Title: Readme.txt
This file contains the bibliographical information about the texts in the Romankorpus Frühneuhochdeutsch (Roko.UP), a corpus published by the DFG project Wortstellung und Diskursstruktur in der Frühen Neuzeit. For the texts that have been (newly) transcribed in the context of this corpus, the transcription notes are made available here. At the end of the file, one finds the general transcription and annotation notes.

File_name: "Pontus.txt"
Short_title: "Pontus_und_Sidonia"
Title: "Pontus und Sidonia. Tandareis und Flordibel"
Date: "2nd half 15th c."
Type_of_manuscript: "Handwriting"
Word_count: 78109
Bibliographical_notes: "
Transcribed from
München, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek
BSB Cgm 577
ij is transcribed as y
Absent illustrated capitalizations are inserted as capital letters.
Superscribed roman numerals are transcribed following the rest of the numeral.
1rb, wolle<n>t, wollet
6vb, <>, groß (crossed-out)
16ra, <jungffrauw>, jungffrauwes
16va, <jůng>, subscribed in different handwriting
17ra, <glauben>, glau
20rb, <>, vorware (crossed-out)
29rb, <>, ver (crossed-out)
29va, <zu ihm>, zuzim
31vb, <>, myn hertze (doubling)
37ra, <dacht>, dach
37va, <> mich (doubling)
37va, <zu uerliben mit>, subscription
40ra, <>, hilt (crossed-out)
41ra, <herrusser>, herrwsser, 
46vb, <vnd>, vns
47rb, <>, na (crossed-out),
48vb, <spieler>, spieher
56vb, <> pontus (doubling)
62ra, <gejaget>, jegaget
62va, <keine>, keime
69rb, <>,  nit (crossed-out)
69vb, <>, her (crossed-out)
70vb, <tantoris>, tantorls
71rb, <den>, n is written over an r by the same hand
71vb, <>, werlt (crossed-out)
72b, <Jne>, J is written over an y by the same hand
76va, <>, fel (crossed-out)
77ra, <>, reynen (crossed-out)
78rb, <>, p (crossed-out)
80va, <>, vnd (crossed-out)
85vb, <bruloff>, burolff
87ra, <>, kame (crossed-out)
90rb, <>, gnedich (crossed-out)
90vb, <hetten>, hettern, 
101vb, <mustu>, mostu
103vb, <>, weren (doubling)
107vb, <wie>, mit
108rb, <Jnn>, J is written over an y by the same hand
110ra, <>, herr pontus (crossed-out)
114rb, <>, er (crossed-out)
118va, <> wol (doubling)
129va, <> mit (doubling)

File_name: "Melusine.txt"
Short_title: "Melusine"
Title: "DAs abenteürlich bůch beweÿset vns von einer frawen genandt Melusina die do ein merfaÿm vnd darzů ein geborne künigin vnd auß dem berg Awalon kommen ist der selb berg leýt in franckreÿch."
Date: 1474
Type_of_manuscript: "Print"
Word_count: 40218
Bibliographical_notes: "Müller, Jan-Dirk (ed.). 1990. Romane des 15. und 16. Jahrhunderts. Nach den Erstdrucken mit sämtlichen Holzschnitten, 9-176.Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp Verlag.
Transcribed from München BSB, Inc. c.a. 295,
Augsburg: Johann Bämler
Thüring von Ringoltingen"

File_name: "Tristan.txt"
Short_title: "Tristrant_und_Isalde"
Title: "Tristrant und Isalde: Historia Tristan"
Date: 1484
Type_of_manuscript: "Print"
Word_count: 53175
"Transcribed from Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin - Preußischer Kulturbesitz, 
8 Inc 138
Augsburg: Anton Sorg
Transcription_notes: ""

File_name: "Wilhelm.txt"
Short_title: "Wilhelm_von_Österreich"
Title: "Historie von Herzog Leopold und seinem Sohn Wilhelm von Österreich"
Date: 1481
Type_of_manuscript: "Print"
Word_count: 40033
"Transcribed from BSB Bayerische Staatsbibliothek/MDZ Münchener Digitalisierungszentrum Digitale Bibliothek
2 Inc c.c. 1067
BSB-lnk H-307 - GW 12843,
Augsburg: Anthonius Sorg

"Corrected printing errors
25r, 18 <>, sp (crossed-out)
47v, 2 <kein>, ekin
56v, 1 <genannt>, genatnn"

File_name: "Fortunatus.txt"
Short_title: "Fortunatus"
Date: 1509
Type_of_manuscript: "Print"
Word_count: 55328
Bibliographical_notes: "
Müller, Jan-Dirk (ed.). 1990. Romane des 15. und 16. Jahrhunderts. Nach den Erstdrucken mit sämtlichen Holzschnitten, 383-586.Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp Verlag.
Transcribed from
München BSB, Rar. 480
Augsburg: Johannßen Heybler Appotegker"

File_name: "HugeSchappler.txt"
Short_title: "Huge_Schappler"
Date: 1500
Type_of_manuscript: "Print"
Word_count: 39502
Bibliographical_notes: "Müller, Jan-Dirk (ed.). 1990. Romane des 15. und 16. Jahrhunderts. Nach den Erstdrucken mit sämtlichen Holzschnitten, 177-339.Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp Verlag
Transcribed from 
München, 2 Inc. c.a. 3896.
Straßburg: Hans Grüningern
Elisabeth von Nassau-Saarbrücken"

File_name: "Magelone.txt"
Short_title: "Die_schöne_Magelone"
Title: "Die scho:en Magelona"
Date: 1535
Type_of_manuscript: "Print"
Word_count: 23750
Bibliographical_notes: "Müller, Jan-Dirk (ed.). 1990. Romane des 15. und 16. Jahrhunderts. Nach den Erstdrucken mit sämtlichen Holzschnitten, 587–678. Frankfurt am Main: Deutscher Klassiker Verlag.
Transcribed from 
Augsburg SSB, Rar. 66 (vorm.: 4 LD 259),
complemented by 
Deutsche Staatsbibliothek Berlin (East), Yu 2411 R., 
Augsburg: Heinrich Steyner
Prologue by Georg Spalatin
Veit Warbeck"

File_name: "Wigalois.txt"
Short_title: "Wigalois_vom_Rade"
Title: "Ein gar schone liepliche und kurtzweilige History Von dem Edelen herren Wigoleis vom Rade. Ein Ritter von der Tafel ronde. Mit seinen schönen hystorien vnd figuren/ Wie er geborn/ vnnd sein leben von seiner jugent an Biß an sein ende gefürt vnnd vollbracht hat."
Date: 1519
Type_of_manuscript: "Print"
Word_count: 24717
Bibliographical_notes: "
Transcribed from Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, 
Straßburg: Johannes Knoblauch
Transcription_notes: "
B_iia, creat<u>r, creatnr
B_via, iunckfra<u>wen, iunckfranwen,
B_via, a<u>ff, anff
B_via, rise<n>, riseu
C_iiib, <v>nd, wnd
C_iiiib, bezw<u>ngenlich, bezwnngenlich
D_iiia, verheng<n>üß, verhenguüß
E_iiia#, sch<on>, schm 
H_iiia, vn<u>olkommen, vnnolkommen
I_iiia, <w>aiolars, baiolars
I_iiiib, s<u>nderheit, snnderheit
I_iiiib, ri<t>ters, rirters
J_ib, Wi<g>oleys, Wipoleys
J_ib, creat<u>r, creatnr
J_iiiib, li<gtt>, littg
K_iia, beyde<n>, beydeu
K_iib, h<u>ndert, hnndert
K_iiiia, Dar<u>mb, Darnmb
Note: page H_v in the transcription and manuscript refers to what should be I_i; the numbering I_i is missing.
double page number K_ii in the manuscript is kept in the transcription"

File_name: "Esel.txt"
Short_title: "Der_Goldene_Esel"
Title: "Ain Schoen Lieblich, auch kurtzweylig gedichte Lucij Apuleij von ainem gulden Esel..."
Date: 1538
Type_of_manuscript: "Print"
Word_count: 67557
Bibliographical_notes: "
Transcribed from Universitätsbibliothek Freiburg,
i. Br., D 5455 
Augsburg: Augustae Vindel.: Weissenhorn 1538
Johan Sieder
Transcription notes: "
ij and ÿ are transcribed as ij
ẅ is transcribed as w.
LVIIb, <würde>, wnrde"

Deviations from the original manuscript are marked with angle brackets (<>). The deviations are bracketed to facilitate searches with regular expressions. The transcriptions contain no insertions of missing words.
Missing nasal consonants represented by a nasal bar are written out.
Missing <r> represented by diacritics are written out.
The syllable -us, represented by an abbreviation mark, is written out.
Et cetera represented by an abbreviation is transcribed as etc.
Word-internal capitalization is not transcribed; other capitalization replicated as systematically as possible.
All umlauts that are clearly represented with umlaut dots are transcribed accordingly.
Diacritics with a superscript o (<ů>) are transcribed as such.
Diacritics with a superscript e are represented with a colon between the umlauted vowel and the superscript e (<u:e>).
Virgules are removed in most texts.
Hyphens indicating a line break within a word are removed."

"Each file in the corpus is clause-separated, meaning that each new finite clause starts on a new line. In case of a center-embedded clause, the embedded clause starts at a new line, and the matrix clause is represented on two lines.

Vocatives, interjections (e.g., Auwe), connective adverbs (e.g., dann) that are considered to be clause external are kept on the same line as the following clause, except when it is a segment of direct speech and the following clause is not.

Page numbers are represented between two hashtags in each file (e.g., #100#). In case of page breaks within words, the page number is presented directly before or after these words to avoid word breaks.