Mesophadnus spilopterus Cameron, 1907

Material. Malaysia, SW Sabah, nr. Long Pa Sia, Payakalaba, 1 ♀ 25.xi.–1.xii.1987, c 1010 m, Mal. trap 15, leg. C. van Achterberg (Leiden).

Remarks. Body length 18 mm. Flagellum with 46 flagellomeres, distinctly lanceolate; 1 st flagellomere 1.7 × longer than wide, widest flagellomere 2.2 × wider than long. Hind coxa densely punctate, without scopa, dorsally with distinct oblique striae. Hind femur 3.8 × longer than wide. 2 nd tergite about as long as wide. Gastrocoelus not impressed. Thyridium small, slightly oblique, 0.3 × as wide as the interval between thyridia. Otherwise as described by Heinrich (1980: 134–136).

Distribution. Known from India and Myanmar, new record for Borneo.