Published December 1, 2023 | Version v1
Poster Open

Tracking the decay of the accretion outburst in the massive protostar NGC6334I-MM1B

  • 1. ROR icon National Radio Astronomy Observatory
  • 2. ROR icon Center for Astrophysics Harvard & Smithsonian
  • 3. ROR icon University of Virginia
  • 4. ROR icon Hartebeesthoek Radio Astronomy Observatory
  • 5. ROR icon Open University of Tanzania


We will present the latest multi-epoch continuum and line observations with ALMA and VLA of the extraordinary outburst in the massive protostar NGC6334I-MM1B.  In January 2015, ten maser transitions of methanol, water, and hydroxyl flared almost simultaneously, including the first appearance of 6.7GHz methanol masers toward this object in 3 decades of observations.   The maser emission has declined over the past few years, but the 6.7 GHz maser appears to be restabilizing in the latest single dish light curves.    Multi-epoch ALMA observations show that the millimeter continuum emission has also dropped somewhat, but remains at an elevated state corresponding to a higher protostellar luminosity than before the outburst.  We compare the decay profile to the latest hydrodynamic simulations of accretion outbursts in massive protostars.



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  • MacLeod, G. C., et al., 2018, MNRAS 478, 1077
  • Hunter, T. R., et al., 2021, ApJL 912, 17
  • Hunter, T. R., et al., 2017, ApJL 837, 29