 36: 163 (1898)
Specimens examined. PERU. Ancash: Asunción, Chacas, Jambón, route AN-107, km 84, 3077 m, 9º09′13”S, 77º22′59”W, 10 May 2018, leaves of Cortaderia jubata, Lado 26194 (MA-Fungi 97001). Bolognesi, trail to Pampam town, Aynin bridge, route PE-3N, km 459, 3089 m, 10º07′30”S, 77º09′28”W, 20 May 2014, leaf of Agave americana, Lado 23659 (MA-Fungi 95336). Huallanca, Huallanca, route PE-3N, km 393, 3695 m, 9°52′33”S, 76°57′37”W, 16 May 2018, debris of Puya sp. (mc, 3 Jan 2020, pH 6.25), Treviño Myx 655 (HSP). Huaraz, Cajamarquilla, 4233 m, 9º40′24.5”S, 77º41′46.0”W, 22 Apr 2013, leaves of Puya raimondii, Lado 23085 (MA-Fungi 95247). Olleros, bridge, pedestrian trail near Bedoya bridge, route PE-3N, km 561, 3296 m, 9º40′06”S, 77º38′49”W, 24 May 2014, leaves of Agave americana, Lado 23906 (MA-Fungi 95556). Huari, Succha, route PE-14A towards Huantar, 3 km at the junction of route AN- 110, 3064 m, 9º27′01”S, 77º11′03”W, 13 May 2018, woody debris of Eucalyptus globulus, Lado 26504 (MA-Fungi 97286). Ayacucho: Cangallo, Paras, route PE-28A, km 259, Niñobamba, 3902 m, 13º20′27”S, 74º34′11”W, 19 Apr 2017, bark of Polylepis sp., Lado 24827b (MA-Fungi 96032). Huancavelica: Tayacaja, Acraquia, route PE-3SD, km 30, 6 km northeast of Pampas, 3608 m, 12º22′40”S, 74º54′27”W, 26 Apr 2017, twigs, Lado 25283 (MA-Fungi 96442). Junin: Jauja, Parco, route PE-3S, km 63, Puente Mal Paso, 3392 m, 11º47′03”S, 75º34′12”W, 29 Apr 2017, leaves of Puya ferruginea, Lado 25592a (MA-Fungi 96744, USM).
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Additional details
- Event date
- 2013-04-22 , 2017-04-19 , 2017-04-26 , 2017-04-29
- Family
- Physaraceae
- Genus
- Physarum
- Kingdom
- Protozoa
- Order
- Physarales
- Phylum
- Mycetozoa
- Scientific name authorship
- Lister, J. Bot.
- Species
- straminipes
- Taxon rank
- species
- Verbatim event date
- 2013-04-22/2020-01-03 , 2017-04-19 , 2017-04-26 , 2017-04-29