Celebarches nigritor nov. sp.

(Figs 13A–D)

Holotype. (♀) Malaysia: SW Sabah, nr. Long Pa Sia (East), 25.xi.–7.xii.1987, c. 1000 m, Mal. trap 5, C. van Achterberg, RMNH´87 (Leiden).

Etymology. The species name refers to the mainly black coloration.

Description. ♀. Body length 13 mm.

Head. Flagellum with 40 flagellomeres, very long and slender; 1 st flagellomere 4.6 × longer than wide; all flagellomeres much longer than wide. Head covered with dense grey setae. Temple rather long, moderately and roundly narrowed behind eye (fig. 13B). OED 1.4 × and OOD 0.3 × ocellar diameter. Frons rather densely punctate, ± dull. Face punctate, centrally with some longitudinal striae. Clypeus large, punctate, almost flat, but ± impressed around anterior tentorial grooves; apical margin sharp, slightly bulging medially (fig. 13A). Mandible sickle-shaped, ventral tooth absent. Malar space 0.5 × as long as width of mandibular base. Gena densely punctate. Genal carina reaching mandibular base.

Mesosoma. Covered with dense setae. Side of pronotum punctate dorsally, with some coarse striae at posterior margin. Notaulus strongly impressed in frontal 1/4 of mesoscutum, with some transverse ribs. Mesoscutum densely punctate, ± dull. Sternaulus strongly impressed in frontal half of mesopleuron. Mesopleuron with coarse longitudinal striae in dorsal 2/3, coarsely rugose ventrally, speculum finely punctate. Metapleuron densely rugose-punctate; juxtacoxal carina present. Scutellum strongly elevated (as in Eccoptosage Kriechbaumer), about as long as wide, densely rugose-punctate, lateral carina strong and slightly lamelliform widened apically. Propodeum completely carinated, with strong tooth-like apophysis (fig. 13C); spiracle slit-shaped. Area basalis wider than long. Area superomedia hexagonal, as long as wide; costula reaching its middle. Hind coxa with fine dense punctures, without scopa. Legs slender. Hind femur 5.1 × longer than wide. Claws simple.Areolet almost quadrangular, frontal distance between veins 2rs-m and 3rs-m 1.0 × their diameter. Vein 1cu-a slightly antefurcal by 1 × its width.

Metasoma. Strongly amblypygous, slender. Postpetiole slightly widened, without latero-median carina; median field not separated, with sparse fine punctures; lateral field with larger dense punctures (fig. 13D). 2 nd tergite about as long as wide. Gastrocoelus not impressed. Thyridium very small, 0.2 × as wide as the interval between thyridia (fig. 13D). 2 nd and 3 rd tergites finely and densely rugose-punctate, dull; following tergites with superficial punctures, ± shining. Ovipositor sheath slightly extending behind metasomal apex.

Colour. Black with weak metallic shine. Ivory are dorsal stripes on flagellomeres 9–12/13, palps, tips of apophysis, small apical spot of 5 th tergite and wide apical bands of 6 th and 7 th tergites, apical 0.2 of hind metatarsus and all following hind tarsomeres. Frontal orbit with small reddish-yellow spot. Mandible reddish medially. Legs black; fore and mid legs ± brownish frontally. Wings slightly infuscate; pterostigma black.

♂ unknown.

Distribution. Only known from Borneo.