Benyllus celebicus bonthainensis Heinrich, 1934

Material. Indonesia: SW Sulawesi, Gn. Bulusaraung, nr. Camba, Malawa, Mal. trap 2, 2 ♂♂ 7.ii.–28.iii.1995, Mal. trap 3, c 750 m, 1 ♀ 6 ♂♂ 7.ii.–28.iii.1991, leg. C. van Achterberg & Y. Yasir (Leiden)

Remarks. ♀. Body length 12 mm. Flagellum with 39 flagellomeres, moderately lanceolate; 1 st flagellomeres 3.8 × longer than wide, 12 th flagellomere square, widest flagellomere 1.4 × wider than long. OED 1.0 × and OOD 1.2 × ocellar diameter. Hind femur 4.4 × longer than wide. Areolet pentagonal, distance between veins 2rs-m and 3rs-m 2.0 × their width; vein 2m-cu reaching areolet distad its middle. Vein 1cu-a slightly antefurcal by 1.0 × its width. Postpetiole and 2 nd tergite densely and finely punctate; 2 nd tergite 1.0 × as long as wide. Gastrocoelus very small; thyridium indistinct. Colour red; mesoscutum blackish. Flagellum black, flagellomeres 5–16 with ivory dorsal stripes. Side of clypeus, facial and frontal orbits, gena, upper margin of pronotum, subtegular ridge, stripe on prescutellar ridge yellow.

♂. Smaller, body length 7–9 mm. Flagellum with 31–32 flagellomeres. Tyloids on flagellomeres 11–14/16, oval, maximally 0.5 × as long as their flagellomeres. Hind femur 4.5 × longer than wide. Colour as in ♀, but ivory stripes on flagellomeres 8–15, and additionally frontal margin of pronotum, face ± and ventral stripe on mesopleuron ivory.

Distribution. Only known from Sulawesi.