README Two data files containing the compiled and filtered activities of 1. citrate synthase (CS) and 2. lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) measured from four tissues (heart, intestine, muscle, liver) Three R scripts for statistical analysis (linear mixed models) of the processed data. Note: Raw data are in a separate repository, only compiled activities shown in this repository. ***** DATA DESCRIPTION ***** Columns in the data files Compiled_CS_data.xlsx and Compiled_LDH_data.xlsx: "Fish_ID" = Fish ID on the tissue sample (shorter than PIT ID) "Enzyme" = CS or LDH "Tissue" = name of tissue "Enzyme_mean" = for each individual and tissue, the mean activity of the enzyme in umol/min across replicate reactions "Enzyme_mean_Umgprot" = Enzyme mean divided by the total protein concentration in the sample "prot_conc" = total protein concentration in the aliquot of the homogenate analysed for activity, different for each enzyme "PIT" = PIT tag ID of the individual "Weight_g" = Fish body mass in g at the time of sampling "Length_mm" = Fish body length in mm at the time of sampling "Date_sampling" = Date of sampling in dd.m.yy "Group" = Food availability treatment (high food or low food) (one family per tank per treatment) "Fam" = Family ID (confounded with rearing tank) "Call_vgll3" = Genotype of vgll3 locus, either E (homozygous for early maturation) or L (homozygous for late maturation alleles) "Call_six6" = Genotype of six6 locus, either E (homozygous for early maturation) or L (homozygous for late maturation alleles) "Sex" = Sex determined from DNA (Sdy genotype), F = female, M = male "SMR.abs.mlnd" = Standard metabolic rate of the individual in mg oxygen consumed per h (Prokkola et al. 2022) "SMR_resid" = Body mass-adjusted SMR of the individual , i.e., resid(lm(log(SMR.abs.mlnd) ~ log(weight_kg))) "MMR.abs" = Maximum metabolic rate of the individual in mg oxygen per h (Prokkola et al. 2022) "MMR_resid" = Body mass-adjusted MMR of the individual , i.e., resid(lm(log(MMR.abs) ~ log(weight_kg))) ***** SCRIPT DESCRIPTION ***** For models of SMR and MMR vs. enzyme activities, run Enzyme_MR_models_and_figures.R For models of overall changes across tissues and treatments, run Overall_models_CS_LDH.R For models of tissue-specific genotype effects on activities, run Genot_models_CS.R or Genot_models_LDH.R. NOTE that they produce outputs with similar names, so do not run them in the same R environment.